How to draw a Mynci: Printable Version

Begin by drawing a large circle for your Mynci's head. Then divide the head into quarters like so. Next draw a squarish shape coming from the bottom of your circle. This will form your Mynci's chest.

Draw two circular shapes, one of either side of the head, these will be the ears. The centre of the circle should be roughly on the line that goes across your Mynci's face. Next draw two circles to make your Mynci's feet, you should now have something similar to this picture.

Now draw on two curvy shapes for your Mynci's arms. These are quite tricky and its is best to just try to copy the shapes in this picture. Finally draw two lines from the underneath of your arms to your feet. This will be your Mynci's body.

This next bit is quite tricky. You need to draw a curved line on the left hand side of your Mynci's head. This line should come from the middle line and finish at the right ear. This line is adding the Mycni's cheeks and mouth area. Next add a very curly tail.

Now it is time to add a little detail. Draw a curved line in each of the top quarters of your Mynci's face. This forms the Mynci's widows peak shape where the face and body fur meet. Draw two lines just inside the chest shape running from chin to the bottom of the body.

Now clean up your drawing by erasing most of your guidelines, leave the guides on the face as they will be helpful when adding the eyes, nose and mouth. You should be left with something similar to this.

Draw on your Mynci's fingers, they are quite chubby little circular shapes and are quite easy to do if you use this picture as a guide.

Add a little circle for your Mynci's belly button and draw two semi-circular lines on the face for each eye. Now draw the nose. The nose is roughly circular with two curls that make up the nostrils. Finally add a little line for you Mynci's cheeky smile.

The last step is drawing on the eyes. Draw a slightly smaller triangular shape inside the curved lines you drew in the previous step. Then draw a semi-circular line to form the iris. In the centre of the iris draw a small circle for the pupil. Add a little bit of detail to each ear and two strands of hair on the top of the head. Lastly just darken up your Mynci's mouth and your Mynci is complete!

Add a splash of colour and your Mynci will look more lifelike.