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Gallery Spotlight

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- Today's Gallery Spotlight -

Gallery Name: Purple Palace
Owner: Lost_Gnome
Gallery: duchessofpurple
Description: Purple is such a wonderful color. I love purple and this gallery is my tribute to all things purple in Neopia.

The Gallery:

The Purple Gallery Keeper says 'Purple is all we have, enjoy your stay.'

Please do not touch the merchandise, it is just for looking at.

My Perfect Purple Pets

KingofPurple O_Purple_1

Welcome to my purple gallery where we feature all things purple. Enjoy!

Please visit a Shop With Gnomes, a Gallery of Grey and a Gallery of Three

A special thanks to iwasraisedbycats, queech, carebearbecky, angelgirl__28, nucleicaeo, mejoel, mizzerella, sugar_girl420, song4u2, and katiesgirl23 for several donations to this gallery

Yum, a bunch of grapes to feed your
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A wriggly little grub squirms here, these can be a
delicious treat for those pets that dont mind eating one.
Wriggling Grub
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Here you have some delicious candy. Tear off the
wrapper and eat it.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

An eyeball is a special delicacy for those pets
strong enough to stomach them.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A delicious purple negg, an unusual fruit
with special powers. *** WORTH 2 NEGG POINTS AT THE NEGGERY ***
Purple Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Make your pet the coolest of the bunch
with this fantastic skateboard.
Purple Skateboard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Give your pet the perfect manicure with
this colour coordinated polish.
Purple Nail Varnish
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Hello, I am a cute little Fuzzle.  I
want to be your friend.
Purple Fuzzle
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A faerie of darkness is trapped inside
this jar.  Release it and your pet may be blessed.
Bottled Dark Faerie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A doughnut with purple
Purple Doughnut
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Enhance your eyes with these amazing new
shades from NeoGlo.
Purple Eyeshadow
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A refreshing cup of tea may be just the thing to get
your pet up in the morning.
Cup of Tea
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Some mixed flavoured Bubble
Bubble Gum
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Everything a young pet needs to know
about their first encounter with faeries.
My First Faerie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

101 recipes with
101 Negg Recipes
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Geometry level one - of a three level
Geometry Level 1
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Geometry level two - of a three level
Geometry Level 2
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Geometry level three - of a three level
Geometry Level 3
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The hip and happening
Kickin Kikos
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Say farewell to Mel in this hardback
book dedicated to the life and times of your least favourite pet.
Goodbye Mel
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A tasty Milkshake can be a filling
addition to any meal.
Raspberry Milkshake
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This is a nutritious meal packed full of all
the vitamins and minerals a young pet needs.
Forest Fruit Baby Food
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Bug Eye is a very jumpy fellow, he
hasnt quite been the same since his last ship went down and seems to be afraid of the water.
Bug Eye McGee
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This dedicated Usul has just one
focus in life, to be the Ultimate Gormball Champion.  She has studied her entire life for this and wont be beaten
Ursula Usul
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Mean, ferocious and
underhand.  Grargadon is a mercenary who will fight for anyone, providing there are enough NeoPoints
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This Grarrl was captured by Dr
Sloth along with his four friends.  Sloths ray gun left them all with special powers which they use to fight evil and bring
justice to Neopia.
Captain Astounding
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This Grarrl was captured by Dr
Sloth along with his four friends.  Sloths ray gun left them all with special powers which they use to fight evil and bring
justice to Neopia.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This Grarrl was captured by Dr
Sloth along with his four friends.  Sloths ray gun left them all with special powers which they use to fight evil and bring
justice to Neopia.
The Wall
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Farlax loves to explore new
territory and is always seeking new locations for Alien Aisha Vending machines.  His dream is to have a Vending Machine in
every galaxy.
Farlax V
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A lightweight weapon that can give enemies
a bit of a sting.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This magic hat makes the wearer
invisible for a time.  When it is not being worn it looks just like a normal purple hat.
Purple Invisihat
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Brave, quick witted and full of
adventure, Beerlap is not afraid to be the first Alien Aisha to set foot on a new planet.
Beerlap III
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

After decades on the high seas,
Capn Threelegs finally gave up his plundering ways to become head of the Swashbuckling Academy.  Now he passes on the wisdom
of the seas to a new generation of buccaneers.
Captain Threelegs
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Edna is constantly trying to
master her spells, spending most of her time tucked away in her gloomy, grey-walled tower, mixing ingredients in her bubbling
Edna the Witch
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This intricate music box plays a pretty
tune that your Neopet will love.
Fyora Music Box
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Wind up the music box and Jhudora turns
around while playing a song.
Jhudora Music Box
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A purple nutritious snack for your
Violet Seeds
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The Money Tree is a place where
people donate gifts so that others who are far more needy can come and get them.
Money Tree
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

