How to draw Brightvale Castle : Printable Version

Start by drawing a large rectangle with a smaller rectangle on top of it. These are the two main levels of the castle. Next, to make the many towers of Brightvale Castle, draw four long, vertical rectangles and two shorter, smaller ones. These rectangles should be almost perpendicular (at a right angle) to the first two rectangles you drew.

On each of the four larger tower rectangles, draw four small rectangles that intersect them. For the shorter towers, draw two small rectangles at the top of them. Finally, make a fanlike shape on each of the two top corners of the smaller horizontal rectangle you drew in the first step.

In the very top rectangles that you drew on the towers, make some rounded tower roofs. Then, give the walls' edges a ridged pattern.

Once you've erased your extra lines, give the building some more detail by adding a few lines to the rooftops, more ridges to the tops of the walls, and some decorative lines on the towers.

It's now time to decorate the castle! Brightvale is famous for its beautiful stained glass windows, so add many decorative windows to the towers and the main castle. Give the trim you made on the towers in the last step a fancy pattern. Also, draw a beautiful design around the castle door.

Finish drawing the sturdy castle door, and then give Brightvale Castle a moat. Finally, make Brightvale's flags fly from the tops of the four larger towers.

Erase any extra lines that might be left on your drawing.

Give your drawing some colour using anything you'd like, from crayons and coloured pencils to a computer program.

To make the castle look super realistic and three-dimensional, add some shadows under the roofs and balconies, as well as along the towers' sides. Don't forget to colour in the flags!

Since you added shadows in the last step, it's now time to include some highlights, so that it looks like the sun is shining on your castle. Also, finish adding the Brightvale colours to the flags. There you have it - your very own drawing of King Hagan's beautiful castle!