Draw three circles, approximately the same size overlapping
each other as shown. These will become your Wocky's head and body.
Next add two triangle shapes on either side of the top circle. These
will form your Wocky's ears. Add your Wocky's collar by drawing a
line from the bottom of the top circle until half way down the middle
circle. Then connect this line back up to the upper circle on the other side.
Then draw four cylinder shapes under the lower circle to become your Wocky's
Now add your Wocky's tail. Draw a curvy line to one side of your
Wocky's body like so. Don't forget a triangle at he top for the very
tip of the tail. Now add a little detail inside each ear by drawing a slightly
smaller triangle shape.
Clean up your drawing by erasing all the extra lines. You should be left with
something like this.
Now make your Wocky look a little more furry by adding jagged outlines to the tail,
ears and collar. Add two semi-circular lines to each of the front paws
like so.
Now erase the smooth lines, leaving the furry outline around the collar, tail and ears.
Add two almost triangular shapes for the eyes. These should be roughly halfway up your
Wocky's face. Draw a small circle in the middle of your Wocky's face, this
will make the Wocky's button nose. Lastly add a cheeky smile like so.
Add a little more detail to your Wocky's face. Draw on eyebrows, pupils and
add another line to the smile. You can just draw a circle inside your eye shape
for the eye. Inside this draw a smaller black circle to create the pupil.
Now add a splash of colour to make your Wocky come alive. If you picture didn't turn out
right first time, try again. The Wocky is quite hard to draw, but it does get
much easier with practice.