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Neopets Poems

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Meerca Day Special

The Orange Meerca
by twinkle_jazz

There once was a Meerca, 
Who was very blue.
He tried to run fast,
But tripped on his shoe.
He tried very hard, 
To win in the race,
But every time, 
He comes in last place.
He went to the Rainbow Pool,
To clear his mind.
He just needed,
To unwind.
While pacing around, 
He tripped on his shoe,
And he fell right,
Into the pool.
He cried, "Oh no!"
As he climbed back out.
"I have turned orange!"
He started to shout.
He ran back home,
Flew past the stores,
Running way faster,
Than before.
He said, "I noticed,
Now, I'm very fast!
Maybe, for once, 
I won't come in last.
It might be a blessing,
In disguise.
I guess I won't know,
Until I try."
So, he signed up,
For the next race.
"This time, I won't,
Fall on my face."
Whey they said "Go",
He took off,
Towards the line,
He had to cross.
He ran past,
All the other contestants.
"At long last,
This is my ascension!"
Still in the lead,
He crossed the line.
He won first place,
In record time!
Everyone cheered,
And said, "Bravo!
You're the fastest Meerca,
That we know!"
The Meerca said, "Earlier,
I was feeling kind of stuck.
But the most important thing I've learned,
Was to never give up!

The Blue Meerca Gnome Finds a New Home
by colonialamericanxena

The Blue Meerca Gnome finds a new home 
In the Ice Caves of Terror Mountain.
He feels a bit weary,
And not quite so cheery
As the wintery Petpets all around him!

The Blue Meerca Gnome then finds a new home
In the Kreludan Mining Corp. 
Yet the Grundos are loud
And it’s not the right crowd
For a Meerca of this sort!

The Blue Meerca Gnome then finds a new home
In Brightvale’s big bright castle. 
Though King Hagan’s very wise
He won’t sympathize
With a gnome who could become a hassle!

The Blue Meerca Gnome then finds a new home
In the clouds of a Faerieland. 
When he dips in the Spring
His heart starts to sing
But he leaves when the Water Faerie demands. 

The Blue Meerca Gnome then feels quite alone
Until he sees what’s around him. 
There’s a Money Tree and a Pharmacy 
And a Rainbow Pool for a swim. 
He feels right at home as a Blue Meerca Gnome 
In Neopia Central where he went on a whim!

The Lightest and Hungriest of Meercas
by swordlilly

Young Sproggie they call 'im, for he's light
As a new-washed flag,
Bouncing all o'er the deck,
Hard to pin down. But boy, has he got fight!
When you give 'im a plate o' meat,
He can eat, and eat, and eat
Until his li'l tummy swells round.

Like all Meercas he loves Neggs. His favourite
Are the kind that grow
In a nook in Smugglers' Cove.
If ye ever find one, savour it
For it'll be gone in a second
If Young Sprog happens to check in
When he's fresh off the boat at Warf Wharf.

The late afternoons at Food Club are the best.
There's nothin' like
Kickin' back with a tank
O' grog, listenin' to the tavern music, gettin' rest
After a day of swashbucklin'
Adventure out on the sparklin'
Seas. 'Specially when yer a Young Sprog.

Chuffer Bob the Meerca
by lesslynope

I do so love to play Cheat, 
but there's one I can't beat.
His name, Chuffer Bob!

Meerca are known for a prank, 
but please let me be frank, 
It's not funny, Chuffer Bob. 

You seem to always avail
by telling tall tales, 
you big cheat, Chuffer Bob. 

You call all my bluffs
making games very rough, 
you sly thing, Chuffer Bob!

I should've won with ease, 
you've no great expertise, 
yet you best me, Chuffer Bob!

You always munch on a snack 
as you play spades of black, 
so smug, that Chuffer Bob. 

Round after endless round
my lies you have all found, 
keen Meerca, Chuffer Bob. 

For now, I'll build skill, 
Until beat you I will!
My nemesis, Chuffer Bob!

The Mystery of Meuka
by precious_katuch14

A mystery! A conundrum!
Darkness beset by the sun!
The Haunted Woods shines bright
With daytime's eternal light.

Count von Roo trapped in his fort,
By a vile and slimy sort,
Oozing mucus all over his floor,
Meuka has taken over! 

Meuka has claimed the castle,
Oh, what a terrible scoundrel!
Where did he get such power
For such an infamous hour?

Who allowed him to run amok
And leave these trails of muck
Within von Roo's humble abode,
Into which he strode? 

Meuka cackles with glee,
For as far as he can see,
The sun has trapped von Roo,
What a day he has rued!