When the sun is away, this Kacheek
likes to play... sneaking around the dark streets of Neopia Central seeing what she can steal.  Just a word of
warning... always lock your windows at night, or who knows what may go missing.
Brista Lightfeet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Currently being worked
Shahuaga The Red
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Currently under
Gelert Pack
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This harmless mummy constantly
wanders around the tombs of the Lost Desert.  Nobody knows where he came from, or what he is looking
Scorchio Mummy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Currently under
Buzz Alchemist
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Currently under
Sir Skeithalot
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Unaware of Doctor Sloths defeat at
the hands of the Space Faerie, Grimilix continues to wait patiently for the day when his leader finally calls upon him to
swoop down and conquer Neopia.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Once providers of food to the
people of Kal Panning, these undead farmers have become strong undead fiends, bent on death and
Undead Farmer
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Currently under
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Once a loyal member of Dr Sloths
elite task force, this Grundo now prefers to add to his vast collection of Ummagine
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

On his twelfth birthday, Umbus was
put in charge of defending his chieftains hut on Mystery Island, a respected and honourable position to say the
Umbus Alta
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

With his programming days behind
him, Tazzalor now earns his keep sailing the high seas, in search of pirate treasure.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Following a short stay in the
Tyrannian Army, Grackle decided to raid the local neighbourhoods.  Sadly he didnt plan on meeting Geoffrey the
Grackle the Chia Bomber
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Like most Earth Faeries, Iyana
lives in a forest, making her home high in the branches of the tallest tree.
Iyana the Earth Faerie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This elusive little character
resides deep within the Neggery. It is a very chilly place in the ice caves, but if you make the trek to visit her you may be
well rewarded:)
The Negg Faerie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

When hes not rescuing damsels in
distress, Wesley is busy thwarting the plans of the nefarious pirate, Long John Kiko.
Wesley Clearheart
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A proud warrior with nerves of
steel, Bazri is no stranger to battle.  He has served under Dr Sloths command since his masters first invasion of
Bazri The Grundo
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A towel is useful for drying off hair, after the
bath or just to wipe off your face after freshening up.  .
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

What exactly are these mysterious
creatures?  Find out everything there is to know.
Know Your Motes
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Take this mystical paint brush to the
Rainbow Pool and turn your pet into a rather fetching shade of purple.
Purple Paint Brush
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

If your pet is suffering from bubbles, this
special herbal drink will make its troubles fade away.
Bubbles Herbal Drink
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Just one sharp prick and then your pet
will be feeling much better.  Remember to give your pet a cuddle afterwards.
Neezles Jab
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

These 100% natural grapes are a tasty treat for
health conscious pets.
Organic Red Grapes
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This sweety-soury blend is one of
our staffs absolute favourites! Highly recommended.
Large Super Lemon Grape Smoothie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A frosty, fruity ice cream and jelly
Large Ice Creamy Jelly Smoothie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A frosty, fruity ice cream and jelly
Mega Ice Creamy Jelly Smoothie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This sweety-soury blend is one of
our staffs absolute favourite! Highly recommended.
Mega Super Lemon Grape Smoothie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A frosty, fruity ice cream and jelly
Small Ice Creamy Jelly Smoothie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This sweety-soury blend is one of our
staffs absolute favourite! Recommended.
Small Super Lemon Grape Smoothie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

After you buy your boxes, dont forget to
purchase bows and ribbons and colourful wrapping paper.
Wrapping Supplies
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Your pet can enjoy hours of fun with
his/her very own bubble blower.
Bubble Blower
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Not sure what to get your
NeoPet? Flowers are the perfect gift that say, "Youre my favourite pet."
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Remember all the important dates in the
Neopian calendar and see pictures of some of the cutest pets around:)
Pocket Calendar
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

What is better for breakfast than a bowl of
Neocrunch Cereal
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Uncover the mysterious appeal of
Acara Facts
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Arent you sick of this pet yet? No,
me neither!  I own this great book. You should, too!!!
Terrific Acaras
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Mustard flavoured ice cream smothered in
raspberry sauce.
Mustard Ice Cream
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Italian pasta and succulent fresh
Pasta And Eyes
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Crispy finger shaped banana rice
Finger Crisps
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The purplum is filled with a liquid
sugar and will make anyone who eats it jump for joy.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The perfect addition to any
recipe. The locals also use it to preserve food.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Weird fruits found in the outer
reaches of the rain forests.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Juppies are usually sweet but this
purple treat is very very sour but delicious nevertheless.
Purple Juppie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Not your ordinary rock. These volcanic rocks
come from the sacred volcano. The natives believe that the volcano is the source of all life on the
Volcanic Rock
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Wow, fatty but
Cheese Manicotti
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Chest armour can protect from most
powerful blasts.
Chest Armour
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

