How to draw the Darkest Faerie : Printable Version

Start by drawing the Darkest Faerie's head. Lightly sketch in a pair of crossed lines where her face will be to serve as a guide for drawing her facial features.

Make a pair of small, curved lines connecting to the bottom of the Darkest Faerie's head to form her neck. Erase any extra lines you might have.

Add a pointed faerie ear to the side of her head. Then, using the guidelines you made earlier, draw the Darkest Faerie's eyes. Her right eye (the one on your left) should be smaller, because her head is slightly turned.

Make a line across each of her eyes for her long, dark eyelashes. Next, add circles inside each of the Darkest Faerie's eyes. Lastly, give her a small, delicate nose.

To give the Darkest Faerie her signature evil expression, draw downward-tilted eyebrows over each of her eyes. Also, add an angry-looking mouth; after all, she's on a quest for revenge. Then, sketch in a few lines to act as guides for her shoulders, arms, and spine.

Using the shoulder guideline as a starting point, draw the Darkest Faerie's chest and waist.

To make the Darkest Faerie's left upper arm (on your right), sketch a long, tube-like shape that connects to her left shoulder. The shape should be a bit tapered at the bottom. Her right upper arm is mostly hidden by her body, so just make a curved line for her shoulder and a small shape that looks like it's a little behind that side of her body.

It's now time to finish the Darkest Faerie's arms. For her left forearm (the one on your right), draw another long, tube-like shape that connects to her elbow. Her left arm is slightly bent, so make it at an angle. Her right arm (on your left) is very bent and a bit raised. To get the correct perspective, make a long, vertical, leaf-like shape that connects to her right elbow.

Draw two simple hand shapes connected to her wrists. Add some more small shapes to create her fingers and the thumb on her right hand (on your left).

Give some more detail to her hands by breaking the hand shapes into separate fingers. Her left hand (the one on your right) is resting on her hip, so be sure to make those fingers a bit curved.

Your Darkest Faerie needs some diabolical style while on her evil rampage across Neopia. Make a curving line across her chest for the neckline of her dress, add bat-like sleeves to her arms, and give her a fancy choker for a necklace.

Sketch in the Darkest Faerie's long, flowing hair by adding some lines that start at her head and curve around her body. Give her some fringe on either side of her face. Then, erase all of your extra lines.

It's now time to give your Darkest Faerie a pair of large wings. Remember, her left wing (on your right) is bent so that you can see both sides of it.

Add details to her wings, such as the intimidating wing claw on the top of each one. Erase your extra lines.

Make your Darkest Faerie drawing even more interesting by adding a pattern to her dress, a pupil to each of her eyes, and some texture to her hair and wings. Finally, finish off her elaborate pendant with some intricate details.

Is Neopia's most terrifying villain now staring up at you from the page? Give her some colour and shading using whatever you prefer - crayons, markers, or coloured pencils.