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Neopets Poems

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Faerie Festival Special

Anticipating the Faerie Festival!
by alagfalaswen

The Faerie Festival has dawned
Inviting all to play
Amidst the unrest that has spawned,
Let's lift that grey dismay! 

Who’ll host the Festival this year?
Fair Illusen again?
Will the Snow Faerie volunteer?
Or Queen Fyora take reign? 

While the Festival’s happening,
Drop by the Soup Kitchen,
Claim quests for a Faerie blessing,
And wheel spins that may earn. 

Of course, bring your recyclables
to keep Neopia clean;
For all your old junk and trifles,
You’ll gain a capsule bin! 

The faeries have tried hard to string
fun things for all to try,
This year’s Festival hopes to bring
joy to all who drop by!

All the Fyora Dolls
by therainbowsheep

A queen so graceful and beloved,
Fyora's beauty must be captured -
In the unique format of dolls,
That have everyone enraptured.

Faerie Queen Doll the most classic,
The most iconic in this doll line,
Lead collectors search high and low,
So eager to call this doll "mine."

Supreme Deluxe Faerie Queen Doll,
Is even more elevated!
Featuring Fyora in full regalia, 
She is coveted and top-rated.

Onwards to options more simple -
More plushie-like to the touch,
The Fyora Doll and version with presents,
Also do come in clutch!

For the ones who adore fashion,
And like to have a choice,
The Springtime Fyora Paper Doll Set,
Comes with multiple pieces, so rejoice!

There are even Usuki and Quiguki versions,
Charming in their own unique way.
Eye-catching on the shelf for sure,
Forever here to stay.

We know Fyora is honoured,
To be represented in these dolls.
A few even sold in the Hidden Tower,
Our queen answered the collector's call!

The Kindest Faerie?
by 9kas

With cauldrons full of piping hot soup,
The Soup Faerie is perhaps Neopia’s kindest,
Feeding every poor Neopet who visits,
Humbly serving the meekest and weakest. 

But wait - only the poorest of poor pets 
Would dream to find themselves be fed. 
For if you had more than 3000NP?
Sorry, you’ll have to buy your own bread!

Each day the Soup Faerie turns away
Hundreds of pets who long for some soup.  
With knowledge of every Neopian’s finances 
No one can get away with a free scoop. 

‘Til one day, a Meerca duo appears,
Well fed they seem, but looking for more. 
The Soup Faerie ushers them into the kitchen,
Instantly offering them ladles galore!

Crowds of rejected pets waiting outside
Shake their heads out of pure disbelief -
The Meerca Brothers don’t deserve handouts,
They’re Neopia’s most notorious thieves!

Licking their lips loudly with glints in their eyes,
The Meercas cackle as they shimmy away. 
The crowds begin to grumble and complain,
How can the Soup Faerie be so blasé?

See, she only knows your NP total,
Deceitful character? She’s not knowledgeable. 
Kind she may be, and generous indeed,
But one must admit: the Soup Faerie’s gullible!

We are Glad for the Glade
by i_lovee_icecream

During this year’s festival,
We express gratitude. 
For a beautiful Earth faerie,
With an amiable attitude.

Thank you for your quests,
Thank you for your Glade.
It’s a wonderful sanctuary,
Down to every last grass blade.

Covered in leaves,
Covered in moss. 
While at your beck,
You’re the humblest boss.

Illusen the kind,
Illusen the mild.
You leave us awestruck,
Enamoured and beguiled.

For this Glade,
We are ever so glad.
For all the quests,
And prizes to be had.

Quest after quest,
You give us rewards.
Every day we work for you,
We have something to work towards.

Your combs, your potions;
Your scrolls, your blades.
And eventually we will earn,
Your staff handmade.

Today, we have shared,
All of this to say:
Accept a quest now!
Happy Faerie Festival Day!

Faerie Games
by gumgum101230

Are you afraid your gaming skills
Are a bit elemental?
Here are some games you can practice
For the next Faerie Festival!

Faerie Bubbles will demonstrate
The power of the Faeries;
Just make sure that you haven't eaten
Too many Slumberberries!

Cloud Racers is a solid choice
If that is more your speed.
Dodging all the obstacles
Will keep you in the lead!

The Space Faerie may need your help
To blast asteroids away;
But you must learn how to stay calm
When your nerves begin to sway!

