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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Discovery of Brightvale Day Special

Brightvale’s Tenacious Captain
by darkhound45

Brightvale has a captain that is quite brave.
He is a Kacheek that rarely behaves.

This active Kacheek is painted Skunk.
He leaves other teams in quite the funk.

Montecito’s his name and he likes to defend.
He likes to hope the fun never ends.

He is tenacious, his eyes on the prize.
His main downfall is his little size.

Although he is small he likes to cackle,
Because he definitely knows how to tackle.

If you find yourself not being his friend,
Just go for a run, I’d recommend.

So next time you’re watching the Altador Cup,
Wave to Montecito and yell “What’s up!”

All Hail Brightvale!
by ayakae

Let’s head to the land of knowledge and wit
With trees as far as the eyes can see
All corners of the kingdom does the sunlight hit
What an absolutely gorgeous place to be!

The most conspicuous is that castle of white
Where King Hagan rules on his throne
He’s always looking for scholars wise and bright
To teach him what is yet unknown

Then, of course, you’ve got the Brightvale Motes
On their shelves you’ll see all sorts and kinds
Jelly? Metallic? Dust? Take some notes!
Every mote of Neopia here you can find

And you can’t forget the Brightvale Scrollery
To read? Nay, nay, these are for the Battledome!
From the Scroll of Despair to the Scroll of Trickery
Here, both warriors and scholars shall feel at home

Where are those beautiful colours shining from?
From the Brightvale Glaziers, how could I have not seen?
They sell the best stained-glass windows in the kingdom
Red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, and green

And how can there be knowledge without Brightvale Books?
Wow, all of these are at least three inches thick!
Why don’t you slide one off a shelf and cosy into a nook?
Advanced Poetry? Lengthy Quotations? Take your pick!

Today, we honour Brightvale’s rich and vibrant history
The kingdom’s just got so much to offer for everyone
Let’s celebrate the day of Brightvale’s discovery
Come join us, everybody, we’re bound to have lots of fun!

The Pride of Brightvale University
by precious_katuch14

The pride of Brightvale University,
The top of his class,
A truly brilliant mind
Few could hope to surpass.

Ambrosinno, Chocolate Gelert,
Did not shy away from Ancient Arcana.
Looked up the Brightvale Books Catalogue
And next picked up About Roberta.

He studied Brightvale Castle,
Learned to tame the Fiery Sun Scroll,
Summoned a storm with the Lightning Scroll,
And trust me, that wasn't all.

Modern Spells was on his list,
The Scroll of the Wise was a quick read.
Much like King Hagan himself,
For more learning he had a need.

Thus Ambrosinno climbed the ranks,
A sorcery student like no other.
And when he sat down for his tests,
He aced them with flying colours.

The pride of Brightvale University, 
His professors said he would be great.
"Ambrosinno, your future is bright,
"As our valedictorian graduate!"

But Ambrosinno had something else in mind.
A brilliant mind, the scholar at the top.
He left Brightvale University
To open a chocolate shop!

The Windows of Brightvale
by ennyra

There's something really beautiful,
That often gets overlooked.
In the wonderful world of Brightvale,
Do you have your ticket booked?

It's not the food,
Even though it can be delicious.
It's not the people,
Even though they're never vicious.

To see what I'm talking about,
You'll have to look toward the sky.
In every building that you see,
Is a great window you don't want to walk by.

Window? Yes I said window,
Beautiful stained glass ones.
That show everything you can imagine,
From the stars to the suns.

Some people collect these windows,
They sell them in the store.
Will you be just as inspired?
I promise it'll never be a bore.

The colours are always gorgeous,
They're quite a sight to see.
You can't miss looking at these windows,
While coming across the sea!

How Brightvale Came To Be
by annikkiadepp_

Please listen up and I’ll tell you the tale,
of how some Neopians discovered Brightvale

The year was the sixth in the month of hiding, 
when some Neopian went Uniback riding

Suddenly they stumbled upon a green valley, 
which made them forget their duties and dilly-dally

At night they decided to build there a great castle
as finding a place to sleep could become a hassle.

