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Neopets Poems

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Annual Gormball Championship Special

The Gormball Championship of Y26
by chai7705

Now in the Year of Twenty-Six
Despite the Void and all its tricks
The Gormball Championship's still on
In fact, they've all slept on the lawn
To be prepared at crack-of-dawn!

Ursula was who had this thought
And so they slept on grass, no cots
The contest started right on time
And swiftly, Brian caught in crime
Then Gargarox lost in his mind --

Distracted by Grundo's Cafe
He turned and ran while still mid-play!
Ember squeezed a bit too hard
The Gormball burst all on the yard
Which got Zargold caught off-guard

Everyone knows Zargold the COOL
Unlucky him -- he's played the fool
He got splashed on then promptly posed
A photo-op? He's not opposed!
While Ursula had got him hosed

Farvin III got some crowd cheers
For utilizing all of their ears
At first it caused them all to fret
But soon their ears got way too wet
And Farvin III was no more a threat

Thyassa cackled at their fate
While Kevin did not dare to wait
She had been aiming, or so he heard
Right in their ears -- Cruel! Absurd!
So Kevin put her into third

At last: the final showdown
To award the Gormball crown
Kevin fought with all his might
But his back ached and felt quite tight
From sleeping on the field last night

Ursula had played her hand
It all unfolded just as planned!
Her idea now revealed its reason...
She'd been sleeping there all season!
The cold, bare lawn got others stressed
For Ursula, 'twas beauty rest!

Kevin's second, with a sore back to nurse
And Ursula earned her place in first!

Gormball Gumballs
by ophiopogon

Pick a Gormball Gumball:
There's Peppermint, Electric, Fruity...
And more, if I can recall...
Ah! Pink, Snow, Starry, Blueberry
You should try them all!
They'll make you feel merry!

You say you tried Blueberry
But it tasted like Lime?
Ah, I'm so very
sorry this time!
That gumball's not just Blueberry
But Blueberry Lime!

What's the difference, you say
Between this and Fruity?
I shall tell you, okay,
After all, it's my duty!
One has warm colours, like a summer's day!
The other, cool, a sphere of beauty!

Since we're on the subject of 'cool'
Please try this Gormball made of snow!
Refreshing, like a day at the pool
Not a hot day, a cold day, though.
... Ignore me, I'm bubbling like a fool
Happy Gormball Day: May you make your next throw!

The Annual Gormball Championship
by fivemilliononly

The Annual Gormball Championship is here
An event that have long been anticipated
Eight figures gather, while others cheer
An intense match that is sure to be celebrated

Ember has won in the Year 8 and 15
She has new tricks to make others fall
Brian plays dirty with tactics unseen
His sneaky moves might be his downfall

Zargrold is a Grundo that loves this game
He just plays the game for fun
Meanwhile, Gargarox rose to fame
after winning in the Year 11 run

Ursula the Usul loves to play fair
A tireless worker with skill that is fine
Farvin III is a strong contender with flair
Securing top spots and winner of the Year 9

Kevin took over Dr. Sloth place in the past
His skill is real, he has made it clear
Out of them all, Thyassa is the strongest cast
Boasting with 4 wins, he is one to fear

A water ball is passed around to each player
The ball will explode after some time
For the one holding it, it is game over
Who will be the last one standing to claim the prime?

by nyankops

Today's the day you’ve trained for
The Gormball Championships
Let's hope the first round starts soon
Before your courage dips!

Soon the ball starts moving
You tense and wait your turn
How long should you hold it?
Maybe today you'll learn
Gargarox takes the first hit!
He leaves the field without waiting 
and wrings out his apron 
The Grundo chef goes back to tailgating

It's early days, you can still win
Six long seconds pass
Sweat pricks along your skin
Then the ball flies over the grass


Say bye-bye to Ursula's makeup
The water left one big smudge
You might want to avoid eye contact
She's the type to hold a grudge


Exploding after just two seconds
He had no chance to yield
Poor Kevin ought to learn
Luck is the 9th man on this field
This is it, the final round
Your opponent watches your hand
You know it's time to take a chance
And hold as long as you can stand
A cheer rises up, but not from you
Dry off your face and feel no shame
You scored a lot of points
Maybe there's time for one more game!