Snowball Fight is a "cool" game
That you can play with Faeries,
But make sure you play carefully
Or they will surely parry!

Quests are fun if you can finish
Before the timer ends,
Though keep in mind you'll have to choose
Between Jhudora's and Illusen's!

Spinning the Wheel can be Exciting,
If that's what your Pet likes,
But keep your stuff hidden away
In case the Pant Devil strikes!

Faerie Festival Recycling
by maddie_bangz

Check your Safety Deposit Box
And get ready to dig around
For items you can recycle
At the Faerie Festival campground

You can use these recycled items
To collect as many points as you can
And redeem those points for prizes
Just make sure to set out a plan

There’s so many fun prizes to choose from
Books, dolls, or items for the Battledome
You can grab stamps to fill your albums
Or maybe decorations for your Neohome?

It might be wise to start gathering now
There’s countless dailies you can complete
Just store your prizes safely away
Until the Festival begins, so swift and neat

And best of all, you’ll be helping
To keep Neopia clean and tidy from trash
It’s a fun event that happens once a year
So be ready with your recycling stash!

A Rainbow after the Rain
by ningkov1

Bleak Grey sadness 
An Evil full of madness 
A Faerie Festival amidst the chaos 
Injecting cheer into pathos 

From Earth Faeries bright flowers 
Basking in cool showers, 
Illusen’s treats a sweet display 
A dazzling green array 

From Light Faeries a warm glow 
Shining for all below 
A reminder the sun will come 
Kindness will overcome 

From Water Faeries refreshments 
Freely given without resentment
The cool waves soothe the battle weary 
Helping Neopians to stay cheery 

From Fire Faeries strong motivation 
Embers igniting the will of the population 
Neopians continuing to fight 
Standing tall for what is right 

From the Soup Faerie tasty food 
Companionship subdued 
A peaceful place to relax 
A break from the attacks 

From Baelia and Kari strength to persevere 
Trapped in darkness yet light is near 
Fighting the Grey embrace 
Facing each obstacle with grace 

From Jhudora and Illusen strong words 
Freely able to voice all concerns 
Enemies and friends closer than you think 
Tides turning in a blink 

From Queen Fyora a role model to follow 
A beacon of hope when all feels hallow 
A fearless and kind leader 
By our side we need her 

Today a bright rainbow after the rain 
The Faerie Festival Festival a respite from pain,
Together Neopians stand tall 
United we will never fall!

Waiting for the Faerie Festival
by agedbeauty

The Faerie Fest is coming
So everyone give a cheer
The time that we've all waited for
Is very nearly here!

We're all waiting for
That special faerie quest
Yes we all know that
Faerie Queen quests are best!

Okay maybe I fudged
That truth just a bit
As many folks are waiting for
The Fountain Faerie for their pet.

But one thing I'm not fibbing on
That we're all anxious for -
Another chance to recycle
And win prizes galore!

We all want that elusive chance
At a rare prize rated 99
Most of us won't find it - 
But we want that stamp, so get in line!

In the meantime we'll also earn
Prizes from our favourite Faerie pair;
I'm not crazy right - 
Everyone else thinks there's SOMETHING there?

Either way we'll look at Jhudora and Illusen
And then we'll pick our team,
Will you opt for green and purple,
Or beeline for brown and green?

Bluffing Jhudora
by sportyangel3338

Walking up to the Bluff you feel wary
Your entire body starts to feel sedentary
You see purple and green
You know what that means
It’s the sign of the great dark faerie

You had thought you were seeking Illusen
And really hope that this is an illusion
But this isn’t the Glade
And now you cannot evade
A quest, this must be the conclusion

You slowly approach the faerie Jhudora
As malevolence screams through her aura
As you walk up the bluff
You’ve already had enough
And see evil encompass the flora

Now I know what I must do
Complete fifty quests for you
Then I’ll have my wand
And can quickly abscond
Fifty grueling tasks I must get through

Each quest I received a promotion
And received many a potion
Then a collar and cloud
Through quests, I plowed
On quest 50, I felt such emotion

I completed my quests and had won
But truly I was not done
Now I have the power
And you must cower
Now I am the chosen one

Faerie Festival Pairings
by dennykins

At the upcoming Faerie Fete,
Old rivalries return.
Two foes will ask us to donate,
And prize points, we shall earn. 

Jhudora and Illusen,
Once again, they hold the keys.
As our grip on items loosen,
And we empty SDBs. 