If you are all battled-out and cant take
the abuse from your opponent any longer, use your Dream Orb to relax them and slow them down.
Dream Orb
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The Boadaisy is the pride of many Neohome with
its purple flowers, silvery-green, marbled stems and magenta stripes.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Pebeanjays are hardy, all-rounders suitable
for gardeners of all abilities.
Pebeanjay Flowers
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Keep intruders at bay with these spooky
looking Snake Roses.  They wriggle in the wind and look just like real serpents.
Snake Rose
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This bendy stretchy plant  not only looks
great, but it is a great plaything.
Rubber Plant
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A lovely fragrant blossom, just right for
bordering pathways in your garden.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

These flowers are so lazy you have to
prop them up on sticks to get them to stand up.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Pretty bluebells are great for any
garden.  These Neopian bluebells make sounds when you shake them!
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Nobody knows what this is, but it is found
just below the surface of the ground, and tastes of cabbage.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This prickly blue bush smells strongly
of aniseed, and as a result attracts wild animals to it.
Plurby Bush
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Dunkydoos are called the ninja fruit, as
its leaves are made into throwing weapons.  They only grow in the fields near the Mystery Island training
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Although the Sproing lives in water it can
bounce across land for short periods of time.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A useful tool in any home-repair
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Ugly, but useful, this utility fish will
brighten your darkest nights.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Remember to take the shell off before
you pop this little treat into your mouth.
Stripey Urchin
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Fried on the stove, these delicious
kelpcakes are eaten traditionally on Shrove Kelpday.  The Green Sauce is a mystery better left
Kelpcakes with Green Sauce
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Forgot your toolbox and need to unscrew a
tough bolt, now you can with the Plierfish.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Snorkle Snout
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Almost-but-not-quite gummy
goodness. Grape is great!
Almost Gummy Rat (Grape)
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This is an extremely rare poster from
Usukicon Y3!
UsukiCon Flares Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This is an extremely rare poster from
Usukicon Y3!
UsukiCon Prom Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This is an extremely rare poster from
Usukicon Y3!
UsukiCon Magic Hair Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Said to be formed from the tears of
a heart broken Earth faerie this amulet grants you protection from some earth magic.
Soul Stone
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Forged by faeries a millenia ago, this
helmet magically fits all species perfectly.
Silver Helmet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Not just one cup, but a whole pot of finest
Chamomile Tea.
Chamomile Tea
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Juppie Java has a bit of a kick. Love it or hate
it it will certainly wake you up!
Purple Juppie Java
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A sugary high energy drink.  The recipe is a
family secret passed down for generations.
Purplum Mocha
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

When mixed with the right ingredients Kabuggle
juice is a sweet, fruity pick me up.  Delicious with our famous amaretto biscuits.
Kabuggle Mocha
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

These grapes are so excited about being in
a Grapity Slush...they are just waiting to jump out into your stomach!
Grapity Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Watch this one does not wobble away before
you can drink it!
Jelly Slushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Grape Chia Pop
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A colourful fruity snow
puff.  These are made by firing rice really hard at snowflakes, but only when there is a rainbow in the
Grape Snow Puff
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This is just a simple cracker prize,
nothing at all magical about this.
Plum Chia Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Your Neopet will look just like royalty
when they wear this hat.
Purple and Green Party Hat
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Play detective with this pocket
magnifying glass.
Pocket Magnifying Glass
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This plastic ring is an inexpensive gift,
after all its the thought that counts right?
Plastic Ring
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Wow!  A purple poogle... arent they
supposed to be rarer than the other four colours?
Purple Poogle Toy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Here is a great purple scooter to get
around Neopia on!  Wow!  This one is a rare purple scooter, so it has better grip and faster wheels.
Purple Scooter
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Wow, a purple Kougra plush toy.  The
Mystery Island natives only produce one of these every week!
Purple Kougra Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Awww, a sweet little Blumaroo!  I bet
your pet would love to play with this!
Purple Blumaroo Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

