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Gallery Spotlight

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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: Mission: Imposs-nible
Owner: evaloosha
Description: My gallery is devoted to creating awareness of all the imposs-nible cuisine in Neopia. Whether these foods were prepared my some greedy tooth faerie or the space station's chef Gargarox on an angry day of loosing at Gormball, Neopets (with the expeption of the codestone-consuming skeith or petpet-eating jestsam) should be aware that whether eating fire, ice, metal, or rocks, a nice, soft borovan pavlova will always keep their digestive systems in tact. Bon appetit!

The Gallery:

Pebble Hunter says 'This shop will self-destruct in 22 seconds'

The Imposs-nible Food Court

This gallery is devoted too all that is seemingly unchewable, but can in fact be digested by almost all creatures of Neopia. Each culinary phenomenon in this gallery follows one of these guidelines:

Imposs-nible to chew: Made of materials such as metal, stone, cloud, snow, ice, and fire, these food items are impossible to chew, let alone digest. There are not even side effects of feeding this attrocities to your neopet. **Warning: eating these foods will not give your pet brain freeze, broken teeth, scorched tongues, or even indigestion**
Imposs-nible to feed: Even though these foods are obviously edible, no neopet besides the codestone-consuming Skeith can eat them, as there is no "feed" option. They *are*, although, edible when mixed with certain ingredients or re-shaped. Foods in this group are often classified as "gifts" and "merchandise".

Does your pet have a sweet tooth? Assorted chocolate candies are so delicious.
1 in stock
Cost : 110,110 NP

Hand picked by young natives, these are a rare delicacy. Even for the islanders, who consume large numbers of them at their annual olive festival.
Pickled Olives
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

A delicious icy negg from the Happy Valley Ice Caves *** WORTH 2 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Icy Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 101,011 NP

A very delicious icy negg from the Happy Valley Ice Caves *** WORTH 4 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Super Icy Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 111,010 NP

An extremely delicious icy negg from the Happy Valley Ice Caves *** WORTH 6 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Ultra Icy Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 100,010 NP

The tastiest Ice Negg ever found in the Happy Valley Ice Caves *** WORTH 8 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Ultimate Icy Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 111,010 NP

A magical negg that can only be found at the Neopian Neggery.  This Negg will give your pet back eight hit points!
Crystal Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

A burger mined out of an ice cave.
Crystal Burger
1 in stock
Cost : 101,001 NP

Cookies for the occasional ice monster!
Crystal Cookies
1 in stock
Cost : 110,010 NP

Nice, cold cereal that will knock your teeth out!
Crystal Crunch
1 in stock
Cost : 101,011 NP

Cake for all ice ages.
Snow Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 110,101 NP

Sure its coldmeatballs, but its still hearty!
Snowghetti and Meatball
1 in stock
Cost : 100,101 NP

Why bother with normal toppings on pizza... tomatoes, pepperoni, chicken are all costly and fattening.  Snow is the inexpensive, slimming alternative!
Snow Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 110,100 NP

Unfortunately the owner of this sandwich cant afford any filling, so they have used snow instead.
Snow Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 110,101 NP

A submarine roll full of snow.  0% RDA for all the important vitamins.
Snow Submarine Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 111,011 NP

An old wizard created many potions, this is his third try!  One Use.
Earth Potion
1 in stock
Cost : 2,020 NP

The food that quenches both your hunger AND your thirst!
Watery Hot Dog
1 in stock
Cost : 101,011 NP

Stone Veggie is only for those pets with strong sharp teeth.
Stone Veggie
1 in stock
Cost : 111,100 NP

Mummification keeps the flavour in longer!
Mummified Pepper
1 in stock
Cost : 100,101 NP

Salt, pepper and sand make it a great addition to any meal!
Seasoning Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 100,010 NP

Salt, pepper and sand make it a great addition to any meal but be sure to pick out all of the glass before sprinkling this on your food.
Broken Seasoning Sand
1 in stock
Cost : 110,101 NP

Edible sand flavoured with pear juice, fashioned into the shape of a pear!
Sand Pear
1 in stock
Cost : 100,101 NP

Edible sand flavoured with crushed banana, fashioned into the shape of a banana!
Sand Banana
1 in stock
Cost : 110,010 NP

Edible sand flavoured with strawberries!
Sand Strawberry
1 in stock
Cost : 110,100 NP

Sand and apple juice all mushed up together and then fashioned into the shape of an apple.  Interesting!
Sand Apple
1 in stock
Cost : 111,010 NP

Edible sand flavoured with orange juice, fashioned into the shape of an orange!
Sand Orange
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

Edible sand flavoured with watermelon juice, fashioned into the shape of a watermelon slice!
Sand Watermelon
1 in stock
Cost : 110,100 NP

This lolly makes you hot, then cold, then hot, then cold again... how bizarre!
Fiery Flames Ice Lolly
1 in stock
Cost : 110,010 NP

Make sure your pet has strong teeth before giving them this icy treat.
Metalicious Ice Lolly
1 in stock
Cost : 101,101 NP

Dispenses one of three chocoballs when you insert 2NP into the slot!
Chocoball Machine
1 in stock
Cost : 101,101 NP

For an extra spicy, fiery treat try one of these great meat tacos!
Flaming Hot Meat Taco
1 in stock
Cost : 101,010 NP

Ouch this pizza is made from extra hot peppers, cornupeppers and jalapenos.
Flaming Hot Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 110,010 NP

