How to draw Jerdana : Printable Version

Start by drawing Jerdana's head. Next, lightly sketch a pair of crossed lines in the middle of her head shape to serve as a guide when you draw her face.

Add a pair of pointy Aisha ears to the top of Jerdana's head.

Next, begin to draw Jerdana's eyes. For her left eye marking (the one on your right), make a large oval shape, the bottom of which touches the horizontal guideline you drew in the first step. At the bottom of this oval, make a small almond shape. Because her head is turned, only the inside corner of Jerdana's right eye (on your left) is visible. Lastly, draw the inner portion of her right eye marking along the horizontal guideline.

Above the almond shape that you drew for Jerdana's left eye marking (which is on your right), make a curved line that meets the almond shape at both ends. This is Jerdana's eye. Next, draw her mouth, which is slightly open. Finally, erase your guidelines.

Give Jerdana's eyes a bit of detail by adding a dark eyebrow to the top of each of her eye markings and some dark eyelashes to the edges of her eyes. Then, indicate her nose by making a small line above her mouth.

Under Jerdana's head, draw her chest.

Beneath the chest shape that you just drew, make Jerdana's flaring skirt.

It's now time to draw Jerdana's arms. Her right arm (on your left) is bent over her chest, while her left arm (the one on the right) is outstretched. Remember that the dress Jerdana is wearing has full sleeves, so her arms will look thicker than they actually are.

Add hands to the ends of Jerdana's arms.

Make Jerdana's second set of Aisha ears by drawing two long stalks that come out from the top of her head. On the end of each stalk, make a leaf shape with another, smaller leaf shape inside.

At the bottom of her skirt, draw Jerdana's feet and the end of her Aisha tail.

Give Jerdana some long, flowing hair.

Next, add some rippling panels to Jerdana's skirt.

Give Jerdana's hair a little more texture by making a few long, wavy lines.

Jerdana's dress needs lots of magical patterns and designs, so be sure to add a sun, a moon, and some stars to her skirt. Also, don't forget to give her underskirt a pretty pattern.

Put a few finishing touches on your drawing and then colour it in. You can use anything from crayons to coloured pencils, or even a program on your computer. Be sure to add some shading to your drawing to give it lots of depth and realism. Ta da! You should now have your very own picture of Altador's beloved protector, Jerdana!