You can only get this cute Quiggle
from the scratchcard game!
Purple Quiggle Toy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This plastic keyring features one
of the many cute Neopets on offer.  Try and collect the set!
Blue Blumaroo Keyring
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This plastic keyring features one
of the many cute Neopets on offer.  Try and collect the set!
Green Blumaroo Keyring
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This plastic keyring features one
of the many cute Neopets on offer.  Try and collect the set!
Red Blumaroo Keyring
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This plastic keyring features
one of the many cute Neopets on offer.  Try and collect the set!
Yellow Blumaroo Keyring
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This potion can be used to heal your pet,
however the bottle cannot be taken into the Battledome as it will easily break.
Healing Potion VIII
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This potion can be used to heal your pet,
however the bottle cannot be taken into the Battledome as it will easily break.
Healing Potion IX
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This potion can be used to heal your pet,
however the bottle cannot be taken into the Battledome as it will easily break.
Healing Potion X
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A new type of Battledome attack! Uncork the
bottle and unleash a magical fire attack on an opponent!
Flamestrike Bottle
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This purple potion will heal your pet five hit
points. It can be used any time during a battle!
Ubikiberry Elixir
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This pale potion will heal your pet nine hit
points. It can be used any time during a battle!
Pale Elixir
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This potion can be used to heal your pet,
however the bottle cannot be taken into the Battledome as it will easily break.
Healing Potion XI
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Legend has it that a band of evil Korbats
were transformed into mindless Barbats under a wicked curse.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Mee-meep, take me home, I will be the
perfect pal for your Neopet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This magic bow was forged from pure evil.  It
is perfect weapon against those who are good. Limited Use.
Bow of Vileness
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Have you ever heard of the evil archer in the
haunted woods?  This magic bow was created by him to kill those who were good.  Limited Use.
Evil Bow
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Have you heard of Sir Cheekalot the
great knight?  Well, this is his very own training shield.  Treat it right and it will defend you well.
Sir Cheekalot Training Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Have you heard of Sir Cheekalot the
great knight?  Well, this is the shield he used in his battle trials.  Treat it right and it will defend you
Sir Cheekalot Trials Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Have you heard of Sir Cheekalot
the great knight?  Well, this is shield he almost always carried into battle.  Treat it right and it will defend you
Sir Cheekalot Battle Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Have you heard of Sir Cheekalot
the great knight?  Well, this is the battle shield that he only used when he REALLY wanted to win.  Treat it right and it will
defend you well.
Sir Cheekalot Ultimate Battle Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Commando Jub used this arrow when he fought
in the plains. One Use.
Plains Arrow
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Commando Jub used this arrow when he fought
strongly in the forests of Neopia.  Now you can use it too! One Use.
Forest Arrow
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

It may be one of the least popular, but
this cute little Moehog toy is sure to brighten up your Neopets day.
Purple Moehog Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A battlecard is a powerful magic card that
can be thrown at an enemy in the Battledome! One Use.
Chuffer Bob Battlecard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A silver Battlecard is a souped up version
of the normal Battlecard.  It can be used in the Battledome to do two types of damage against an opponent. One
Silver Chuffer Bob Battlecard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A golden Battlecard is THE most powerful
Battlecard around.  Throw them at an opponent in the Battledome and they will explode to do three types of damage! One
Gold Chuffer Bob Battlecard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Plastered with grape
Grape Roll
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

If you have a short neopet then this
is the table for you. Its the ideal height for tiny tots to eat off of.
Pretty Covered Table
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A stylish, practical purple
Functional Purple Chair
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Done too much shopping lately? This
will fit all your new outfits and more!
Purple Wardrobe
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

You can place all your cool toys on
here to show off to your friends :)
Violet Shelf Unit
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Eewwww, I am not sure what this thing is, but I
hope it tastes good.
Primordial Thing
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The purple grasper moves towards a source of
heat, and will cling on to you if you move too near.  Legend tells of its 100 foot tall cousin, the Purple
Purple Grasper
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Smooth saxaphone sounds, perfect for a
hard day at the office!
Fluffy Sounding Speaker
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This smelly fish has just been dragged out of
the local tar pit.  Remember to wash thoroughly before eating.
Dino Snapper
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Always remember your favourite concert when
you purchase this Chomby and the Fungus Balls jacket!
Chomby and the Fungus Balls Jacket
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Always remember your favourite concert when
you purchase this Blue Kacheek Group Poster.
Blue Kacheek Group Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Always remember your favourite concert when
you purchase this M*YNCI Poster.
M*YNCI Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Catch them on tour throughout
Yes Boy Ice-Cream Ticket
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Always remember your favourite concert when
you purchase this Yes Boy Ice-Cream Poster.
Yes Boy Ice-Cream Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Be the ultimate fan with this ultra cool Yes
Boy Ice-Cream cap.
Yes Boy Ice-Cream Cap
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Compact, yet amazingly bright.  This lamp will
brighten your room without making a statement.
Small Table Lamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Mmmm Clam Jam... just like mother used to
Fresh Clam Jam
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A cute little Walein is just the thing if
your Neopet is feeling blue :)
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Feeding Lupes is a great book.  It tells you
everything you ever needed to know about your Lupes nutritional requirements.
Feeding Lupes
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Ever wish that you could control the
elements.  Use this hail mote to attack with the force of frozen ice!
Hail Mote
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The Teenage Usuki doll is already to
party.  Comes with a range of hair accessories and footwear.
Teenage Usuki
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Usuki is all ready for summer with shades,
rollerblades and a cute two piece swim suit.
Fun in the Sun Usuki
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Watch Usukis hair sparkle and grow, no
matter how often you cut it.  Comes with a full range of hair styling products.
Magical Hair Usuki
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Sonnets, haikus and love poems about
Neopias number one hog.
Moehog Poetry
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Hello, I am a cute little Evil
Fuzzle.  Will you be my friend.
Purple Evil Fuzzle
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

