How to draw Sinsi : Printable Version

Begin by drawing three circles. Make one larger than the others. This will be Sinsi's head.

Draw a third circle overlapping the smaller two. On either side draw two almost circular shapes. Give your head a little more shape by adding ears and a triangular shape on either side. Lastly draw one more circular shape to the side of your head.

Join all your circles together and your drawing should start to take shape.

Go around the outline of your picture and add small details such as hooves and tufts on the tail.

Erase all your extra lines and you should be left with something similar to this.

Give your drawing two eyes, a nose and a mouth. Go over the top of your eyes a few times to make the eyelid darker. Don't forget to take the trademark chunk out of Sinsi's left ear.

Add two horns and give your eyes, lips and ears a little more detail.

Add a few finishing touches and make the edges of Sinsi's fur hairier to complete your drawing.

If you want to really finish it off add some colour and shading like so.