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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 86 > Short Stories > Sindey and Her Scratch Cards

Sindey and Her Scratch Cards

by hivenperious

The moon was out on this warm spring night, its light casting a spooky glow around everything that once seemed so familiar. It was approximately two A.M. NST. A young Gelert, named Swift, woke up and stretched as his little alarm clock went off. He turned it off quickly and paused to make sure no one else was awake or heard his alarm. He got out of his bed, and tip toed over to the mirror. He sees his lush yellow fur glimmer from the moon's light, and his long ears hanging in front of him with style. He smiled a confidently and then tip toed out of the room and proceeds into the hallway.

     The hallway was dark as the shadows through the window danced on the carpeted floor. He proceeded slowly, not to make a noise. He reached the top of the staircase and looked over his shoulder again and descended them. He moved slowly yet swiftly. When he reached the second to last stair, it made a loud squeak! Swift froze instantly, he wouldn't move for a minute. When he convinced himself that the coast was clear, he went down the last two steps. He sighed relieved closing his eyes. He reopened them and continued to walk quietly. Swift became more and more confident as he got closer to the front door. Once he put his paw on the doorknob, he heard the refrigerator slam shut. He turned around instantly and looked around franticly for a place to hide. Swift saw a couch near by and he dove for it to hide under it. His breathing became a little heavier, although he tried to remain as quiet as he could. He looked out from underneath the couch to see a yellow Lupess eating her sandwich. It was too dark to tell who it was, so he crawled back under the couch and waited. Swift's ears were at attention the whole time as he waited for the Lupess to go back to sleep.

     After ten minutes or so Swift had dozed off, but was woken up by the sudden creaking of the second step of the staircase. He became aware of his surroundings and waited patiently. When all was clear Swift began to crawl out from under the couch. When he was halfway out, something jumped on top of him and yelled, "Boo!"

     Swift screamed in terror and jumped up hurting his back as he landed on the floor. The same yellow Lupess was now looming over him smiling. She was very pretty; her big blue eyes would make anyone's heart melt when they looked into someone's eyes, and her fur seemed to be perfectly kept. She spoke, "Hi, big brother."

     Swift, as fast as he could, covered her mouth with his paw. He looked into her eyes and whispered, "Shhhh. Jewel, are you trying to get me caught?"

     Jewel, Swift's younger sister, looked at him confused. She tried to figure it out, but can't. She whispered back, "What do you mean?"

     Swift sighed, "Come with me and stay close."

     Jewel got off of him and looked at him in complete awe. When Swift got up, he moaned in pain. His back was hurt, but he tried to hide it. Jewel instantly was by his side ready to go wherever he went. She looked at him, "Where are we going?" Her voice had a hint of nervousness in it.

     Swift seemed to become uncomfortable, "We're going to The Deserted Fairground." He opened up the door silently.

     Jewel stopped instantly in her tracks, now terrified. She looked at him and ran up to him and hugged him, "Why are we going there?" She yelled.

     Swift, quickly, covered her mouth again. He dragged her outside and he shut the door then lets her go loose. Jewel jumped out of his arms and then turned around to face him. "Why?" She asked again.

     Swift lowered his eyes, "I need to purchase something there."

     She responded quickly, "Like what?"

     He began to walk down their driveway, "A scratchcard."

     She ran up next to him and seemed confused, "But why would you go there?"

     Swift stopped and turned to her, "Look, if you come you'll see why. Just stop asking me all these questions!"

     Jewel sunk back away from him in fear, "I'm… I'm sorry big brother. All I wanted to do was help." Her eyes now looked down at her paws.

     Swift sighed, "I'm sorry." He hugged her for a few seconds then he let go. Swift looked into her eyes confidently, "Are you coming?" he asked with a calmer voice.

     Jewel paused, she leaned toward the house and then back to Swift. She sat next to him still looking at the ground, "I'll come."

     Swift smiled, "I'm glad, I wouldn't have wanted to do this alone." He began to walk.

     Jewel perked up a little. She followed him happily walking with great grace. They proceeded to walk down Terror Mountain with no interference. Eventually they reached an area where the grass was lush and peace was all around, even if it was in the middle of the night. They continue to walk through this area silently. Swift held Jewel's paw and he continued to walk with confidence. After they walked for a few minutes, Jewel noticed something. The ground began to become dry and the grass instead of being green was dead and brown. The numerous trees that once surround them had disappeared and was now a barren waste land. Jewel looked at Swift again, "The ground isn't pretty anymore, big brother."

