How to draw Meuka : Printable Version

Begin by drawing a circle for Meuka's head and body. Then draw two smaller circles for ears.

In this pose Meuka will have his tail curled above his head. Draw the outline of his tail.

Give Meuka some legs and feet.

The main feature of Meuka's face is his huge grin. Add that and his eyes and nose. Lastly add his arms and two circular shapes for his hands.

Add a little detail to his hands so they appear to be clenched.

Now the fun bit :) Make his mouth and facial features look snotty and dripping. Then erase your original lines.

Go around the outline of your drawing and do the same. Make him look really disgusting!

Now finish off the tail by giving it the same slime covered treatment.

Fill in the inside of the body with more snotty detail and your drawing is complete.

To make Meuka look even more disgusting try adding some greens and yellows.