But what are some other pairings,
We may one day hope to see?
Let’s take a moment, get our bearings,
On some faerie rivalry. 

Space Faerie Mira v Fyora,
Is a pair of which I’m fond.
Have the Queen of what’s around us,
Duel the Queen of what’s beyond. 

What of faeries with multiple hues,
And those of them without?
Would the Fountain Faerie win or lose,
In a Grey Faerie bout? 

The Darkest Faerie and The Lightest,
Both have Twelve Protector ties.
But who will burn the brightest:
The Sleeper or the First to Rise?

There are so many possible pairs,
For future Faerie Fests.
Water v Flame or Earth v Air,
Which do you like the best?

Happy Faerie Festival Day!!
by fivemilliononly

It is the Faerie Festival day!
The day faeries have been waiting for
as well as Neopians who gather today
in Faerieland to celebrate and explore

The event is opened by the Faerie Queen
Fyora’s speech is always grand and inspiring
with words that make the day bright and keen
Boosting the spirits of everyone admiring 

All the faeries gather in this annual celebration
Fire, water, earth, air, light and dark
even Illusen and Jhudora are seen in motion
along with the Battle Faerie and Baelia leaving their mark

Even though chaos happened last year
Everyone forget the past and look ahead
Welcoming a brand new future with no fear
Happy Faerie Festival day! Let’s spread joy instead!

A Queen Fyora Quest
by togepwi

I was going about my day
When Queen Fyora came my way
I was in absolute awe
As she asked for a Candy Juice Straw

Of course I accepted the quest
What an honour to be at her behest!
I searched for that straw in every store
And somehow I ended up on Kreludor!

I made my purchase in this cafe
In my excitement, I might have overpaid
But I travelled back to Faerieland
With the queen's desired item in my hand

Nervously I walked toward
Queen Fyora who offered me an reward
She wielded her mighty staff
Is it too late to ask for an autograph?

What's happening to me?
I felt stronger and more free!
No wonder Queen Fyora quests are revered
But before I could say thanks, she disappeared

The Faerie's Gift of Husbandry
by flufflepuff

One aspect often overlooked
Of moss and orchid might,
The faerie’s gift of husbandry
Is seldom brought to light.

And yet, ‘tis she who cultivates
Both suffering and pain
In those who fail her gruelling quests.
She then cements her reign.

Jhudora nurtures, sowing seeds
That seldom tend to fail.
But when they triumph in their deeds,
And when they do not quail,
Though one seed falters, there is fruit.
Not some mere pawn is gained,
But loyalty above the rest
Is mutually obtained.

Much more than crops of faerie’s wrath
The faerie’s nurtured yet.
Indeed, two Gruslen kittens seized
Her heart, when they’d first met.

A softened spot within her chest
So withered from disuse
Awakened when she’d seen the kits.
Her wrath would not soon loose.

With unknown training methods, she,
Had nursed, had drilled, had raised,
Had loved them so, they’d changed their fur.
At such, she was amazed.

The seeds of loyalty were sown,
Paid back in dividends.
Her Sarah and her Daisy both
Are loyal furry friends.

Faerie Haiku Medley
by coyote90

Water Faeries:
Beneath waves they glide
Lovers of knowledge and books
Keepers of secrets

Fire Faeries:
Blazing amber eyes
Passion like a roaring flame
Burning bright like fire

Earth Faeries:
In tune with nature
Always thinking of others
Kind-hearted to all

Air Faeries:
Dances on the wind
Beauty and grace incarnate
Peaceful and serene

Light Faeries:
Shining like the sun
Mystic seers of the future
Guiding lights to all

Dark Faeries:
Creatures of the night
Dark and mysterious ways
What lies in their hearts?

The Faerie Food Shop: Flavourful Finds
by _brainchild_

The Faerie Foods Shop will delight!
No finer dishes are in sight.
These foods are certain to enthrall---
They surely are the best of all.

A Blue Moon Sundae tastes quite great---
I've loved this ice cream as of late.
A Faerie Carrot 2.0
Is better than the first, you know!

Grey Faerie Mushroom may be sad,
But the gourmands are oh so glad.
A Faerie Baked Potato stuns.
The cheese is surely lots of fun!

So, if you seek a yummy snack,
The faerie cook shall have your back!
These are delicious---try today.
The flavours surely cure dismay.

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