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Neopets Poems

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Mutant Day Special

Adopt a Mutant Today!
by snape___

We may not be fluffy,
We might not be cute,
We may not look pretty,
We might smell to boot…

We may be found lurking,
We might hide from you,
We may be quite grumpy,
We might even say “boo!”

We may not smile sweetly,
We might stink quite bad,
We may not be cuddly,
We might look angry or sad.

We may not be colourful,
We’re not beautiful, per say….
But we still have hearts of gold -
So adopt a Mutant today!

The Magic of the Transmogrification Potion
by therainbowsheep

A mad cackle echoes loud,
Dr. Sloth emerges from a menacing cloud!
In exchange for his potion,
You must offer him devotion.

Too curious to refuse, you accept
And off your feet you are swept!
For the bottle is far too enticing,
No selling, there will be no pricing.

Yes, much to your great elation,
It is a potion of transmogrification!
You marvel at the power of change.
Isn't transforming species and colours strange?

But not to just any colour will you transform,
With a simple sip, a Mutant will be born!
Cool looking and tough,
Plenty of strength, a little gruff.

Often, Mutants are misunderstood
If given a chance to befriend one, you should!
Or if offered a person, do not tsk
Jump in and take the risk!

Today, we celebrate the odd - 
A little different, but not at all flawed!
Happy Mutant Day, let's celebrate in style
Flaunt our spikes and fangs with big smiles!

The Mutant Usul and her Daisy
by roxanna203

Once upon a time, there was a Mutant Usul,
She had three eyes and a deformed skull,
Her appearance easily scared others,
Despite her friendly shade of colours.

Frightening the rest caused her distressed,
As all she wanted was friends to impress,
With her abundance knowledge of flowers,
Instead she settled with a constant cower.

Her favorite nature friend was the daisy,
Admiring the colours and growth like crazy.
She loved the plethora that grew together,
In rain or shine - no matter the weather!

She wished she was a daisy from time to time,
One day a Petpet caught her and had to chime,
Another flower admirer, a Yellow Faellie,
Flew by the Mutant Usul and smiled greatly!

Approaching with the Usul with delight,
The Mutant Usul was surprised by the sight!
Quickly they became forever friends,
Bonded by their love for flowers to the end.

Bruno: Mr. Krawley’s First Mutant Victim
by t0tor0

There once was a shy Gelert named Bruno
Who was offered a magical brew so
He could woo a fair maid,
But he was soon dismayed—
He was transformed, and soon he knew true woe.

He had wished to be strong, but the Gelert
Soon found his muscles overdeveloped
With his back growing spikes
All who saw him yelled, “Yikes!”
The poor Gelert’s new looks were repellent.

It took Gilly’s and Sophie’s hard labours,
But they finally saved all their neighbours.
Though the townsfolk were cured,
Bruno’s looks still endured,
But the big Gelert’s smile didn’t waver.

It’s all right, he said, it’s my new normal.
I don’t have much cause for dressing formal.
He seemed quite unconcerned,
So his sister returned
To her shack in the woods paranormal.

If you run into Bruno suggesting
That you give his new potion taste testing,
Please politely decline
With a hasty “I’m fine!”—
You’ll be much better off, without question.

TNT's Mutant Pet Prank
by annikkiadepp_

What pranks will TNT play
to celebrate Mutant Day?

Once upon a time
without any warning sign

All the Neopets colours were changed,
an act that seemed truly deranged

All Neopets were turned into Mutants,
and many thought so an impudence

Who could be behind it all? 
Who could have the gall?

Could it have been Dr. Sloth?
Hubrid Nox? or maybe both?

None of that, my sweet readers
for the guilty ones were our leaders!

Thankfully TNT’s prank was temporary,
later on, pets didn't look as scary. 

What pranks will TNT play today
to celebrate Mutant day?

I have no clue,
but I’ll stick around to find out
with you.

Kthu & Lu
by florg95

There once was a Kau named Kthu
who had a Nedler, Lu. 
Together they make quite the two. 

See Kthu has scales and three eyes,
Lu’s physique may surprise,
together two cool Mutant guys. 

In their mouth many a tentacle, 
almost near identical!
The muse on this over pentacles.

People see them, looking Eldritch, 
wonder if it’s a glitch, 
but they love it, wouldn’t switch. 

They dream, via transmogrification
to create a Mutant nation, 
where they’ll hold the highest station. 

But for now they remain, feared. 
for looking a little weird, 
but soon, they will be revered...

Mutants: Flip the Script
by lesslynope

Four eyes! 
Two left feet! 
Not insults, 
but rather sweet 
if a Mutant
you should meet
slithering towards 
you on the street. 

