How to draw Princess Amira : Printable Version

Start by drawing a wide, oval-like shape for Amira's head. Next, sketch a pair of crossed lines in the center of the head shape, which will help you to place her facial features later on. Add two pointy ears to the top of Amira's head, and then create her neck by drawing a pair of slightly curved lines on the bottom of her head.

Next, draw Amira's shoulders, chest, and arms. Her shoulders are a little hunched, and her arms should be crossed over her chest. Also, make a curved line that runs between her shoulders, just below her neck, to create the neckline of her dress.

Now, give Amira some long Aisha ears. Draw a slightly curved line across her forehead for her fringe, and then make a few long, flowing lines that start at her head to form her veil and hair.

Amira's face needs a bit of detail, so give her two almond-shaped eyes and a mouth. Remember that her right eye (the one on your left) will be smaller than the other, because her head is turned. Next, add some texture to her fringe. To finish her ears, draw another, smaller, pointy ear shape inside the ears that you drew in the first step. Finally, on Amira's longer set of ears, add some ornamentation by making a long tube and a small ring on each ear.

Draw some curving lines on Amira's shoulders and chest to create her dress. Then, divide her hands into separate fingers. Finally, add pairs of curved lines to her arms to make her cuff bracelets.

Above Amira's fringe, create the headband of her veil by drawing a pair of parallel lines. On the lower band, make a striped pattern. Add some more texture to the hair peeking out from under her veil, and make a few curving lines on the veil itself to indicate its flowing fabric. Draw a very short line between Amira's eyes for the bridge of her nose, while two curved lines in each eye will form her pupils. Then, draw a pair of arched eyebrows above her eyes to complete Amira's rather haughty expression.

Add five curved lines to Amira's neck to make her beautiful gold necklaces. Also, give her dress more detail by drawing trim along the neckline and making some graceful, flowing pieces of fabric that fall from her shoulders.

Draw a braided pattern and some stripes on her ear ornaments. Then, finish off her left ear (on your right side) by adding a leaf-like shape inside the end of it.

Make Amira's outfit even more rich and elaborate by drawing a series of tiny hoops along the edges of her ears, plus a ring on her left hand (your right). Next, give the trim of her cuffs a striped pattern. Finally, add some more texture to the right side of her hair, just above her right shoulder (on your left), and her veil.

Draw even more elaborate patterns on Amira's ear ornaments.

Erase all of your extra lines. Your drawing of the beautiful Sakhmetian princess is almost complete!

It's now time to add some colour and shading to make your drawing really shine. Use crayons, coloured pencils, markers, or a computer program to colour Amira in. Be sure to include some traditional Sakhmetian makeup around her eyes and rich patterns on her jewellery.