Yet Meuka's fun is short-lived,
For soon he must leave,
Four heroes come to free von Roo,
Heroes courageous and true.

The Meerca would soon see,
Their strength and bravery,
And should he fail this fight,
He has one last slimy strike.

Behold the revenge of Meuka,
Upon these travellers from afar.
After wielding magic, bow and sword,
They'll need a nice bath afterward!

Marvellous Meercas
by truebrony

Marble Meercas are marvellous,
But Mutant Meercas scare me!
Magma Meercas are fiery hot
And Cloud ones are so airy.

Disco Meercas love to party,
While Elderly Meercas stay at home.
Faerie Meercas fly to and fro,
But Relic Meercas are stuck in stone!

Plushie Meercas are soft and lush,
But Maraquan Meercas are spiky!
Pirate Meercas yell and shout,
While Royal Meercas speak politely.

So many Meercas of all different kinds,
And yet, they’re all so lovely!
So get yourself a Meerca,
And you’ll always have a buddy!

Meerca Chase II
by theguy2020

Yellow Meerca running around,
Until all the Neggs in Neopia are found,
Turn carefully as to not hurt any joints,
While absolutely scoring as many points!

Different modes change how the game is played,
Depending on the Neggs you get your points are paid,
Classic is the most basic mode,
While freestyle is definitely a tougher road.

Another mode has a maze,
This game will have you hooked for days,
Watch out for the green bushes throughout the screen,
And avoid the Red Neggs because they are mean!

A secret mode is to be unlocked,
One that can't really be walked,
The key is to circle around the screen,
And in no time you'll be a Negg hunting machine!

Grab a Red Negg and it's game over,
However finding a Fish Negg is like a four leaf clover,
Power and Rainbow also score high,
However don't avoid highlighted and Green Neggs that come by!

Green and Blue Neggs score more than Yellow Neggs,
However keep chasing all but Red on your little Meerca legs,
Avoid Red at all cost,
Or your game will end and you're chance to progress will be lost!

Villanelle for Young Sproggie
by actiontal

On a pirate ship, the course gone east
A Meerca with a dream and his tail 
The lightweight deckhand never ceased 

Young Sproggie here, last but not least
He may be as intimidating as strale 
Vowed to be last standing at the feast 

The gross food was a bit over greased
Inexperience and allergies couldn’t scale
The lightweight deckhand never ceased 

The towers of sustenance had increased
Sproggie with no intentions to fail
Vowed to be last standing at the feast 

Even Gooblah called him a beast
Many Neggs and meat he did inhale 
The lightweight deckhand never ceased 
Vowed to be last standing at the feast

Meercas of Neopia
by tingtingwu

Meercas are funny in more ways than one,
Bouncy pranksters who are tough to outrun,
A few notables stand above the fray,
Read all about them this fine Meerca Day.

Chuffer Bob the Meerca, he loves to eat,
Hunger's his weakness in the game of Cheat,
To the table he will bring snacks for all,
Yet somehow that leads him to his downfall.

Despite his size Fanetti has impressed,
Viewers in the Altador Cup contest,
His tail defence technique is first-rate,
Helping Haunted Woods win two golds to date.

Heermeedjet and Merouladen are two,
Burglar brothers donned in red and in blue,
Stealing high profile treasures far and wide,
They guards and Defenders all occupied.

Meerca Menace cannot be forgotten,
His moves in the ring leave foes downtrodden,
A daily Power Negg and exercise,
Means keeping a long distance would be wise.

Made of mucus with origins unknown,
Meuka can be found when a nose is blown,
He leaves traps with a sticky web of snot,
Blast away the gross boogers or be caught.

Prominent buckteeth on a furry ball,
These five Meercas give a sense into all,
They stand **tall** (haha) on their own two feet,
Better watch out for the next one you meet!

My Dear Mr. Meerca
by ayakae

Mr. Meerca, my dear Meerca, where are you going?
How are you this energized so early in the morning?
Are you going to Meridell? Are you going to Shenkuu?
Tell me, Mr. Meerca, I want to come with you too!

Why, Mr. Meerca, how your teeth do shine!
They’re so white and sparkly and absolutely divine!
And those teeth look just as sharp as an Eyrie’s claw,
They look ready to gnaw and gnaw and gnaw!

And wow, Mr. Meerca, your tail is proudly in display,
You’re certainly having a good tail day!
With glossy fur and tip with a delicate curl,
You look ready to hop and jump and whirl!