Mutant pets 
break the mould. 
Former fur
now scales cold,
not a hand but
a tentacle to hold. 
Just go say hi!
Don’t fear, be bold!

Bent, bulbous, 
or covered in slime, 
though different
do not fear the grime. 
For a Mutant
grotesque is prime. 
Being different
was no great crime.

Mutants are Beautiful
by frankie8492

Some people think Mutants are scary,
But my own opinion is of the contrary.
I like pets whose appearances don't comply
With normal traditions like having two eyes,
Being groomed properly or looking merry.

Unfortunately, Mutants are hard to get,
But if you have your heart set,
Then you'll need a Transmogrification Potion.
That starts the events in motion,
In order to provide you with your Mutant pet.

With our Mutants, we can take them to the park,
And play with them until it gets dark.
Mutants are nice and make for good friends,
But sadly, before too long, the day ends.
Tomorrow, towards our next adventure, we will embark.

Mutant Acceptance
by _forever__unbroken_

Faeries and Royals are so elegant
And Babies are amongst the cutest pets
But if there’s one colour that I adore
It’s the one that contains the mutated fur

Mutants come in shapes and sizes of all types
That is not a Durian Chia that is over ripe
No, that’s a Mutant; his name is Florg
He devours Petpets that don’t give the respect he deserves

There’s a big blue guy covered in spikes
He looks so scary but you don’t realise
Mutant Bruces just want to be your friend
He’ll be so nice if you just approach him

When you’re at the beach and you’re having fun
You can’t believe the sight your eyes have laid upon
It’s a Mutant Kiko with such lumpy skin
He’s oozing green slime from his orifices

Whether they scare or disgust you, it matters not
Mutants are just like us, if you have any critical thought
Love and acceptance is what we all seek
For Mutants, this task seems very bleak

Before you cast judgement, look deep inside
We have more in common than not, you’ll realise
Outer appearances don’t determine one’s worth
Love and friendship is something everyone deserves

Mutant Day Anticipation
by theguy2020

Mutant Day is coming soon,
Be ready to celebrate and make sure you grab a balloon,
From the Toy Shop you might be able to grab a new item,
For sure your day will immediately brighten.

Neopians will celebrate by getting new Mutant pets,
You should consider too or you might have some regrets,
Its obvious you think this colour is quite great,
So be prepared and don't be late!

Don't miss out everyone will be getting one,
If you forget you will miss all the fun,
Make sure you're eagerly reading the news,
So that between all the new Mutant fun you can choose.

New wearables are sure to come,
The clothing shop they may be from,
Possibly also something new in the NC Mall,
Quite a wonderful place they truly have it all!

It's possible that we may get a new potion,
Such an act would generate quite the positive emotion,
Mutant fans will be quite happy,
Unless of course there is nothing new in which they will become snappy!

The staff is sure to come up with something worth the yearly wait,
Last year was great just to set the record straight,
There will be plenty of excited things to grab,
Make sure you're keeping a tab!

A Two-Headed Diva
by andrehmf98

Her voices are mesmerizing
As she sings an eerie tone
For she is a two-headed diva
And so the crowd sings along

And a long time ago
When she began to sing her songs
"A song for a penny", she hissed
But they all fled, as if she did something wrong

For she is a Mutant Hissi
And upon her sight
Others would run away
Neverminding her beautiful heart

Though, this tale is not a sad one
She kept singing, both heads held high
Because she is a prideful Mutant Hissi
As soon enough they would all find

In a big stage she sang
Concealing her visage
In a jiffy a crowd gathered
"I wonder how is her face!"

And then the curtains opened
Revealing who she was
And the crowd realised
"She really is a star!"

Be a Mutant, Royal or Usuki
Don't judge a book by its cover
As our Hissi friend proved
Underneath there's a lot to discover

Nowadays she is a diva
And her fans always want more
Every penny, every coin
When the crowd screamed "encore!"

Ode To Mutant Pets
by tallydepp

Just because you're Mutant,
Doesn't mean you can't be loved.
Sometimes looking different
Is a thing that can be good!

Pretty pets are popular,
That we can't deny.
But pretty pets are commonplace,
It's boring to beautify.

The future's bright for Mutant pets,
Now is your chance to shine!
Let's celebrate your differences,
You all look sublime!

Never ever shy away,
Or hide behind the scenes.
Rejoice in your uniqueness,
We love your Mutant genes!

What is that I see?
by i_lovee_icecream

A trail of slime across the floor,
Neopets with eyes galore.
What is that I see?
Staring straight at me?

A Mutant Vandagyre,
Sitting on a pyre,
Of never-ending fire;
Tentacles like wires. 

A sea of warts and drool,
Neopets scarier than any ghoul.
What is that I see?
Slithering right towards me?

