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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 82 > New Series > The Mercenary Lawyer: Part One

The Mercenary Lawyer: Part One

by moonsunangel

Untitled Document I glanced out the NeoHome window. Why was a human coming up our driveway? Moonsunangel, my owner, was not famous or anything. We did get an occasional random visitor though, so I went to the door thinking this would be a normal talk-and-go case. Wrong. As the girl got closer, I could see that she was crying. Ummm, okay... I never reacted well to tears, when my sister Chiva had burst into tears after she accidentally banged into the wall one day, I fled upstairs and stayed there for a long time. I was shaking even when Skye (our owner) came up to check on me an hour later. That was unusual, because I almost never showed any emotion. It weakens you. Maybe I should introduce the family. I have two sisters, Kashee and Chiva. Kashee is a yellow Kacheek, and the joker of the family. Under pressure she can think quickly though. Chiva is a Chokato Chia, the youngest. She's very emotional, either giggling or making sad, pitiful faces that make me gag. Our owner is moonsunangel, or Skye and I am Ayna a fire Aisha. Back to the story....

     The girl finally reached the doorway where I stood waiting. She tried to control her sobs, with some effect. "Is-is your owner-moonsunangel- or Skye- is she home?"

     I looked at the girl. "No, she should be soon though. What's your name?" After a bit of boo-hooing, I finally learned that she was sugadivababe_123, or Diva. I invited her in, and prepared myself for the wait until Skye got home. Fortunately, my owner came in after only a few minutes, stared, and then asked, "Do you need something?"

     Diva spilled out her name, and then began talking about why she came here. I sat up and began to pay attention. This could be interesting. She had a Chia named the same as her username, who loved to shop. Two days ago, two Chia Cops had knocked on her door and said that her Chia had been caught shoplifting from Uni's Clothing Store in the Neopian Bazaar. She had a week to find a lawyer for her poor Chia, or they would appoint one, and she was sure they'd find a really bad lawyer so that her Chia would lose the case... Here Skye intervened gently. "So you want us to be your lawyer?" Diva nodded tearfully. "But only pets can be lawyers." I saw where this was going and groaned. Skye chuckled. "Yes, you Ayna. You have the skills of a lawyer, you can argue a case really well, and you have the highest intelligence rating of all my pets." I groaned again mentally, thinking how much time this would take up, and asked Diva, "Why did you come to us?"

     "I heard about you from a friend who knew you from some guild."

     Skye nodded thoughtfully, and I knew what she was remembering. But that has no relevance.

     I arranged to meet Diva in Neopian Central in an hour's time and went upstairs to my room. It was a dark cavern I had created for myself, well-organized. I picked up supplies that I would need- a flashlight, a towel, some rope, a lock-picking set, some empty bottles, and a snack, stuffing them all into a Green Backpack that Skye had gotten for Neoschool when it came. The Backpack was a bit too bright for my tastes, but I hadn't been able to paint it or anything so far. Malley, my Blue Mallard, waddled out of my closet and quacked, annoyed, at me. I grumbled something and grabbed her too. You never know what a Mallard with an attitude can do. I told Kashee and Chiva I'd be out, and walked to the Central. It didn't hurt to be early, and I had a half hour to kill browsing the shops.

     I got some Violet Seeds from the Food Shop cheap and fed them to Malley, who hadn't had lunch (it was a few hours past noon). I didn't get any deals at the bookstore, which was a real shame, and I chatted with the Quiggle Health Food Shopkeeper. Funny guy, but since I didn't mind health food myself, I could tolerate it pretty well. Malley quacked and pattered around a lot. Seriously, that Mallard is going to go bananas soon, if she hasn't gone around the bend already.... I checked the time and wandered back to Neopia Central, where Diva waited.

     I could tell she had been there only for a minute, so I didn't feel guilty. Diva looked awful, her makeup was streaked and her clothes were rumpled. I began the conversation. "Diva, since this is a case where you want me to be a lawyer, you're going to have to ‘hire’ me. Which means you'll have to pay some."

     Diva nodded. "I know," she trembled.

     I mentally smacked myself for even thinking of going through this, but I heard myself saying to Diva, "The original down payment will be 150 Neopoints, please." At least I had come up with a good price. Diva handed over the NP, which I counted and then put away. "Thank you. Now, when was the last you saw... umm, sugadivababe_123?"

     "Call him Diva, like me. I saw him the night he was..."caught shoplifting". He said he was going out to shop at Uni's Clothing Store, and that he'd be back before nine. I handed him a thousand Neopoints and told him not to buy more than four clothes. He just smiled and nodded and went out the door, and an hour later the Chia Cops came."

     I asked her when this had happened, and she answered, around seven. I considered this, and realized we were walking aimlessly around the Central. I motioned Diva to follow me and headed toward Uni's Clothing in the Bazaar. We might find something there, though I'm no detective (for that matter, I'm no official lawyer...). The store was closed, and a score (twenty) of Chia Cops stood guard. For a simple shoplifting case, they were taking it a bit far. The shop should be open, with security beefed up. Something was up here. I ushered Diva onto a bench, slipped through a gap in the guard, and found myself in a dark room. I was unaffected, however, and began searching, examining every object.

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

The Mercenary Lawyer: Part Two

The Mercenary Lawyer: Part Three

The Mercenary Lawyer: Part Four

The Mercenary Lawyer: Part Five

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