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Neopets Cometh

It seems like everybody's talking about the recent arrival of Neopets merchandise. If you've got a story to share, and would like to tell the rest of Neopia about your experience shopping for Neopets items, then drop us an email -

Here's some of the things that people are saying...

Dear Neopet workers,
Hello!!! Anyway, i just wanted to tell you that you have a really great line of stuff in limited too stores. I was in the mall today. I stopped in limited too because I like the bags and jewelry and I noticed that you were selling things in their stores. Since it was so cute and I had $50, I bought a charm bracelet and a necklace (they are SOOOOO cute!!!!) I was looking around for more, and i was just wondering if you have the shirts in the stores yet?

Thank you,

Hey Neopets team!
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm here in sunny Columbus Ohio and I have just returned from purchasing a whopping $50 worth of stuff from Limited Too! So the rumors are true, Neopets stuff has officially arrived in Columbus! :) :) Hope you guys get new plushies out soon! (I was thinking something along the lines of a Kougra...maybe a Lupe and a Shoyru...)

Good luck with sales!

"I recently went to Limited Too and purchased Neopets items, in fact I only went to Limited Too to only purchase Neopets items. I just wanted to say thank you for bringing Neopets a little closer to home. I can't order items online so it helps to be able to go out and buy it at the store. I hope you release more items, because very soon I will buy what I didn't get to the first time. I bought an Aisha charm bracelet, I wear it every where I go and when i'm not going anywhere. That's how much I love Neopets. Thank you again for making and sending the Neopets items everywhere. I look forward to what will be next." --Aerith79

Hi! I just like to tell you, that I bought some of your stuff at The Limited Too. Everything that I saw there was real nice quality, I was very impressed:) I bought an Aisha charm keychain and stickers. Anyways, I can't wait to see more stuff. It's cool to see kids and people looking at the stuff, "Oh look it's Aisha! That's Cybunny!"

Have you ever thought about making colouring books? Ooh, and stationary! I know a lot of people who'd love that! Well, great job guys!!! It's so amazing to see how far you've come! I remember back around the time when you first started, me thinking, "This is cool, but it won't go anywhere." Sorry, hee hee.


Hi ^_^

Normally I don't send emails to you guys (unless it's abuse reports from evil scammers) but I'm so high right now from this Limited Too thing I just had to send y'all something.

It's pretty funny how crazy I went over this. I had actually called the Limited Too near me at about 11am. The one I'm nearby is the one in the Westminster Mall. She said they probably weren't going to get the merchandise in until the 18th (she just started going on Neopets, too, by the way. She checked it out after hearing about it through her work. She's 20 like me and got me. lol).

So I got off the phone and later on I saw that thing in the news section about some stores having received merchandise. I immediately called that store again, lol. Sure enough they said they had just gotten a shipment but hadn't put it out yet. They said they'd pull it from the back if I came down.

I could have sworn I broke the sound barrier heading over there.

When I got to the mall I made a beeline for the store and they had just brought the box out. I started talking to the girl that was helping me pull the stuff out (I was literally opening the bags the plushies were packed in) and got her all interested in the site! Then there was this mom there and she started asking me about it and the other girl behind the counter started asking me about it! lol!!

I became "Neopets Salesperson Extraordinaire!" They were all hyped up about it by the time I was done! *cracks up* When I got back I of course had to immediately brag to the chat boards and got bombarded with questions. People asking me the price and so on. I like the price for them, too, you guys did a good job on that. It's not too expensive.

I also have gotten a few neomails about people asking if there were Kougra and Usul plushies. You guys might wanna make those next. They're the cutest neopets for plushie form and I know I'd be first in line to buy em, lol.

Anyhoo, I'm sitting here with my rare item code outside the grundo werehouse chanting "open. open. open" lol.

I hope this letter lets you know what a good idea it is for you guys to be selling this merchandise. The plushies especially.

Keep up the great work (like I have to tell you) ~_^

An overly obsessed neopian,