Kevin's Story
by prulletje1852

From when he was very young
Kevin had always known 
That he would do something with water
When he was older and had grown

Kevin the Korbat loved water
Always playing in the rain
After getting a little bit wet 
He would never complain

He still remembers that day
When he first heard about Gormball
After trying it out once
He knew this was his call

He would train and learn
How many seconds does it take
To hold a Gormball long enough
There is a lot at stake

Getting a little wet 
Still did not scare him much
But now Kevin preferred to stay dry
And hold the Gormball with a soft touch

He would become a great player
Participate in all of the contests
Win the Annual Gormball Tournaments
And live life without any regrets

Our First Gormball Win
by ennyra

Round, round, and round we pass, 
Hoping this game we'll be the last. 
We see everyone else slowly get wet,
And our hopes go up with each reset. 

How long to hold, one second or three,
What will the magical number be? 
We're too nervous to try our luck, 
So in the end that ball we chuck. 

As it touches everyone else's hands,
We get so nervous we can barely stand. 
Please explode, we whisper quietly, 
BOOM it goes! We remain defiantly.

It's down to two now, this is it. 
We just need to survive this bit.
Back and forth we toss that ball,
Hoping it makes the other fall. 

It goes on and on as the seconds lapse, 
Our first win within our grasp.
We hear a pop but can't believe our eyes, 
We check ourselves and we are dry!

Gormball day is here!
by scratchcosmoaxe

Will you get wet or will you stay dry?
Hold onto that Gormball and then let it fly.
Catch it with two hands for 2-5,
Do you think that you will survive?

If your arms are strong you hold the steel 
but be sure not to let it fall to your heel. 
The points you lose could really hurt 
but not as much as it would if it was dirt.

If you are lucky you will get a smile 
to get this kind of luck may take a while.
Shake that 8-ball to see what it says,
The winner is only going to be a Neopian who plays.

If you get the ball that reminds you of the beach,
The points that follow will be quite the peach.
If it gets too hot you will end up with fire 
which is not too bad as your points get higher.

You could even manage to land one from space, 
take your time this is not a race.
It is the game for all so wait in line,
Be careful not to take too much time.

The Annual Gormball Champion: Ember
by shenkuun

It's Gormball Day! The day has come.
All gather around the field. 
Challengers face off in a stare down
And no one is set to yield. 

The ball gets passed back and forth 
Now entering anticipation mode. 
With wide-eyes and a panic,
The ball explodes on Zargrold. 

Water splashed everywhere
And the poor Grundo felt cold.
The game continued anyway, 
Zargrold left the field with a groan. 

Back and forth the Gormball went, 
The audience's heads followed suit. 
As Kevin attempted a tenacious throw, 
The ball burst before its commute. 

Back and forth the Gormball went, 
The crowd began to cheer. 
Ember shakily throws the ball, 
It ruptures on Ursula's ears. 

Gargarox caters food to the championship game,
The crowd loves and appreciates. 
Splash! The ball soils his apron, 
Skyrocketing his heart rate. 

Thyassa the Chia now has the ball, 
He may seem cute and little. 
Trying to pass the ball to Brian, 
It explodes and he becomes brittle. 

The top three showdown has begun, 
Brian, Farvin III, and Ember show a brave face. 
Breathing in, Brian chucks the ball at Farvin
And Knocking them into space. 

Back and forth Ember and Brian go! 
The crowd roars with excitement. 
For a Fire Faerie internally knows, 
Water is not her incitement. 

The final splash hits Brian the Scorchio, 
The Fire Faerie does a flip! 
Ember has dodged her fear of water, 
And won the championship!

The Gormball Championship Competitors
by maddie_bangz

The Annual Gormball Championship is today!
Players from all around have been working hard
And training their best to be crowned the victor
With the most impressive winnings and scorecard

Brian is ready to make an epic comeback
He was disqualified once but said never again!
Ember’s ready to set this field on fire
Figuratively of course, she’s truly very zen

Gargarox is always ready to play and eat
He’s got this event catered with the finest foods
Ursula has her eyes set on the gold medal prize
If she doesn’t win, she’ll ruin everyone’s moods

Kevin is happy just to be here!
He’s got a great attitude and is pumped to play
Zargrold and Farvin III have both travelled from space
Just to participate in their favorite sports day

Last but not least watch out for Thyassa
He’s a tough competitor who will be hard to beat
These players are lined up and ready to start
A Gormball victory has never felt so sweet!

The Rigged Gormball
by mitasui

The rules of Gormball are simple:
The ball is exchanged around and around
until it forms a ripple
and explodes and drowns
an unlucky ballplayer.
The Gormball championship is held yearly
attended even by the mayor 
of Kiko Lake, who loves the game dearly.
On the twenty-third day
of the Month of Gathering, Year Two,
Many challengers came to play,
but only a few
remained in the game.
Brian, Thyssa, Ursula, and Kevin
were some of the names
among the top seven.
Brian was the favourite to win
but when it came to light
that he had poked pins
in the ball, Thyssa became the winner of the night!

