Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 81,826,882 Issue: 157 | 10th day of Gathering, Y6
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100 Ways to Tell if You're Addicted to the Neoboards
You sister played a trumpet in your ear, and you don't respond, because you're chatting.

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Finding Kourage: Part Two
Facing her classmates and her teacher were just out of the question. It was too disheartening and dismal to go back. She made up her mind. She wasn't going.

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The Nameless Warrior: Part Three
Something angry and defiant flickered within his heart, and resolutely he stood. No. He had run with the intention of finding safety, and he would find it. Daring death and Jhudora's eye, he cautiously made his way back, trying to stay inconspicuous, to his ship.

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Cup O Borovan
Not right now right now.

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Turn the Smile Upside Down!
Each day, the Rainbow Pool churns out so many Grey pets, so many Grey pets that don't know how to act like Grey pets.

by nincondemius

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