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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 87 > Short Stories > Flames: Confusion

Flames: Confusion

by teghan62

Mira and I were wandering around Neopia. Faerieland, to be exact. I was pretending to listen to her while she threw a fit about Jhudora asking for a Rainbow Scorchio Plushie. "It's not fair! I was on quest 24, and she just had to ask for a Rainbow Scorchio Plushie! I hate her!" she screamed, punching yet another hole into Jhudora's Cloud as we passed it. It didn't do any good, though, because the cloud just filled up the hole again.

     "Look, Mira," I said, trying to calm her down, "Just restart."

     "NO!" she screamed.

     "Why not?"

     "Because when I get back to quest 24, she'll just ask for another rainbow Scorchio plushie!"

     "Okay then…" My voice trailed off as a Harris ran towards us with a striped Gelert chasing after it.

     The Harris finally reached us. He was holding a pencil and paper in his hand, and he started to write down some stuff on it. When the Gelert reached us, the Harris passed him the sheet of paper. "But I don't see what's wrong…" the Gelert said. The Harris kicked him. "Ouch!" the Gelert then turned toward us.

     "Hi, I'm Tarlyon. This is my Harris, Chad. He's been reading about you two. You're the Flames, right?" He asked. We nodded. Tarlyon continued, "Well, Chad saw the Monocerous a little while ago, and he thinks that it shouldn't even be let loose in Neopia because it's such a horrid creature, and he wants you to scare it. Dunno why, though… the Monocerous is so cuddly and cute!"

     Mira and I looked at each other, then at Chad, then at Tarlyon again. "Okay…" Mira said, confused.

     "Cute?!?!" I asked in shock.

     "Yes…" Tarlyon replied. "Well, anyway, you don't have to tell us anything, just do it for Chad," he paused, "Hey! Can I come?"

     "No," said Mira. "It's okay. Go do whatever."

     Chad looked down, wrote something else on the paper, and handed it to Mira. It read: "Thank-you!"

     "Uh… your welcome?" said a confused Mira. Chad smiled, Tarlyon frowned, and then they ran off to Jhudora's Cloud. Mira pounded her blue fists on the ground. "I hate Jhudora!"


We were wandering around the Lost Desert, with no intention of looking for the Monocerous. Mira was stomping in the sand the whole time. "I hate Jhudora… hate her, hate her, hate her!"

     "Give it a rest, Mira," I said, trying to calm her down. "Hey! Isn't that the Monocerous? Over there?" I asked as I saw it, pointing with my silver flamed paw.

     "Oh, ya…" Mira said. "We do have a job to do… let's go!" She grabbed one of my ear stalks and ran over to the Monocerous.

     When we were close to it, I bit the part of Mira's ear that was green; the most sensitive part. "I ain't fighting," I stated. When the Gelert opened her mouth to protest, I said, "I fought last time. Your turn." And with a grin, I pushed her over to the Monocerous.

     Mira gulped. She wasn't so sure she wanted to fight by herself. Her paws skidded in the sand as I continued to push her to the Monocerous with my ear stalks.

     Scared, Mira did the only thing she thought she could do. She bit it's nose. The Monocerous roared and ran for Mira, but she flew upwards. Sweating, she pulled out her Lost Desert dagger and dived for the Monocerous. It cut down it's hp quickly.

     "Whoa!" screamed Mira as the Monocerous recovered and kicked her. "Ow!" She skidded through the sand. Mira groaned. She wanted this over now, with her being the winner.

     As the Monocerous trampled over towards the still black Gelert, Mira was thinking of what had happened a couple of hours ago. A Harris asked her to fight the Monocerous. A striped Gelert thought that the Monocerous was cute. Jhudora asked her for a Rainbow Scorchio Plushie.

     "Hey, Mira!" I shouted at her. "Jhudora!"

     Mira's eyes met mine and blazed up. With incredible strength and rage, she threw the Monocerous towards me. I screamed and whacked the Monocerous back to Mira with my leaf-like ears. She bounced it back at me, and I bounced it back. We continued like this for a long time, until I wrapped my ear stalks around it and threw it somewhere else.

     "Whoohoo!" shouted Mira. "We beat it!"

     "Yep," I answered. "So… that was definitely a strange Gelert and Harris."

     "Ya," Mira agreed with me. "Thinking the Monocerous was CUTE? That thing almost put me in the hospital!"

     "I never knew petpets could write…" my voice trailed off. We looked at each other.

     "Strange," we said together.

The End

Author's Note: Jhudora really did ask me for a Rainbow Scorchio Plushie… I hate Jhudora, hate, hate, hate, hate. Oh ya, and Chad belongs to Tarlyon who belongs to northern_phoenix.

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