A Mutant Hissi,
That smells a little fishy,
His motions make me dizzy,
He thinks that I’m a sissy.

A plethora of fangs and horns,
Neopets that doom forewarns.
What is that I see?
Scampering straight towards me?

A Mutant Cybunny, 
Who looks a little funny,
With a blue nose that’s runny,
She’ll steal all your money.

A flood of demonic eyes,
Neopets of a gigantic size.
What is that I see? Flying straight to me?

A Mutant Pteri,
With claws so scary,
And wing of a faerie;
He doesn’t look so merry.

What is that I see? 
It’s all so hard to believe.

Momentary Twins
by lorlurin

It all started with a mistake truly unintended
Working of the lab hard to be comprehended
A flash of light followed by a shrill of terror
I was staring at myself, not in a mirror

First set of the sun I still ponder
How have I a twin 12 years younger
Out of nowhere did she come
Where was she hiding I do wonder

Second trail of dusk I began to accept
My twin is just as normal as I am
The precursor seed met another cascade
Differentiating through reality's dam

Third rise of the Moon I said to myself
It doesn't seem too bad being two
Away all the intricate questions I threw
Focusing on this moment she's still true

Magic happens at midnight they say 
Clock ticked twelve a Hissi zapped grey
As abrupt her arrival as short her stay
But once I were two for three days

Be Extra, Mutant!
by theamandafiles

My extra eyes might scare you,
But don’t be sad for me
For with them I can look around
And see things you can’t see!

My tentacles might make you squirm
Don’t pay them any mind
They help me reach most anything, 
And my hugs are one-of-a-kind! 

With extra ears perked I can hear 
When anyone’s approaching
And playing sports with all these arms
I don’t need any coaching!  

My jarring look does not reflect 
What’s beneath the surface
Besides, my claws and spikes and horns
All serve a brilliant purpose!

Mutant Pets Love Their Feminine Wearables
by _brainchild_

I've bought my Mutant pet some clothes
To make her pretty, like a rose!
Who says that Mutants can't be femme?
My lovely lady is a gem!

Fanged Mutant Veil is feminine,
And sure to hide a toothy grin!
Fall Mutant Flannel will delight;
The purple is a girly sight.

A Mutant Floral Frills Sun Dress
Is breathtaking, I must confess.
Fresh floral crown will match it. Scent
Is lively and exuberant.

So, Mutant ladies, please rejoice
With wearables. Why, any choice
Will make you look amazing. You'll
Be feminine and never dull.

Diary of a Mutant Neopet
by laurneoneo

I am a Mutant Neopet
With colours strange and bright
On Mutant Day, there are some things
That I'd like to bring to light.

I may have one too many eyes
You might think I look scary
My brain may be quite visible
And I might be kind of hairy.

I am so much more than meets the eye
Though at times I'm left behind
I love Faerieland and plushie pets
And I'm really very kind.

I love to read Booktastic Books
And I love to share my toys
So if you'd like to be my friend
I'll share my Mutant joys.

Glub Glub
by pesticide

"Glub Glub" said the mutant JubJub
Swimming in the water
or is that muck?
Who knows, all I know is, yuck!

Are you an octopus?
or maybe a fish?
Perhaps you are Maraquan?
One can wish.... 

Where did you come from?
a potion you say?
You had some to drink?
Well, I hope you are okay!

I see your tentacles
Useful indeed
Grabbing anything you wish
With astounding speed!

Maybe I was too quick to judge
You look content in your sludge
Maybe I made the wrong call
You're kinda cute after all

You say you're happy
With this new look you own
Well with me, buddy
You'll never be alone

Transmogrification Celebration
by neoreturnee

Swish, swish, slurp
Glug, glug, gulp
Ew, ew, yucky!

Today is the day,
For a twisted change,
You're still you...
Just on the inside.
As for the outside.

From the twisted,
To the creepy,
To the unsightly,
You're still you!
Just on the inside.
As for the outside.

A delightful doctor,
Lurking in the shadows of space,
Giggling for joy,
His creations!
Happy Mutant Day!

Mutant Love
by andypopo

Twisted, gnarrled, purulent and rotton, 
Mutants are sure a peculiar pet. 
Pet? I suppose some owners this language condone. 
But those that love Mutants by this are not surprised. 

These pets are hideous on the outside, 
But when one looks in,
One can find charm, kindness, and confidence. 
For Mutants have a lot to overcome. 

Once feared Mutant armies of Sloth, 
Now they exist in every land. 
Quite sought after, Transmogrification Potions, 
A pretty penny cost. 

Try to give a Mutant Neopet a hug to challenge your prejudice. 
If you can get past the spikes, the snot, the lumps and twisted smiles, 
You will have a new true best friend!

Total Poetry Pages : 2762

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