These Maraquan natives have quite specific
dietary needs.  Find out what Koi need with this great book.
Feed Koi
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Any pet who has been to the rainbow pool will
recognise these colours.  We have recreated them in pizza form using finest pumpkin and juppie
Split Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Hmmm, we arent really sure why this one
exists... eat it anyway, its sure to taste good :)
Bubbling Blueberry Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Hoon about Usuki Hills in this great
convertible for your Usuki Doll!
Usuki Dream Car
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A Dream Castle of her own to live in!  Your
Usuki doll can have a prince, ponies, and all the jewels she wants.  Ages 2 and up.
Usuki Dream Castle
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Yum, a tin of olives.  Just what you really
wanted to win from the Tombola Game!
Tin of Olives
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Ewww Prune Juice, thats nasty! Just what you
really wanted to win from the Tombola Game!
Can of Prune Juice
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

How could anything be so dark?  In fact this
dark orb has the ability to reflect darkness attacks back at an opponent! Fragile. You can only equip one of
Dark Reflectorb
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

There were three quiggles, a red, a
blue, and a green one.  The red one says to the green... ahh you will have to read the book to get the
Quiggle Joke Book
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

How the Kau got its clouds and many
other faerie tales in this beautiful little book.
Kau Faerie Tales
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Learn how to make the most delicious
vegetarian pies straight from Neopias no 1 Kau cook.
Kau Pies
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The Ummagine is a large root vegetable that
grows far underground.  It is such a hassle to dig them up that it is very rarely done.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Daisy is a very clumsy Acara, no matter
what she does things always seem to go wrong.
Oopsy Daisy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The Ummagine is a large root vegetable
that grows far underground. Now its just a mess but you can buy it for a discounted price.
Damaged Ummagine
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Grape Pizza????  Who on earth thought of
Grape Pizza
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A heart warming tale of a Tuskaninny who was
an outcast because he was born purple.
Purple Power
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Brush your pets pretty with this novelty
Peophin Mane Brush.
Peophin Mane Brush
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Bubblegum scented Peophin Shampoo will
have all of your pets in a frenzy to take a bath.
Peophin Shampoo
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Brush your teeth after every meal and
your teeth will stay sparkling white!
Purple Toothbrush
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A collection of tear jerking tales such as
how the Peophin faced extinction, and the miserable tale of little finny.
Sad Peophin Stories
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

All Chombies are unusual, but this one was
more so than most.  He was born completely golden apart from a small black mark on his front paw...
The Great Chomby
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Made from 100% pure Tiranium this
X2000 is built to last.  Can only be worn by Grundos.
Grundo X2000 Chestplate
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Specially designed to protect sensitive
Grundo heads, complete with adjustable holes so your antennae dont get squashed.
Grundo Battle Helmet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This is no ordinary belt... Once deployed,
the rockets explode over your opponent, covering them in a thick cloud of smoke.
Chomby Rocket Belt
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Kippex was fed up with Skeiths kicking sand
in his eye and stealing his Neopoints.  One day he passed by Grundos Gym and decided it was time to change it
The Macho Kyrii
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Although Snarhooks have small arms they like
to carry things using their hooked nose.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

One... Two.. Three... take the
strain now and hold.... This book has everything a Jetsam needs to build their muscles and become
Weight Lifting for Jetsams
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Now available in five fruity flavours -
Fruity Korbites
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Take this magical Paint Brush to the
Petpet Puddle and something special may happen to your Petpet!
Purple Petpet Paint Brush
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

An unusual yet strangely pleasant fizzy
Dandelion and Burdock Drink
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This luxurious thick coat has been blessed
by Earth faeries and protects any Chia that wears it from mighty blows.
Chia Defence Cloak
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The juiciest fruit in Neopia, if your pet is
feeling thirsty and hungry, this is just the thing!
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

An interesting mixture of blackcurrant and
lime, only shaped like a banana - how odd!
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A rather snazzy Usuki clock will brighten up
even the dullest of walls.
Official Usuki Clock
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Practice your bowling skills with this
very stylish Usuki bowling set.
Official Usuki Bowling Set
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A totally Usuki drum that your Neopet can
play with!
Official Usuki Drum
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Keep your Usul safe with this helmet!  It
will protect your Usul and also make your Usul look scary!!
Usul Helmet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Protect your Usul and their outfit with
this great armour!  No more scorched outfits to repair...
Usul Armour
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Look stylish and menacing with this great
battle axe!  Any Usul would be proud to own this weapon!
Usul Axe
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Four large sandwiches filled with prime
Juppie Jam, all wrapped in paper and ready to take on any adventure.
Juppie Jam Sandwiches
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The triplets Dorothy, Dotty and Peridot were
approaching their fourth birthday, soon they would be able to set off on their own...
Connect the Dots
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Now your Usuki can rule over her loyal
subjects in style with this fabulous purple outfit.
Usuki Queen Set
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