     Swift looked around as they continued to walk and he nodded back to her. His confident face now began to have some doubt in it. On their right side a black metal picketed fence started and continued on down the side walk with them. As they continued to walk they passed a few trees, but the trees were dead. They had no leaves on them and began to droop. Jewel began to shiver, "I'm scared."

     Swift stopped and so did she. Swift held her paw a little tighter, "Don't be I'm here for you," he smiled.

     Jewel relaxed a little and took a big gulp. They continued to walk. The picketed fence's pickets began to get taller and thicker in their size. Swift looked up at them and gave them an evil look, but nothing more. Up ahead, was the gate that would give them access inside this spooky area. The gate was closed. Swift and Jewel sat down in front of it in awe. The gate towered above them, giving them the sense it was looming over them, the tops of the gate was a perfect arc that looked as if a spider made it, and out from the arc were two wings. The black metal gate intimidated them both; as they continued to look at it Jewel spoke, "Look."

     Swift looked at her paw which pointed toward something at the gate. He followed her paw to find the top of the gate just below the arc. Right before the top of these metal pickets, the pickets were diamond shaped, and then at the very top these spooky pickets became extremely sharp and were pointed at the end. Swift got a chill go down his spine. He shivered and then shook his head trying to keep himself from backing out. He walked up to the gate and put his paw on it. Before he got a chance to push it open, it began to open itself. Swift jumped back screaming in fear. His heart began to race. The gates slowly opened and as they did they made an awful sound. It was a high pitched squeak. Finally the gates opened all the way open to let anyone enter. A gust of wind blew past them then, picking up stray leaves and other objects into the air as they floated along. Jewel peaked out behind Swift, "Ar… Are you sure you want to do this?"

     Swift smiled, "Yeah, everything is going to be fine."

     Swift held onto Jewel's paw again and they walked in. The sidewalk turned into dirt with a few big rocks marking the pathway. The landscape had become completely barren, there were no more trees, and a mysterious fog began to slowly roll in. They passed a group of pumpkins; their carvings almost made them look real. Jewel wandered over to them and lit up with joy, "It's Halloween!"

     Swift kept an eye on her not moving, while Jewel looked at the pumpkins for a while. A bad sensation began to go through Swift. He yelled, "Jewel! Get away from them!"

     Jewel turned around with sudden shock and tilted her head lovingly to one side. "Why?" She asked confused.

     The pumpkins began to move and waddle their way near Jewel. Jewel turned around ready to admire the pumpkins again, but instead screamed in fear and froze. Swift ran over to her and grabbed her by the paw. "Come on," he said as they ran off down the stone marked path.

     The pumpkins were able to keep up with them, "Come on! Let's get them!" They chanted as they chased them.

     Jewel and Swift continued to run along the path. Swift began to pull away from Jewel. Right as they were turning a corner, Swift stopped and darted to the right and grabbed Jewel in with him holding her mouth closed. The pumpkins continued on along the trail yelling and yahooing. When the coast was clear he relaxed and let Jewel go. She shivered in fear constantly turning around to make sure that there wasn't something there. Her baby eyes looked into Swift's and he began to feel really bad. He began to continue down the path, his head hanging low. Jewel came up behind him and stayed on his heals as they proceeded.

     The rocky trail curved and straightened as they walked. Swift lifted his head when he saw a sign next to the trail. He looked at it for a few seconds when Jewel asked, "What does it say?"

     Swift replied, "It says Spooky Food," as he pointed in the direction of the arrow. He turned to her, "Maybe some food will make us feel a little better. Would you like some?"

     Jewel relaxed a little not shaking as violently, "Sure." She held onto his paw.

     They took the fork in the rocky trail and headed down a small hill. The fog was beginning to lighten and ahead of them was a pale blue food stand with pink and white colors as its roof, a pink strip going across the middle of the food stand, and to red dots on the two triangles at the top of the food stand. Swift hesitated, "Let me go first."

     Jewel nodded and followed behind him at a distance. Swift walked up to the food stand and stood up and put his front paws on the counter. No one was present at the moment. A breathing sound could be heard, but where it came from was undetectable. Swift called, "Hello, anyone there?"