Wait, Mr. Meerca, you can’t leave me in the dust!
To your speed and agility I simply cannot adjust.
Though you move with such elegance and grace,
You must remember I’m awful at Meerca Chase.

I can see where we’re going now, is this a party?
It seems so, everyone’s face seems so hearty!
And are those Neggs? Why, there’s tons of them!
Their colours are shining as brightly as a brilliant gem.

Oh, my goodness, how could I have been so dense?
I surely must have lost all of my common sense.
I have forgotten the most important day of all,
When we celebrate who is super fast and really small.

It’s you, Mr. Meerca, you’re the day’s VIP!
You’re the Neopet that everybody wants to see!
Please, oh please, don’t take my forgetfulness to heart,
Compared to you, I’m just not that quick and smart.

Come, Mr. Meerca, you should be in the spotlight,
It’s your day to feast on Neggs and party all night!
Now that you’ve arrived and made your grand entrance,
It’s time for us to pamper and treat you like a prince.

I shout to the crowd at the top of my voice,
“Gather ‘round everybody, it’s time to rejoice!
Today’s the day we have lots of good fun,
For the Meerca Day celebration has officially begun!”

Chuffer Bob the Champion
by cpssgh1004

Armed with a stomach in perpetual hunger,
and a tail that makes him a decent jumper.
He has keen sense to catch your bluff,
yet stands no chance against a cream puff.

Known as Neopia's official food taster,
a connoisseur that consumes every morsel as he is not a food waster.
A belt fastened so tight it may be cause for concern,
he's been known to say "Caution: my body can only make an extra wide turn"

Did you know, he is also a fine competitor?
You'll face him in round two where he is a regular.
Passing two kings in place of some jacks,
he'll catch your lie right in its tracks.

Worry not! Don't feel too defeated,
he won't always know that you have cheated.
His stomach has been known to get the best of him,
the hunger takes over and his concentration becomes grim.

This Meerca day, let's celebrate Chuffer Bob with an array
of all his favourite foods in one colossal buffet!

Stay Away from the Meercas, Unless You Have a Negg!
by helping_hunter02

Stay away from them
The small yet ferocious

Prankster they are
With their long tail
Ready to swing around
To ruin your day
With their irreverent sense of humour 

Unstoppable they are, however
Any creature has its own weaknesses even the mischievous ones
Give them Neggs
The food that drives them crazy
Give them their Neggs
And everyone shall find their peace for the day

The Unimaginable Chuffer Bob
by cinnabonski

Gather ye round
For a story to tell
An amazing tale
So listen ye well

Of happenstance 
Which I did find
A hidden game
That's one of a kind

Truth be told
Is hidden here
A test of lies
That much is clear

Around the table 
The challengers vie
Each one unique
Though I did spy

A sight behold
Of one so portly
Was taken aback
Dumbfounded shorty

Squat in stature
And oh so wide 
Though belt affixed 
He could not hide

The bursting mass
For it did wiggle
With every turn 
A mighty jiggle

Dessert in mouth
His snacks at hand
I became distracted 
As he planned

Cards piled up
My deceptions bare
Lost all focus 
Could only stare

To this end
I did dig in
Valiant I tried
But foe did win

"Who are you sir?"
I asked through sob
The Meerca turned
"Well I'm Chuffer Bob"

He tossed a pastry
Behind his back
Puzzled I glanced
A Snorkle did snack

"Do not be sad
At this defeat
Join us again
And play some Cheat"

With smile broad
And wide turn leave
What an encounter
Who would believe

Praise the Crumpetmonger Meerca!
by lorlurin

You wouldn't imagine how difficult is life
For a sweet tooth in the Haunted Woods
Before the return of the long-lost Neovia
With the Crumpetmonger's baked goods

Cautiously, I paid the store a first visit
The owner greeted with a weird accent
Holding freshly baked spinach croissants, and
A plate of cookies on her tail, well-balanced

Filling every other corner of my sight
Were scones and tarts and shortbread
Surprisingly, they didn't blink or bite
Or seemed to want to eat me instead

The Meerca chef, so generous and kind
Offered me a cookie from her plate
It has fillings of translucent green hue
I knew not what to prepare for its taste

Then I munched it down, and began to cry
Uncontainable feelings poured out of my eyes
For I finally procured the apple jam cookie
After a thousand delusions from frog slime

A Hungry Meerca
by coconut_rat

Competing and eating every day,
When it's time to chug food Young Sproggie comes out to play,
He can fill you bank to the brim if you bet on him,
One of Neopias many mysteries how he maintains his figure at the gym!

