Tiled Neopets Backgrounds
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These backgrounds have been designed to look best if you tile the image on your
desktop. This is one of the options when you right click on your desktop and
select properties, then backgrounds.
Dubloons | Snowflake | Digging Symols | Halloween Petpets | Bottled Faeries | Pirate | Usuki Doll | Gallion | Drooliks in the Dark | Paintbrushes | Green Tiki | Robot | Bananas | Onas | Chocolate Aisha | Strawberry Neopets | Jelly Petpets | Clovers | Back to Basics | Happy New Year | Marbluk and Cheese | Flying Faellies | Wain | Grooming Products | Moehog Sugar Skull | Autumn Leaves | Jack-o-Lanterns | Drumming Hasee | Tacky Tiki Gifts | Faerie Petpets | Tyrannian Techo | Socks! | Autumn Flora | Tyrannian Petpets | Stamp Collection | Sand Food | Usuki Paper Doll | Swimming Acara | Orange Nimmo | Quadrapus Treasure | Darigan Guitar | Kadoatery | Bloops | Doughnuts | Keyrings | Red Tonu in a Bubble | Fruit Chias | Candy | Hot Dogs | Faerie Bubbles | Aisha Polka Dots | Flower Fiesta | Pteri Flying Championships | Aquatic Petpets | Maraquan Draiks | Mutant Petpets | Plushie Ixi | Toy Day | Tuskaninnys in Water | Water Mote | Fire Petpets | Cybunny Pinwheel | Evil Coconuts | Blue Chomby | Cooty Wars | Sunflower Pattern Easter Negg | Mynci Waterfall | Two Buzz | Hiding Meepits | Maraquan Eyrie | Gormball | Flying Draiks | Toys | Faerie Neopets | Mutant Neopets | Baby Ruki | Funny Faces | Petpet Garden | Baby Neopets | Blue Uni | Disco Grundo | Starry | Fyora Day | Nova | Hasee Bounce | Slugawoo! | Sketch Day | Yurble Day | Gruslen | Jhudora | Zafara Day | Eliv Thade | Snorkle | Water Faerie | Jhudora | Illusen | Grey Meerca | Pop Art Meerca | Wooden Meerca | Red Jetsam | Baby Jetsam | Blue Jetsam | Blue Tuskaninny | Swimming Tuskaninny | Shadowed Flotsam | Happy Flotsam | Acko | Searex | Happy Quiggle | Pastel Koi | Swimming Koi | Soaring Pteri | Pteridance | Moehog Madness | Sci-fi Moehog | Checkered Moehog | Sleepy Aisha | Quiggle | Jubjub | Jetsam | Elephante | Techo Master | Kougra | Warf | Spyder | Blooky | PetPets | Ghostkerchief | Flosset | Pinceron | Buzzer | Cobrall | Techo Tree | Kougras | Cybunny in Field | Chias on Rope | Chomby Footprints | Big A Aishas | Usul and Korbat | Aisha Forest | Christmas Aisha |
To view the full size image either click on the thumbnail picture or right click
with your mouse and select open link in new window. Once the full size image
has loaded just right click and select save picture as to save one onto
your computer.