This hot dog is smothered with flaming hot chilli sauce and is sure to satisfy even the spiciest tastes!
Flaming Hot Hot Dog
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

If you like your food extra hot and spicy, this flaming hot burger is for you!
Flaming Hot Burger
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

If you like your food extra hot and spicy, this flaming hot burrito is for yoU!
Flaming Hot Burrito
1 in stock
Cost : 111,010 NP

Flaming Hot chilli served in a bread bowl!
Flaming Hot Chilli Bowl
1 in stock
Cost : 101,000 NP

Roast Banana covered in super spicy flaming hot sauce - delicious!
Flaming Hot Banana
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

This great item was given away as part of the Neopets Limited Too promotion!!!
Flaming Scorch Candy
1 in stock
Cost : 101,100 NP

Crispy corn coated in a super spicy flaming hot sauce.
Flaming Hot Corndog
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

Possibly the hottest Chilli covered chips you will ever eat!
Flaming Hot Chips
1 in stock
Cost : 101,011 NP

Ouch! This cake is really made of rocks, if your teeth are strong enough to eat it I am sure it tastes really nice!
Chomby Rock Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

A completely frozen prawn smothered in special sauces and island fruits.
Frozen Prawn Delight
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

The usual succulent juicy taste of sprouts has long since faded, these are as hard as rock.
Rock Sprouts
1 in stock
Cost : 110,011 NP

All the nutrients you need in one tasty-looking block.
Nutritional Blockberry
1 in stock
Cost : 110,110 NP

Super hot, super spicy and super yummy!
Flaming Super Hot Pasty
1 in stock
Cost : 101,001 NP

Rotten Berry
Rotten Berry
1 in stock
Cost : 100,100 NP

A low calorie alternative to all those creamy soups.
Stone Soup
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

Be very careful when eating this rather dry fruit, as you may lose a tooth or two.
Rock Fruit
1 in stock
Cost : 101,010 NP

A vanilla ice cream cone dipped in metal for that extra crunchy coating.
Mecha Icy Cone
1 in stock
Cost : 110,000 NP

Providing you can crack them open these berries have a succulent juicy centre.
Tyrannian Rockberries
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

Lovingly cemented together, very tasty!
Brick Cheese
1 in stock
Cost : 101,011 NP

Its a mummified mushroom, how cute!
Sand Shroom
1 in stock
Cost : 110,101 NP

This slushie will have you feeling hot and cold all over.
Fire and Ice Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 100,110 NP

This recipe just HAD to come from Tyrannia... who else would use stones as a food!
Stone and Slime Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 111,110 NP

Ouch... this Negg is super hard to bite into. *** WORTH 7 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Rock Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Could a pizza possibly be any more solid?
Solid Stone Pizza Slice
1 in stock
Cost : 110,011 NP

Could a pizza possibly be any more solid?
1/3 Solid Stone Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 111,010 NP

Could a pizza possibly be any more solid?
1/2 Solid Stone Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 110,010 NP

Could a pizza possibly be any more solid?
2/3 Solid Stone Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

Could a pizza possibly be any more solid?
5/6 Solid Stone Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 101,101 NP

Could a pizza possibly be any more solid?
Solid Stone Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 110,100 NP

Plenty of vitamins and minerals in this crunchy slushie.
Pebble Dash Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 110,001 NP

These strange grapes are about the only thing that will grow in the Ice Caves.
Snow Grapes
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

Ice, ice and more ice make this sundae ultra cold to eat.
Glacial Sundae
1 in stock
Cost : 100,101 NP

Perfect for vegetarians, this steak is juicy, low calorie and made entirely from snow.
Snowy Valley Steak
1 in stock
Cost : 111,000 NP

This doughnut is made almost entirely from ice with a small dusting of sugar on the top.
Frosty Doughnut
1 in stock
Cost : 100,000 NP

One bite and your teeth will fall out!
Heavy Bark Cheese
1 in stock
Cost : 101,010 NP

Oh dear, this sandwich was left in the freezer so long you can barely tell what it was!
Frozen Veggie Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 110,011 NP

How funny, even though the meat is perfectly preserved it is almost impossible to tell what it is.
Frozen Meaty Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 101,000 NP

Mmm frozen jam.  Its actually quite sweet and crunchy you know.
Frozen Jam Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 101,010 NP

Ick, this sandwich wasnt that much better looking when it was fresh.
Frozen Fishy Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 110,001 NP

An interesting texture of fur and rocks together!
Hairy Rock Burger
1 in stock
Cost : 110,101 NP

Cold and crunchy! Ideal for those hot Tyrannian afternoons.
Minty Rock Ice Cream
1 in stock
Cost : 111,111 NP

Aww it even has a little orange flag in it!
Orange Moon Rock Pie
1 in stock
Cost : 110,100 NP

Even more armoured than the Scaled Negg.  This one is next to impossible to open.
Steel Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 100,100 NP

This Negg is very hard to crack due to all the thick scales on the shell.
Scaled Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 111,001 NP

How can snow be hot?  It truly is a strange dish.
Hot Snow Soup
1 in stock
Cost : 101,101 NP

Finally a bread that wont fill you up or spoil your appetite.
Snow Loaf
1 in stock
Cost : 111,011 NP

A generous helping of nachos, covered in snow.
Snow Covered Nachos
1 in stock
Cost : 110,100 NP

A fresh carrot with vanilla flavoured snow on top.
Snowy Carrot Hot Dog
1 in stock
Cost : 101,112 NP

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