Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 81,826,882 Issue: 157 | 10th day of Gathering, Y6
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Great stories!


So You Want to be a Petpetsitter
How simple, go to someone's Neohome, eat all the food in their fridge and lounge on their comfy sofa. Oh and make sure that the petpets are well looked after. Sound easy? Think again.

by aakheperkare


Neopian Wackiness
New Job Wackiness

by cherv1


Birthday Banditry: Part Seven
"Why didn't you, I mean your boss, just send one pet to do the job?" the Shoyru inquired. "I was getting blueprints too, and I know that two pets would've been much riskier that one."

by apollo_lunar


Neopian Circumstances
You know it's a bad day, when..

by nefily


Daughter of a Star: Part Two
"Is that… no, it couldn't be… wait a minute," she gasped again, "is that Yes Boy Ice Cream?!"

by shadih_temporary

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