Around this castle grew a little community, 
which through the years developed beautifully. 

Today in that castle lives a king
Hagan’s his name and books are his thing. 

During his rule he truly turned the tables,
as knowledge and wisdom are now the land’s staples. 

I highly suggest you visit this land
if among cultured people you like to stand.

Bring Wisdom to Our Land: A Brightvale Anthem
by t0tor0

Brightvale citizens come and sing,
For we are free and wise;
We’ve luscious fruits and armoured suits,
And powerful allies.
Our land abounds in crafted wares,
Made lovingly by hand;
In every age, let every sage
Bring wisdom to our land.
Through castle halls then let us all
Bring wisdom to our land.

Beneath the star in Brightvale’s crest,
We’ll fill our minds and hearts
With knowledge gained from all domains—
From sciences to fine arts.
For those who come to the throne room,
Bring new wisdom to share;
By teaching pets and young cadets,
Bring wisdom to our land.
From royalty to peasantry,
Bring wisdom to our land!

Brightvale's Wonderful Wheel
by frankie8492

In the middle of Brightvale, there's a wheel,
That to many people holds great appeal.
It only costs 400 Neopoints to spin,
And with so many things to win,
Playing the wheel is surely a steal.

The prize might be a scroll or book,
Or a stained window that's worth a look.
It could be a fruit or healthy food,
Which is great when in a hungry mood,
And without any time to cook.

The avatar is the most coveted prize,
And its rarity attracts everyone's eyes.
These people spin day in and day out,
And over time, they still stay devout,
Hoping one day to get their surprise.

King Hagan
by theguy2020

King Hagan, old and wise, 
Wisdom from Neopians he seeks, summarized,
Dense, he is not,
Bring him preposterous wisdom and you will be caught!

Study hard before approaching the castle,
You may be rewarded with an avatar,
It may be a hassle,
But it leads to education in Brightvale, the masses are!

Brother of Skarl,
Obsessed with wisdom over greed,
Bring him false knowledge and he will snarl, 
Only with caution should you proceed.

Having faith in diplomats to solve conflict,
Still assuring the safety of the kingdom be guaranteed, 
Give him unwise wisdom and you may become a convict,
A wise old king indeed!

Welcome to Brightvale
by therainbowsheep

Welcome to Brightvale where knowledge is prime,
Here countless scholars spend all their time.
Libraries tucked between each castle nook, 
Filled to the brim, teeming with books!

Commonly visited too are the research rooms,
Sometimes so dusty, you’ll need a broom.
For they too contain information galore,
From facts to fiction and even lore.

In this land, learning is an art,
The locals tend to be quite smart-
They eagerly knock at King Hagan’s door,
With daily wisdoms and advice in store.

We visit Brightvale to feel enlightened,
For our minds to be sharp and senses heightened.
We roam the town seeking education,
Soaking in all the wise quotations

Today we celebrate Brightvale’s existence!
For the intellectual experience, we travel the distance.

Happy Brightvale Day!
by shutianlei3333

Brightvale is a medieval land,
Under King Hagan's command.
It attracts those with curiosity,
Who love knowledge and philosophy.

In the town, there is a university,
Where people study for an eternity.
With the information that they learn,
They improve their craft, in turn.

Some learn how to make potions,
With power augmented by emotions.
Others learn how to make stained glass,
Or elaborate weapons made of brass.

There are also bookstores all around,
With all types of scrolls to be found.
Let's celebrate this magical land today,
And head over there right away!

Roberta the Scrollery Master
by roxanna203

Once upon a time, a young Acara walked about,
Stumbling upon a grand library without a doubt,
Roberta looked and picked up her first book,
The day went by rapidly and she was shook!

This was the day she discovered her love,
Her love for books and everything above.
She realized she likes one particular set,
The scrolls she was unable to forget.