Spending a lot of time in Krawk Island,
Uses his tail to see above the highland,
A truly fierce competitor,
His food club colleagues view him as a "food predator"!

While he's technically classified as a lightweight,
Make sure you bet on him it's already quite late,
Do so before the gates are closed,
And watch your Neopoints multiply unopposed!

Neggs are among his favourite foods,
When it comes to eating he's Ebenezer Scrooge,
Trying to have his food makes you one of his foes,
He'll surprise you with one of his Pirate Academy tricks that he knows.

As a fan of meats you can see how he got so strong,
Best to avoid making him angry even if he's wrong,
Usually takes out all his anger on his food,
You certainly don't want to catch Young Sproggie in a bad mood!

Sadly these days do occur,
Usually when he has to eat gross foods which he does not prefer,
Betting on him in Food Club you must not forget,
If you do you'll be full of regret!

Meerca Chase
by t0tor0

The snappy star of Meerca Chase
Is single-minded in his race
To find and gather all the Neggs.
He’s short, but he has speedy legs.

As he collects each Negg, it pops
On his Negg “tail”. He only stops
When there’s a Red Negg in his way.
It’s game over—he stays away.

If he is freestyling, he moves
In any way that it behoves
Him to grab new Neggs left and right
Unless he hits his tail outright.

At times he navigates a maze—
Goes forwards, backwards, or sideways.
At others, Neggs ferocious spawn
To chase him, in his side a thorn.

Occasionally, black holes loom
To try to drag him to his doom.
He must escape their pull to score
His Fish and Rainbow Neggs galore.

He can award an avatar,
But be warned: he does have a bar
That’s rather high: you need to earn
One two-fifty points in a turn.

I favour gravity mode for
Achieving a terrific score.
So, good luck with your quest to play
The game—and happy Meerca Day!

Meercas Have it Made
by ennyra

Sometimes there's no greater joy,
Then bouncing on your tail.
It can bring a smile to your face,
Immediately without fail.

Why would you walk,
Or even why run?
When you could get around,
By bouncing to have fun?

Meercas have it made,
And boy do they know it.
They'll be celebrating all day today,
To make sure they show it.

So come on down,
And join in the fun.
Take some time to relax,
And play in the sun.

Meerca Day will be exciting,
And full of new treats.
Come one, come all,
Come early and don't miss a beat!

Meerca Chase Dangers
by typlohisioh

Around the Meerca goes,
The search for Neggs amidst danger begins.
Two initial goals:
Avoid the edge and the Red Neggs.

As he progresses,
So does the challenge grow.
Circling around, now he must avoid,
The Neggs have become a tail.

Amongst the predictable smattering
Of Yellow and Red Neggs,
The Meerca moves,
Hopeful, that a Fish Negg awaits. 

But as each Negg appears,
The danger increases.
One unplanned misstep,
The Meerca must begin again.

The Meerca Brothers
by therainbowsheep

There is a long-standing rumour:
Meercas have a wicked sense of humour!
Many of them love to play pranks,
But some prefer to steal from banks.

Consider the famous Meerca Brothers,
A notorious duo compared to others!
While not quite regarded as a threat,
There is still reason to sweat.

Motivated, the brothers are their own boss -
And they never accept a loss.
Their thieving plans always take shape,
Again and again they escape.

Hiding in Qasala they thieve,
With many a trick up their sleeve.
Of note, they target Nabile golden statues
There are one hundred of them to accrue!

So beware! In the shadows these brothers lurk,
Plotting and stealing with big smirks.
True to their species, they are fast and small,
Impossible to catch, so they escape with a haul!

Luke and the Shy Meerca
by darkhound45

There was a Meerca that was very shy.
This Meerca often wondered why?
He was Camouflage and would often hide,
While other Meercas played outside.

One day this Meerca heard a sound.
It came from a pet that was the happiest around.
This pet seemed popular with all the friends,
And its fun seemed to never end.

It was another Meerca whose name was Luke.
“Is Luke noticing me, or is it a fluke?”
Luke was with his friends but was looking at him,
But he wasn’t sure if Luke would leave them.

“Do you want to come play with us?”
The others seemed mad and started to fuss. 
Luke’s friends started to run away,
They did seem to want to play.

Luke walked up to the Meerca who was very shy,
Because there was something that he wanted to try.
He knew this Meerca had very few friends,
So Luke wanted to put his sadness at an end.

Luke grabbed his hand and began to walk,
While trying to get the Meerca to talk.
“Thank you,” he said with a big smile.
“I haven’t met someone like you in quite a while.”

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