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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 84 > Articles > The Unknown Faeries: The Snow Faerie, Taelia

The Unknown Faeries: The Snow Faerie, Taelia

by dream_scribbler

TERROR MOUNTAIN - Have you ever wondered about the more secretive Faeries? The ones that live in remote places, the ones who don't talk much, the ones that haven't been seen in many years? I'll take you through Terror Mountain, Mystery Island, Faerieland and even Neopia central. Today we try to track down the mysterious Snow Faerie, Taelia.

Walking up the side of the mountain I realized why Taelia doesn't come down much, this trek was hard! Even for me an experienced hiker! Reaching the top of the mountain took a day and a half, everybody was tired so we bunked at the ski lodge over night, it was warm and cozy but I was ready to go home, you took one step outside and ferocious winds would kick up and turn you around mid-spin. So I set off for the snow faeries small home where she conducted spells and quests for Neopians. Reaching the small hut I knocked loudly on the door, I needed to get in! Blizzards had suddenly enclosed the house and were whirling around my head making me feel dizzy and very sick! The door opened quietly and a voice from inside, walking in I smelled a mixture of many herbs and spices all mingling together it was nice.

"Taelia," I said into the darkness. "I'm with the Neopian times could I interview you?" I heard a click and some lamps were lit.

"You know you'd be one of the first reporters to interview me?"

I nodded; she smiled and said, "Pull up a chair and shoot away!

Me: Why suddenly give your name to the public?

Taelia: For awhile I thought it was ridiculous for any being other than Faerie to know a Faeries name, then Fyora gave her name and Jhudora gave hers and well my prospective on things changed. I wanted people to really remember my name so I picked a time when things were calming down and not much was happening and I announced my name!

Me: Do you like living on terror mountain?

Taelia: It gets cold, really cold! Yet I am a Snow Faerie so I bear it, barley! It's quiet though, serene, beautiful. Perfect for conducting my spells! I do have friends, the Negg Faerie and I have become pretty good friends and although he acts tough the Snowager really is a good guy!

Me: Do you talk to many Faeries from Faerieland?

Taelia: Well… not really every week I give the Queen Faerie a report for and from terror mountain, most faeries like the warmth so they seem to shy away from the Negg Faerie and I! A while ago when the Battle Faerie still did her rounds she used to come and see me, she wasn't afraid of snow but when she stopped doing the rounds well, that's another story isn't it!

Me: How did you come to live on Terror Mountain?

Taelia: [She blushes] Well I was sort of banished. There was this Fire Faerie, who will remain unnamed, she was really rude to me, she said I had no power and couldn't even lift a bird of the ground with my power. So I went to the library and searched for days for the perfect spell, that spell was a mountain mover. The spell worked and the Faerie was trapped under the mountain for 5 months until they could undo my spell. I suppose you people don't know why it was really named terror mountain? It was named Terror Mountain because of the girls screams night and day.

Me: Lots of people think your quests are outrageous what do you believe?

Taelia: Well a lot of the spells drain my strength, the harder the spell the harder the quest, although I try to give the best prize, I've been known to give out great prizes, I think that my quests are good for people!

Taelia suddenly looked at the clock on the wall and smiled "I'm afraid our time is up" I sigh and say my goodbyes and exit. The Snow Faerie, even after meeting and asking her questions, is so mysterious, she still is shrouded in mystery. I hope I have let you see a side of the Snow Faerie not many see, a nicer, happier side full of tales of laughter, love and hardship. Until next time fellow Neopians I must say good bye.

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