     The blue food stand began to move and Swift jumped back, his eyes widened and he shook in fear, "How may I serve you?" The food stand said.

     The food stand's red dots were actually its eyes and the pink jagged frou-frou's that went across the middle of the food stand was actually his mouth! Swift's heart stopped and he fell to his knees grabbing his chest. He looked at the food stand for a moment and tried to speak, "Y- Ye- Yes, I would like to buy some food?"

     Swift struggled to get back onto his own paws and continued to back away. A dark figure in the sky came up behind the food stand and swooped down at them. It looked like a bat-winged penguin, but the fear and shock sent Jewel running off. Swift turned and raced after her frantically, finally catching up to her.

     When they both slowed down to a calmed walk again, Jewel's face was a pale white. The fog had completely lifted and they were now near the back part of The Deserted Fairground. A small tent was assembled here, Swift took a sigh, "We're here."

     Jewel remained silent still terrified about everything. They walked into the tent; it was nothing fancy, just an inside of a tent. A very tall neopet approached them. It was all dressed in two shades of purple. One shade was a lavender color and the other was a dark purple. Its body was slumped and bent over. The hat had a patch mark in it where it once had a hole, and the band that went around the hat contained two scratch cards inserted in it. It walked out from behind the counter in the tent, "Yess?"

     Swift and Jewel were now able to see the rest of its body. It had a hole in its left pant leg. It was blue with unkept hair that went in between its yellow eyes. Its feet were big and covered in some type of white leather looking material. Swift took a step back, as she spoke once again, "Ssidney sspies a customer!" The blue Neopet's voice was slurring all the s sounds it made.

     Swift's confidence completely dropped and he began to shake in fear. Jewel quietly pushed him forward. Swift tried to speak but only a squeak came out. Sidney looked at him with a sly look. Swift howled to try to get rid of his fear and then spoke, "Yes, I'd like one."

     Sidney's posture stood straight up for a second in delight and then slunk back down into her original slumped over state. She looked him in the eyes, "I sssee. Where's the Neopoints?"

     Swift took the Neopoints he had been carrying out and threw them at her feet, trying to keep as much distance as possible away from her. She slouched over even more and picked the Neopoints up. She slowly counted them as her big hand counted each coin that fell into her other hand. "Ah, good," she said holding out a scratch card for Swift.

     Swift stared at the card and hesitated, but never went for the card. Sidney got tired of waiting and threw the card like a Chinese star hitting Swift right in between the eyes. He shook his head and rubbed the spot where the card hit him; he picked the card up off the ground and looked at it. He went over to the table and put the scratch card on it. He pulled out his one extra Neopoint, and scratched the top left corner. A blank square was the result, he growled quietly and angrily, then scratched the one to the right of it and again a blank square resulted. Swift only had four picks left.

     He studied the card for a few seconds and then scratched the center square. A bone appeared; he lit up with joy and scratched the one to the right of it. Another bone appeared and he howled with happiness, he knew now he had two chances to find the other bone to win a prize. He scratched the top right square, but it was blank as well. His hopes instantly vanished, and he sunk down putting his head on the table next to the card. In this position he looked at the scratch card, pondering which one to pick. He lifted his head back up and scratched the lower left corner. He jumped up with glee and yahooed happily; the last square he scratched was another bone. He won! He confidently walked up to Sidney and gave her the scratch card, "I'm ready for my reward."

     Sidney's tongue wisped back and forth in surprise and she grumbled. She walked back behind the tent and came back in with a long white bone with a yellow ribbon attached to it. She handed it to him. Swift stared at it and then looked back up to her. She smirked, "Better luck next time."

     Swift held the bone up and a tear went down his face. He won alright, but got the best of the worst prizes there could've been. He lowered his head and found his sister waiting outside and began to walk home. As they did so, Sidney waved and laughed, "Thankss for the businessss, hope you come again."

     Jewel turned around and stuck her tongue out at her and walked next to Swift. All of what he used to dream of on this night had been shattered. It was easy to tell because his head was slumped down and he wouldn't take his eyes off the ground. They came across a stray Race to Riches scratch card. They both stopped, Swift picked it up and threw it out of the way as he remained silent. They made it back home before the sun rose and everything was as if it never happened. Little did they know that that scratch card that Swift threw aside was the jackpot winner and made a lucky passer-by later that day one of the richest Neopets in all of Neopia.

The End

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