As Roberta grew older, she travelled afar,
Walking into Brightvale, she felt bizarre,
For once a land she felt right at home,
It was a land of knowledge, truly in the zone!

She decided to open up her store of Scrollery,
Excitingly displaying her collection in a hurry,
She wanted to share her world with everyone,
Come visit Roberta at the Scrollery in Brightvale!

Wheel of Knowledge
by hectic_haley

Brightvale is the land of the brightest,
Ruled by the wise and knowledgeable King Hagan.
Tucked away in this great land is a wise wheel,
That most of us know as the Wheel of Knowledge.

While the wheel can land on items and Neopoints,
The greatest prize of all is the pieces of knowledge it divulges.
The hints it provides will help you in your endeavours in Neopets,
And I think most in Brightvale would argue that’s the greatest gift of all.

There are 16 squares the wheel can land on,
But if you’re unlucky your pet may lose intelligence.
That’s the risk of the wheel, 
Even one that is famed for knowledge.

The next time you are in Brightvale,
Make sure to drop by the wheel.
Pay the friendly Green Draik 400 np,
And you may end up wiser.

Scholars, Scholars Everywhere!
by tallydepp

Scholars, scholars everywhere!
Please be seated, take a pew.
Here your journey of higher education begins, 
The Land of Brightvale welcomes you!

Brightvale is known for its libraries,
Countless rooms filled with endless books.
Surrounded by words, time just disappears,
I urge you to take a look.

See the castle over there?
That's where King Hagan reigns.
A wise old king is how he is known,
Famed for his incredible brain.

Whilst you're here, visit the Scrollery,
And buy some interesting scrolls.
If you feel you need a break,
Through our woods you can take a stroll.

Have you seen the Wheel of Knowledge?
You really must give it a spin!
You can learn so much from it,
But only if you win.

Scholars, Scholars everywhere!
On this here Brightvale Day!
May you love it here so much,
That you decide to stay.

All Hail Brightvale!
by i_lovee_icecream

All Hail Brightvale!
A kingdom green and gold.
All Hail Brightvale!
By Neopians young and old. 

A castle with a wise old king,
With ornate windows, on hinges swing;
Flowers in fields, beautiful in spring,
To Brightvale, we gayly sing:

All Hail Brightvale!
A kingdom green and gold.
All Hail Brightvale!
By Neopians young and old. 

The Wheel of Knowledge implores,
To bolster learning, we must explore;
Books that will open infinite doors,
Education that would stop any war.

All Hail Brightvale!
A kingdom green and gold.
All Hail Brightvale!
By Neopians young and old. 

Known as a bastion of great peace,
Where any feuds are known to cease,
And arguments are apt to decrease,
Brightvale, an amity masterpiece.  

All Hail Brightvale!
A kingdom green and gold.
All Hail Brightvale!
By Neopians young and old.

Song of Brightvale University
by parody_ham

Open the gates, let the scholars arrive!
Within these walls, we keep knowledge alive!
Castle of learning, of study, of heart
Eager to set these young students apart.

Shuffling to their seats one-by-one,
Textbook in paw, quill set to run
‘Cross the parchment quickly filled
By musings of our professors skilled.

Oh, Brightvale! Oh, Brightvale! We sing this to thee!
May our passion for teaching set eager minds free!
With each word we profess let us never confess
To a time that is wasted by less than the best.

Lecture we must in subjects vast
For our academics unsurpassed
To keep our reputation clear
As placid lake all through the year.

Taught by Seekers of the truth
The indefatigable sleuth
Of questions held within our mind
With undaunted air refined.

Oh, Brightvale! Oh, Brightvale! We sing this to thee!
May our passion for teaching set eager minds free!
With each word we profess let us never confess
To a time that is wasted by less than the best.

Brightvale's Boredom-Busting Book Bazaar
by _brainchild_

In Brightvale, any brilliant mind
Is fed by books of many kinds.
The book seller, named Natalie,
Has tomes so grand for you and me.