All the meaty goodness of Sporkle
Legs, squished into easy to carry jelly bean shapes.
Sporkle Leg Jelly Beans
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This helmet will protect your Cybunny
in battle.  If your Cybunny focuses hard, it may also attack your opponent...
Cybunny Helmet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Keep your cybunnys opponents at bay
with this cunning little sword!
Cybunny Sword
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This festive hat will cheer up any
Purple Cracker Hat
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Watch the Kiko go whirling round as you
amaze your friends with your Yoyo tricks!
Kiko Yoyo
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Three large sandwiches filled with prime
Juppie Jam, all wrapped in paper and ready to take on any adventure.
3 Juppie Jam Sandwiches
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Two large sandwiches filled with prime Juppie
Jam, all wrapped in paper and ready to take on any adventure.
2 Juppie Jam Sandwiches
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

One large sandwich filled with prime Juppie
Jam, all wrapped in paper and ready to take on any adventure.
1 Juppie Jam Sandwich
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Only the plumpest, freshest Juppies go
into making this delicious winter pudding.
Purple Juppie Pudding
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

No matter what Stripe did, he simply
couldnt fit in with his family.  He just didnt see the fun in terrorising Moehogs and bullying
Stripe, the Strange Skeith
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Slices of fresh Chokato over cheese and
bread, all baked until nice and gooey!
Chokato Melt
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Rice pudding with mashed Chokato all in an
easy to open pot.
Chokato Pudding
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This sticky, sweet preserve will make even
the most stale bread taste delicious!
Chokato Jam
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Lashings of Chokato icing over a strawberry
sponge, all topped with a freshly picked baby Chokato.
Iced Chokato Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Everything your Usuki needs to begin
tending their very own garden!
Usuki Gardening Set
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

An ideal first book with very large
letters and colourful pictures.
Buzz for Infants
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Its just like an apple, except its
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A truly weird masterpiece, a blend
of the finest tropical fruits and a cheesy corn dog!
Polka Dot Hot Dog
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Quite possibly the most fragrant and juicy
fruit in Neopia!
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The ideal gift for that special girl
in your life.
Valentines Earrings
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This bouquet is filled with the finest
selection of Neopian flowers.  Each bunch is unique!
Deluxe Bouquet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Use this brush to make your pets coat
super shiny like Jhudoras!
Jhudoras Brush
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Beware of this venomous  looking
Poisonous Lollypop
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This potion can be used in the
Battledome and has an explosive effect!! Limited Use.
Purple Blob Potion
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Your Neopet can express its love for
Jhudora with this great t-shirt.  One size fits all!
Jhudora T-Shirt
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This tome contains many spells that the
ancient dark faeries used to use.
Dark Faerie Magic
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This shroom is said to be magical and
at the right time of day turn into a gnome for a little bit, but no one has proved it true yet.
Gnome Shroom
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This adorable little clockwork rat
can have the ability to scare many a person when it runs around the room!
Clockwork Rat
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Keep all manner of interesting things in this
purple pencil case!
Purple Pencil Case
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This bubbling mixture will clean even
the grubbiest Neopet.
Uni Shampoo
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

One coat of this special hoof
polish and your Neopets hooves will be gleaming like never before.
Hoof Polish
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This spongy Koi toy is great for splashing
around in the bath!
Koi Bath Buddy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A pretty collectable item or a tasty
Checkered Easter Negg
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The latest hair dos, clothing and
make up ideas for Krawks of all ages.
Fashion For Krawks
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A sweet tale about one abandoned
Kougra who found love and caring where he least expected it.
Love and Caring
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A beautiful vanilla cake with a
purple Kougra iced on the top.
Iced Vanilla Kougra Cake
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This pretty keyring will keep all
your Neohome keys in one place.
Yellow Wocky Keyring
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Ooh this snazzy purple Acara balloon
looks so much fun!
Purple Acara Balloon
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This Neopets balloon is filled
with helium, so you better hold onto it!!
Purple Tuskaninny Balloon
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

