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The Chomby
Now you can draw Tyrannia's hungriest inhabitant, the Chomby. It's quite simple to draw as you will see :) Click here for a printable version.

Now add a little curviness to your Chomby's feet so they are less cylindrical. Also erase a small amount of the line at the top of your Chomby's left leg (this will make the chest look more life-like). Lastly draw a little line under the Chomby's mouth to form the chin.

The next step is to draw on your Chomby's spikes. They are slightly irregular shapes so it is easiest just to copy this image as closely as possible.

Erase a few lines where the spikes crossed the body so it looks as if the spikes are part of the Chomby. Then draw two semi-circular shapes for your Chomby's eyes. Add a curved line above each eye to form the eyebrow.