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Something is afoot in Tyrannia! You should probably log in or sign up to help figure things out.
In the middle of a dusty plain in Tyrannia, the Oracle waits in her mysterious obelisk. Battles may rage around her, but she is only interested in aiding the victor. Who will defeat all attackers and lay claim to the power of the obelisk?
She who waits for a sign must sit in the dark. She who puts a hand to the door and goes out will find herself in a well-lit place of friends.
Why wait to see who wins? It could be you! Choose your side and arm yourself; war is coming.
Order of the Red Erisim
Thieves Guild
Thieves Guild
The charming face of Neopia's criminal scene. Looking for your items? The Thieves Guild has already stolen them. And your socks.
The Sway
So enigmatic, they might be just a rumour... But to be safe, you should probably stop reading this now. Even the Meepits fear them.
Order of the Red Erisim
Magic is best studied by experts, like these folks, so stand back. You don't want to be on the wrong side of their experimental fireballs.
Brute Squad
The true strength of a warrior lies in his strength. These warriors know the value of old-fashioned smashing and whacking.
Wisest of scholars, this society has collected books on every subject in Neopia. Even King Hagan goes to them for research.
These foul creatures have awakened from their crypts. Beware, they are the sort of lunatics that cavort in public with lollies.