What is the suprise you may
ask?  Well.. wait till this meal starts moving and you will find out.
Toasty Jam Surprise
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Top tips on preening your scales and
keeping your fins in tip top condition.
Koi Beauty Tips
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Looks like someone has smeared this
shield with peanut butter and blueberry jam.  I wonder if that will make it stronger?
Peanut Butter and Jam Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Now you can build sandcastles with ease
using this groovy purple bucket and JubJub shaped spade.
Purple JubJub Sandcastle Set
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A fun collection of stories and legends
starring faeries of all shapes and sizes.
Faerie Folk
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A sad story with a twist that will warm
your heart.
The Lost Kau
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Top tips to making your Acara a
Gormball champion!
Acara Gormball Tips
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A filling spicy soup with tortilla
chips shaped like flotsam fins floating on the top.
Flotsam Fin Soup
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Evil cheese that came from beyond the
Purple Spotted Cheese
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This berry is best served raw, as when they
are heated they can have a rather explosive reaction.
Blue Bomberry
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This rubbery berry is quite delicious,
however, it is nearly impossible to chew. Careful not to drop it as once it starts bouncing, it never
Purple Felberry
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This pen writes with a wonderful
purple and blue combination.
Faerie Kougra Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This bookmark will make sure you
never lose your place when reading.
Faerie Kougra Bookmark
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Be the ultimate in hair
accessories with this spanking new hair clip.
Faerie Kougra Hair Clip
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Now your Neopet can see what its like
to be a Faerie Kougra without the need for expensive potions and brushes.
Faerie Kougra Mask
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This mug has a Faerie Kougra print all
over it.
Faerie Kougra Mug
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Your Neopet can look just like a
Faerie Kougra with this beautiful claw polish.
Faerie Kougra Claw Polish
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This sword can be used by any
Neopet, although it helps if you are a Faerie Kougra.
Faerie Kougra Sword
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Apply this moisturiser day and
night to keep your Neopets skin silky smooth.
Moisturising Cream
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Spinach and blackcurrant blended
with cheese to make a very interesting taste sensation.
Spotty Cheese Wedge
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

By placing this cheerful hat on, you can
stand in the village square and recite poetry to everyone.  However, it does not protect you from any tomatoes thrown if you
do a bad job of it.
Poets Hat
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The source of food for the whole
of Tyrannia - the giant omelette!
Omelette Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Simply place the strap around your wrist
and hurl this rubber device at your opponent to give them an incredibly nasty nip.
Snappy Poogle Keyring Thingy
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This ancient treasure is enchanted so
it will withstand almost any blow.
Ancient Poogle Face Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

I met a hula mistress, somewhere in
Island Acara Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A delicious hot drink with just a hint of
Ummagine Tea
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A super strong shield that will serve
your Ixi well.
Ixi Indestructible Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Ok, so its not really indestructible,
but it is pretty strong!
Ixi Indestructible Helmet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Seller of the greatest hotdogs in the
whole of Neopia!
Huberts Hot Dogs Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This chirpy young Wocky has set up
a stand in the Ice Caves selling scratchcards to passers by.  If you are lucky you could win a
Scratch Card Kiosk Wocky
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This glistening blade will never dull,
no matter what happens in battle.
Majestic Jetsam Sword
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Equip your Jetsam with this ornate
shield and they will soon be fending off enemies with ease.
Majestic Jetsam Shield
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A great friend... for as long as the
weather stays cold.
Purple Abominable Snowball
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A terrifying tale that will send
shivers down your Neopets spine.
One Scary Night
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Another evil plushie from the
deserted fairground!
Kougrachio Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Another evil plushie from the
deserted fairground!  Somebody obviously was not hiring the best workers in their plushie factory!
Quigquig Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Another evil plushie from the
deserted fairground!
Von Kougra Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

What a friendly little guy, I wonder
what he is doing in Meridell?
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Full of mystery, intrigue and a round Neopia
chase, this is one book you just wont be able to put down.
Mr X
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

OOh its a Neopets goodie bag, you have
GOT to open it!
Krawk Goodie Bag
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This special cupcake was baked just for
Neopets third birthday!
Raspberry Birthday Cupcake
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This special cupcake was baked just for
Neopets third birthday!
Bomberry Birthday Cupcake
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Grundos arrived in Neopia by working
for Sloth on the Virtupets Space Station.
Purple Grundo Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

It lets you blow huge
Bubble Yum
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Play the great new Whats Her
Face game on Neopets today!
Whats Her Face CD
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The chocolate factory had ummagines
shipped all the way from the Lost Desert to make this special sweet.
Ummagine Candy Cane
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Open your stocking carefully and if you
are lucky there will be something nice inside.
Purple Stocking
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Mmm... blackcurrant
Blackcurrant Jelly Pop
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This puff pastry wrap is filled with
black cherry flavoured jam.
Black Cherry Pastry Wrap
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

So what is it like to be a Buzz in Neopia
these days?  Find out in this exciting diary.
A Buzz Life
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Bleaurgh this jelly looks and tastes
Poisonous Jelly
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Yuck... how could anyone have eaten half
of this jelly?
Half Eaten Poisonous Jelly
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