Ember the Gormball Faerie
by coyote90

In Faerieland, there lived a Faerie who was
Different from all the others, because,
Instead of blessings and casting spells,
She'd rather play Gormball, at which she excels.

Ember, a Faerie attuned to fire,
Ignited with passion, had come to aspire
To become a professional Gormball star!
She'd do all she could to make it that far.

All day and night, she devoted to train,
Though gruelling and tough, she wouldn't complain.
She'd practice until each Gormball burst,
All in her dedication to being first!

The others laughed, and called her strange.
They wondered why she would exchange
Her magical duties for a game of ball.
Well, Ember would soon show them all!

She flew as fast as her Faerie wings could,
Until the young Ember finally stood
Inside the Virtupets Space Station.
She finally reached her destination.

Ember made her way to the field,
Her determination would not let her yield,
Soon she found herself on the court,
And found herself with unlikely support.

Those mocking Faeries, the very same,
Ember was shocked to discover they came,
They realized the error of their ways,
And told Ember it didn't matter what game she plays.

Soon Ember was among the very best,
And this would be a colossal test,
But Ember's training would pay off,
She came in second, which was nothing to scoff.

Though, in the end, she didn't win,
Her Gormball journey would only begin.
Everyone's eyes were all on Ember,
And her debut, they'd always remember.

She worked so hard, and came so far,
Now Ember's become a Gormball star!
You can find her playing every day,
Here on the courts, where she'll stay.

How Long Should You Hold A Gormball For?
by alagfalaswen

How long should you hold a Gormball for?
All kinds of game theories and more
Have been proposed just to explore
How long to hold a Gormball for.

How long should you hold a Gormball for?
You might risk three seconds, or four,
It may net you a higher score,
This long to hold a Gormball for.

How long should you hold a Gormball for?
Five seconds just may have in store
A burst of water that'll on you pour,
Too long to hold a Gormball for!

How long should you hold a Gormball for?
Two seconds is what most implore,
It's good advice to not ignore -
Let's hold on to the Gormball! For

How long to hold a Gormball for
Is based on pure luck at its core
So have some fun, there is no law
Of how long to hold a Gormball for.

Ursula the Usul
by i_lovee_icecream

Training at the top,
Of Mount Usalin.
Ursula the Usul,
Holds high her chin.

An expert Gormball player,
Ursula is bold.
She makes cunning moves,
Her triumphs are foretold.

She’s reached the pinnacle,
Of her detailed studies.
Nobody can defeat her,
Don’t try to be buddy buddy.

She lives and she breathes,
The game of Gormball.
Challenge her today,
Come one, come all!

Gormball Championships
by agedbeauty

I'm sure you have been waiting
It's time for Gormball Championships -
My excitement's not abating!

I've been practising 
And tossing that Gormball
You have to punt it FAST
Or it could explode and all!

You have to know your opponents -
Watch out for Ember the Faerie;
She may seem very lovely,
But as an opponent she's scary!

Gargarox may seem to intimidate
But really he's a softy -
Just don't catch it when he throws,
As he often holds for three.

Now Zargrold is rather unique
In his beatnik sunglasses;
Just watch out because
His throws are vicious when he passes!

I do quite like Ursula
But I think I've got her beat
She's just not quite
As fast on her feet.

Now Brian of course
Has the ability to fly
But he doesn't use it to play,
And I've never asked why...

The real threat though is Thyassa
The Chia with a purple hue -
If they're the player throwing,
Watch out - it's coming at you!

But still, this year I practised
And I know that I can win!
Wait, what do you mean I lost -
We're only 2 seconds in!

Who Gets the SPLAT?!
by tylerhuyser

I raise the Gormball with a grin,
I toss it to Kevin with a certain spin,
Heavy and squishy, there’s something I know,
The Gormball is ready to EXPLODE!

SPLAT! Kevin is out of the game,
An exhale of relief, happy with my aim,
My reprieve only lasts for a minute,
I ready for the next pass; I want to win it!

I receive the ball from Gargarox,
He plays with a fork and knife, rather unorthodox,
I wait fives seconds before I pass,
A risky decision, a dangerous chance. 

This time it’s Ursula who gets the SPLAT!
Sadly, her anxiety was too high to make the catch.
Now Thyassa gets to make the first throw,
Who will next receive their fatal blow?

I wait two seconds to pass this time,
I will not risk bursting this Gormball’s slime,
But sometimes, no matter how fast you chuck,
The Gormball will SPLAT! Yuck, my bad luck. :(

Total Poetry Pages : 2762

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