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Gallery Spotlight

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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: Bananner Land
Owner: puppypower139
Description: It was over one an half years ago that I started this gallery, completely dedicated to bananas. Last year at about this time, I applied for the spotlight, to showcase all of the goodies that Myncis love. My gallery did not win. Not even a Mynci related gallery won. I was disappointed, of course, but it wasn't the prize or trophy that mattered. I loved my gallery because I put countless hours into making it better: haggling for items, searching for items, trading, auctioning, saving. Saving. Saving my hope for the day that Myncis would be represented during a time that Chias and Tonus garnered the most attention. So, I hope this Year 7 does me (and all of those Mynci and Banana gallery owners) proud!! With that, I give you: Bananner Land- a lovely shop with everything a Mynci would ever want.....BANANAS!!!

The Gallery:

A bloated Mynci on the floor says 'Hi there! Have a look around, Mynci Day is coming up you know! *burp* heh I do love Achyfis!'

Mynci Day is coming up! You still have 1 day to find the perfect gift for your little friend. Browse around the gallery (dedicated to a Mynci's favorite treat!) for ideas, or check below for my best guess on what your Mynci's favorite Banana item is!

Gift Guide

Does your Mynci enjoy a relaxing day at home or at the spa? ... Tchea Tea is a soothing blend of banana and blueberry!

Is your Mynci fond of sweet things and carousel rides? ... a Banana and Chocolate Rock Stick from Kiko Lake would be delicious!

Do you often catch your Mynci dozin off under the Star Trees? ... a Tangy Tropic Slushie should keep them awake!

Can you hardly keep your Mynci away from the Battledome? ... see if they can master a pair of Mynci Nana-Chucks!

Can't get your Mynci away from junk food? ... Mynci's never turn down a yummy Banana and Kiwi Pizza (they don't have to know it's good for them too!)

Is your Mynci a real history buff? ... Banana Wars should keep them intrigued!

Have a super-polite Mynci? ... Zeenana Stamps are just right for sending out all those thank you notes!

Does your Mynci dream of visiting the Lost Desert? ... get them an exotic Pyramid Banana for their special day!

Of course, there are always the classics: Banana Milkshakes, Banana Rolls, and the ever popular Banana Sundae :-)

There is an item here for any Mynci, hungry, scholarly, or pugnacious. Just..... don't let them near that banana flavored morphing potion in the corner.... Kauvara still holds a grudge against that one Mynci that ate...... well, we don't have to get into that.

Love my Gallery? Hate it? Have a suggestion or rating? An item that I missed? Send me a Neomail!

Thanks to...
deathman113 guys rock!

Banana... A nice ripe banana makes a lovely treat for your pet.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A tasty Kau Kau Farm Milkshake can be a filling addition to any meal.
Banana Milkshake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A beautiful bunch of 100% natural bananas. A Myncis favourite treat.
Organic Bananas
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Crispy finger shaped banana rice cakes.
Finger Crisps
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These fruits are good when chopped up and tossed into cereal at breakfast time.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Is it a fruit? Is it pastry? Who knows? But the one thing you will know is that its the most delicious treat ever.
Banana Melon Blurb
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Mmmmm, grub and banana mixed together will create a scrumptious and nutritious treat for your pet!
Banana Grub
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Zeenana extract, lots of sugar and a whole lot of freshly ground coffee beans go into this amazing recipe.
Zeenana Cappucino
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Raisins, Hazelnuts, Bananas, Apples, Coconuts and of course.. Juppies go into this tangy tropical slush!
Tangy Tropic Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Homemade bananarolls, just like how mom used to make.
Banana Roll
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Achyfi is the biggest competitor to NeoCola!  It is the great new sparkling drink with root extracts to give your Neopet energy!
Banana Achyfi
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Nobody knows much about the Banan.  The main explanation is that Bananas grew so close together they merged to become one big Banan.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Bargasaurus Steaks have an interesting taste, a bizarre mixture of banana and melon.
Bargasaurus Steak
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Tri-Nana is three bananas mutated into one fruit.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Tender mystery meat and a good green glob of who knows what.
Barga Burger
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The blue bits of the Tchea fruit taste like banana, and the yellow bits taste like blueberry.  Very odd really.
Tchea Fruit
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

These squashed Tchea Fruits are not in good condition but you can purchase them for a discounted price.
Squashed Tchea Fruit
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Edible sand flavoured with crushed banana, fashioned into the shape of a banana!
Sand Banana
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

In the Lost Desert, normal fruits just dont seem to grow the same shape as the rest of Neopia.
Pyramid Banana
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Lemon and banana all go into this magical potion.  Not only does it taste great, but it works too!
Yellow Chia Morphing Potion
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Goodness knows how they manage to pack so much banana flavouring into this icy treat.
Bananarific Ice Lolly
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Dont say eurgh! until you have tried it, its actually quite nice.
Banana Yoghurt Hot Dog
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

1001 easy to cook recipes for bananas.  A must for any Mynci.
Bananas the Mynci Way
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A whole banana smothered in caramel, cream and all kinds of tasty goodies.
Banana Sundae
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

An interesting mixture of blackcurrant and lime, only shaped like a banana - how odd!
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A bumper Christmas stocking stuffed full of healthy fruits!!!  MMMMMMMMMMM!!!
Fruit Stocking
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This slippery banana peel is one of the Myncis favourite weapons!
Mynci Slip Na-Na
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This weapon is great for either cutting up yummy bananas or for fending off opponents in the Battledome!
Mynci Banana Blade
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A great weapon for any Mynci, these nana-chucks will protect them in battle.  Just make sure they dont eat them!!
Mynci Nana-Chucks
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