At last a Zafara gnome -
Purple Zafara Gnome
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A big thick juicy ham, made entirely from purple
Jelly Ham
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Masters of magic, the archmagi
of the Two Rings command armies of lesser wizards, but are themselves formidable foes who may summon the elements to do their
Two Rings Archmagus Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Having once been a sickly
Tyrannian himself, Pacha the Elephante takes great pride in caring for the Petpets which are sold in his shop. As a top-notch
veterinarian, Pachas miraculous talent has enabled him to take a number of less fortunate Petpets and nurse them back to
Pacha The Vet
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Its soft and squishy and it growls softly
when you squeeze its belly!
Drackonack Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A interesting behind the scenes look at
one Tonus adventures in the Beauty Contest.
The Mane Event
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Shake the book and the eyes jiggle
around, what fun!
Mynci Wiggling Eyes Book
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Peel open the soft skin to reveal a
super spicy corn flavoured treat.
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Just the thing for a great Mystery
Island tiki party!  Now all you need is some tasty fruit, and a limbo dancing competition!
Purple Grass Skirt
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

And you thought it was real... what a shame
Fake Crypt of Chance Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

And you thought it was real... what a shame
Fake Undead Jackpot of Doom Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

And you thought it was real... what a shame
Fake Festering Fortune Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

And you thought it was real... what a
shame :(
Fake Pustravaganza Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

You got the correct answer and all
you got was this lousy T-shirt :(
Gadgadsbogen T-Shirt
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

You didnt think Jhudora would use any
old snowball now did you? One use item.
Jhudoras Snowball
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Scratch off three of the same type and win
win win!!!
Crypt of Chance Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Scratch off three of the same type and win
win win!!!
Undead Jackpot of Doom Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Scratch off three of the same type and win
win win!!!
Festering Fortune Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Scratch off three of the same type and win
win win!!!
Mutating Millions Scratchcard
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A hilarious tale about one clumsy
Krawk who couldnt help breaking everything around him.
Krawk Karnage
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Be the envy of all your
friends with this snazzy faerie pen.
Faerie Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Delicious recipes using ingredients
native to Mystery Island.
Cooking For Kougras
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A dash of cream and a whole banana have
been blended to make this refreshingly sweet coffee.
Banana Cream Coffee
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This cute hair clip will keep that fly
away piece of hair neat and tidy all day long.
Baby Aisha Hair Clip
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Its an Ummagine - how
Ummagine Stamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Literally dripping with berry juice
this pen tastes yummy, even if it is rather messy.
Berry Ink Pen
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Dip your pen into this purple ink and
your writing will smell just like berries.
Berry Ink
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This berry scented eraser will
remove any unwanted ink.
Berry Ink Eraser
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Thiebos and Horak heaved and
heaved... still the rope wouldnt budge.  There was nothing for it thought Horak, I am never going to win this fair and
Tug-O-War Card
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A collection of selected poetry
written by and about Quiggles.
Quiggle Poetry
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A cute little book that your Neopet will
just love!
Baby Ixi Book
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Three funny stories featuring Flotsams
from all over Neopia.
Flotsam Fables
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This berry scented book is the
perfect place to jot down notes or make wonderful drawings in.
Berry Sketch Book
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Nothing revives you like a Dewberry
Dewberry Reviver
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This rare poster shows all the new
Usuki dolls that were unveiled at Usukicon 5 (even the Musketeer).
Usukicon Y5 Showcase Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This brightly coloured poster has a
shiny background that makes it sparkle when hung on your wall.
Usukicon Y5 Shiny Poster
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Aww cute, the Drackonacks mouth
is the zip!
Drackonack Back Pack
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Strap a happy little Hasee on your
back and you will always have your books whenever you need.
Hasee Backpack
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

When you wear this back pack it
almost looks as if you have dark faerie wings hehe :)
Dark Faerie Back Pack
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

A very sylish pencil that writes in
dark purple.
Dark Faerie Pencil
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

How unusual... A round
Round Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Oooh this ones all
Fuzzy Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Wow, this looks just like the
striped paintbrush!
Striped Notebook
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This stunning pillow can be won from
the Test Your Strength game.
Meowclops Pillow
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

The subtle pinkish purple hue makes this lamp
simply adorable.
Magenta Coral Lamp
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This Petpet has a voracious appetite
that could almost match a Skeiths!
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

This gummy Slorg is much harder to get
hold of than the lime one... how strange!
Grape Gummy Slorg
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

It looks like a little Petpet has
been scooped into an ice cream cone and frozen!
Spooky Gooplecream
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

No, you cant seriously make pies out of
Petpets... can you?
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

As you sip from this mug you will be reminded
how great the band was. This was given out by the advent calendar in year 5.
Seasonal CATFB Mug
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

Adorable and evil all rolled into
one. This was given out by the advent calendar in year 5.
Darigan Kougra Plushie
1 in stock
Cost : 250,000 NP

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Quick Jump

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