Read Brightvale Architecture---  you'll
Appreciate the never dull
Creations of the builders, so
Fair-looking, they'll make all hearts glow.

Dark Tales of Bogshot,  bound to scare
The little ones, will raise all hairs
On backs of necks, so if you're brave,
This spooky book will be a fave.

With  Joy of Fruit,  your taste buds will
Appreciate this awesome thrill,
So treat yourself to tasty tarts
Or salads---cooking is an art.

Decide upon a tome and pay---
These books will keep the blues at bay.
Miss Natalie appreciates
Your trip and purchase as of late.

Brightvale Has A Book for You
by andrehmf98

Ever wanted to begin a new book,
Yet don't know which one?
Visit the land of knowledge
Brightvale surely can be fun!

"Welcome to Brightvale Books",
Says the Ixi to you
Soon enough you feel compelled
To buy a book or two!

Perhaps you're feeling lost
There you will surely find
The Brightvale Maps book
Right there, to your right!

In the mood to brew some potions?
Look to your left, you shall see
Alchemy Lessons unbound
You'll brew potions like tea!

Are you a Hagan enthusiast?
Then you're right at home!
You can read King Hagan's Biography
As he sits on his throne!

Now I beg you pardon,
Since Brightvale has a book for you,
I must interrupt this poem,
Brightvale has a book for me too!

The Brightvale Glazier’s Discovery
by actiontal

I needed to lay down roots 
I knew Meridell wasn’t the place
I slid on my glazier boots
And went south to find my own space

My window supplies were in tow
I made my way across the grass 
Watching the sun’s ray and glow
I knew how to stain my glass 

I found a valley full and bright 
I place I could see as home
A land without windows, full of light
All waiting for my stained glass tome 

A Blue Draik ready to start the day 
I set up shop and made my art
Desert sand is melted away
It’s turned to glass, shaped like a heart

This land approved of my skill 
I fit in with my talent and brain 
Meridell the opposite, didn’t fulfill
All of the expertise and glass I could stain

A King built a castle in the luminous land
He requested my windows in his court
Happily, I planned him something so grand
Regal and wise, like King Hagan’s support 

I discovered Brightvale and it discovered me 
My beautiful windows decorate a land of luxury 
Neopians come from miles around just to see
So let’s celebrate this day of discovery!

by birdinggal

Ruled over by a Wise Old King,
Much wisdom does this land bring.

Share your wisdom with King Hagan if that you desire,
Or spin a great Wheel for Knowledge to acquire.

Stop by the Glaziers for windows ornate,
Or the visit Fruit Shop your appetite to sate.

If motes you desire to use or collect,
The Motery, my friend, would be just perfect.

If in its foul clutches boredom has you held fast,
Some pages to colour could free you at last.

A shop full of Potions and mysterious brews
Are there for the buying, if only you’ll choose.

A Bookshop sits silent for all of your readings and writings,
And o’re there a Scrollery for all of your weapons and fightings.

An Armoury sits stately, awaiting to shield
Against any weapons your opponent may wield.

All this and more will you find here,
Here in this land scholars hold so dear.

Brightvale Prison Cell Background
by indulgences

The guard patrols the prison that’s
Beneath the Brightvale streets.
It’s secret, and it’s known to few.
This place is quite discreet.

The guard is whistling, swinging keys,
And checking every cell.
He checks on every inmate, and
Makes sure that they are well.

The floors are paved with cobblestones
That click with every step.
The inmates know when he is near,
A thing they can’t forget.

The light is dim, from candles that
Adorn the dreary walls.
There’s no need to have stronger light
For empty, barren halls.

This prison system’s not quite known
To law-abiding folks.
They do not know that it exists,
And all that it evokes.

They go about their merry ways,
Oblivious to crime.
They don’t know that this place exists
For crooks that must do time.

The Brightvale prison is a jail
For culprits that are caught.
This Background is a dismal thing
That leaves you quite distraught!

Total Poetry Pages : 2762

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