An extraordinary blend of strawberries, chocolate, bananas and cream - delicious!
Banana Split Chia Pop
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This rather strange looking hotdog tastes of banana!
Spotted Hot Dog
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This feast is sure to put a smile back on your Myncis face.  Layers of fresh fruit and cream... mmmmm!
Mynci Delight
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Roast Banana covered in super spicy flaming hot sauce - delicious!
Flaming Hot Banana
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A gourmet treat that has a cute Moehog head design on the top.
Moehog Surprise
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A scoop of strawberry ice cream, two bananas and some whipped cream and voila, you have a sundae that looks remarkably like a Moehog!
Moehog Sundae
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Four whole Zeenanas have been lovingly wrapped in a fresh crepe for your enjoyment.
Zeenana Crepe
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The stamp actually tastes of Zeenana when you lick it.  Clever, eh?
Zeenana Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fresh, revitalising brew that will soon perk your Neopet up.
Tchea Tea
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Four whole Zeenanas are mashed and then frozen to create this lolly.
Zeenana Ice Lolly
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Eww.. this banana has gone all black.
Blackened Banana
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A fruity delicious drink that is perfect on hot sunny days.
Zeenana Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This brightly coloured masterpiece looks an awful lot like a Zafaras head.
Zafara Banana Split
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

He he.. this ice cream looks just like a Chia clown :)
Clown Chia Zeenana Ice Cream
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How cute this sword has a little banana on the hilt.
Banana Blade Mynci Sword
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This rather unusual book is filled with delicious recipe ideas featuring bananas.
Mynci Banana Book
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

How bizarre, the icing looks an awful lot like a Scorchios face!
Scorchio Banana Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A dash of cream and a whole banana have been blended to make this refreshingly sweet coffee.
Banana Cream Coffee
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Very gummy and very delicious indeed!
Banana Gummy Slorg
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Aiming to corner the vegitarian market, Hubert has substituted a banana for the standard sausage.
Banana Hot Dog
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Oh wow, this is certainly eye catching!
Deluxe Acara Sundae
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Better pick this up before somebody steps on it.
Zeenana Peel
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

It almost tastes like bananas and pears, only far more chewy.
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hmm... now you dont see many Banana flavoured cakes now do you!
Banana Meerca Mini Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Tangy Tchea fruit wrapped in a puff pastry roll.
Tchea Fruit Pastry
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A blueberry and banana flavoured baked treat that is great as a snack or part of a filling meal.
Tchea Fruit Pasty
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Mmm who would have thought of adding banana to a cupcake?
Chocolatey Banana Draik Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hmm.. Banana and Kiwi doesnt sound like a great pizza but it really does taste quite nice.
Banana and Kiwi Pizza Slice
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hmm.. Banana and Kiwi doesnt sound like a great pizza but it really does taste quite nice.
1/3 Banana and Kiwi Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hmm.. Banana and Kiwi doesnt sound like a great pizza but it really does taste quite nice.
1/2 Banana and Kiwi Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hmm.. Banana and Kiwi doesnt sound like a great pizza but it really does taste quite nice.
2/3 Banana and Kiwi Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hmm.. Banana and Kiwi doesnt sound like a great pizza but it really does taste quite nice.
5/6 Banana and Kiwi Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Hmm.. Banana and Kiwi doesnt sound like a great pizza but it really does taste quite nice.
Banana and Kiwi Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

All the taste of the whole stick, without spoiling your appetite.
Banana and Chocolate Rock Slices
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Super sweet and sticky, this rock is the treat of choice for young Kiko Lake inhabitants.
Banana and Chocolate Rock Stick
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A generous helping of blackberry ice cream with a banana for a trunk!
Blackberry Elephante Sundae
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A little cherry tops off your Elephantes headpiece on this cute little sundae.
Chocolate Elephante Sundae
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Haha how cute, the little leaf makes up the Elephantes ears!
Vanilla Elephante Sundae
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The tale of two brothers who just couldnt stop arguing.
Banana Wars
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Just like a normal banana split, only covered in snot!
Snot Split
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

I bet you thought this would be lemon flavoured didnt you :)
Banana JubJub Muffin
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This unusual flavour is the most sought after Jelly Flotsam around.
Banana Jelly Flotsam
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Just like a faerie cake, only it looks like a Faellie :)
Banana Faellie Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Keep your Neopet safe in the sun with this banana scented lotion.
Factor 25 Sun Tan Lotion
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

It is quite surprising how well Tchea fruits and meatballs go together!
Tchea and Meatball Noodles
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Ooh banana! Now that is an unusual flavour for a biscuit!
Banana Blumaroo Biscuit
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

The blue bits of this Tchea fruit taste horrible and so do the yellow bits!
Mutant Tchea
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A delectable blend of chocolate and Tchea fruit.
Chocolate Tchea Truffle
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Tchea jam and cheese grilled between two bits of bread.
Tchea Toasty
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This scrumptious treat was baked specially for Bori Day!
Banana Bori Cupcake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

A wonderfully filling creamy hot soup that is just the thing on cold winter nights.
Cream of Tchea Soup
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Celery sticks, carrot sticks and phear slices with a tchea fruit dip.
Plate of Crudites
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This marshmallow has been infused with tchea fruitiness.
Tchea Marshmallow Grundo
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This pie is filled with large chunks of banana and a warm banana puree.
Banana Mince Pie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

This sparkling lollypop is made with root extracts to give your Neopet energy!
Banana Achyfi Pop
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Banana and licorice make this a flavour you will either love or hate.
Spotted Ice Cream
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

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