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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 90 > New Series > Faerie Swap: Part One

Faerie Swap: Part One

by opalgirl26

"How are you now?" Jhudora sneered at Illusen, who was stuck on a rock, pinned by a Wand of the Dark Faerie. She couldn't defend herself, as her Illusen's Staff was at her feet.

     But that didn't mean she was going to give in.

     "How about, fine?" Illusen replied. If she kept distracting Jhudora like this, maybe she could get to her staff ...

     "Illusen, you're really not getting this," Jhudora said, crossly. "You're supposed to be scared."

     "I am scared," Illusen said, as though Jhudora was asking her what the weather was, "I'm just too smart to show it." A few centimeters more ...

     Jhudora laughed, evilly. "You'll never understand," she said, simply, just as Illusen got her staff. Illusen jumped. Jhudora jumped too - backwards.

     Illusen and Jhudora both fired at each other. Jhudora high, Illusen low. "Ugh! I'm you!" Jhudora cried. Then she spotted Illusen. "And you're me!"

     "Stop complaining," Illusen, agitated, said. "It's not like you're going to have to put up with anything." Illusen looked around her glade with disgust.

     "At least my glade doesn't smell. Unlike your cloud," Jhudora said, pointedly.

     By now, you might be a bit confused. If you are, don't worry - I'll explain.

     Both blasts hit. Jhudora turned into Illusen, and Illusen turned into Jhudora. So in the last few paragraphs, Illusen was actually Jhudora, and Jhudora was actually Illusen. The Jhudora who looked like Illusen tried to get out of Illusen's Glade, but Illusen called, "Hey! I'm Jhudora!" Jhudora scowled as she turned and stomped back.

     "WHY DID YOU TURN ME INTO YOU!!" Jhudora cried.

     Illusen looked around her glade, and noticed that people were queuing up to do her quests. (After all, she had just returned.)

     "Um, Jhudora?" Illusen asked.

     "What?" Jhudora said, angrily.

     "People are starting to notice."

     "GO AWAY!" Jhudora yelled at them. "And as for you ..."

     Jhudora became almost silent. She had the Illusen's Staff, and she was enjoying watching Illusen scramble around for the wand of the Dark Faerie. (Jhudora had, of course hidden it.)

     "I'll show you a piece of my mind ..."

     Illusen whirled around just fast enough to duck when Jhudora fired. She had to find that wand ...

     "Stupid Dark Faerie!"

     Jhudora was about to fire again, when the Wand of the Dark Faerie fell out of its hiding place (behind a tree). Jhudora fired again. Illusen flew up, and dived behind Jhudora to grab the wand. Then, she sped as fast as she could, to Faerieland. "Open up!" Illusen tried to command Jhudora's front door. The problem with talking to a front door is that it will barely ever listen. So Jhudora's door didn't open.

     Illusen grumbled. She did not want to, but she knew that Jhudora must of locked the front door with Dark Faerie magic. So this meant that she would have to use the wand. Illusen reluctantly took the wand and pointed it at the door. It made a soft clicking sound, and opened.

     Illusen entered. She almost went straight outside again. Instead, she wrinkled her nose.

     "Ew, ew, ew!" she exclaimed. "Oh great."

     Illusen proceeded to "do Jhudora a favour" by tidying up the cloud. Meanwhile, in Illusen's Glade, Jhudora was replacing the Illusen's Potion with Noxious Nectar. She was in a surprisingly good mood. When she'd done that, she decided she didn't want to be Illusen any more.

     But how would she stop being Illusen? They'd probably have to meet again ... and like that was something Jhudora wanted to do any time soon.

     But Jhudora eventually decided that being Illusen for the rest of her life (which was forever, because faeries are immortal) sounded a lot worse than being with Illusen for about fifteen minutes. Jhudora arrived at her cloud just in time to see a green Shoyru wander up to her cloud.

     "What're you doing here?" the Shoyru asked suspiciously.

     And Jhudora knew why. She knew him well - his name was illusen_hater_03 and as you might've guessed, he hated Illusen.

     And, he was an the verge of getting Jhudora's personal petpet, a Bartamus. He'd done 40 of her quests. And I suppose he really wanted her petpet.

     But anyway, Jhudora knew that as long as she was Illusen, she'd be in trouble, and the longer she stayed Illusen, the deeper the trouble would get ...

     "I'm not Illusen!" Jhudora cried. She knew that illusen_hater_03 wouldn't believe her, but it was all she could come up with.

     "You look like Illusen."

     "I know."

     The Shoyru got angry. "Go away, Illusen!"

     "I'm not Illusen!!!" Jhudora roared, in fact, so loud that that sea snail in Maraqua could hear it. (You probably could too.)

     In fact, so loud that Illusen (who had been about 3 meters away) came out to see what it was.

     "What are you doing here?" Illusen asked, annoyed.

     Before Jhudora could answer, illusen_hater_03 began. "Ah, Jhudora, can I do a quest please?"

     "Ooh! Of course! Um, get me a ... a ... mmmm ... Magical Yellow Poogle Toy!" Illusen said, mainly to annoy Jhudora. "GAAH," she added, which multiplied Jhudora's anger.

     And that's an understatement.

     Once illusen_hater_03 left, Jhudora exploded.

     "Why did you do that??!!" she yelled.

     "Hmmm ... I don't know." Illusen said, even though she knew perfectly well why.

     "Look, Earth Faerie!" Jhudora yelled, (maybe for the Maraquan's benefit) "You can't give my quests out!!! I am the only me there is!!!"

     If looks could kill, Faerieland would be closed to the public. But they didn't, so Jhudora had to make do with fighting Illusen. And she looked to be winning, except that was the point of which illusen_hater_03 came back. Jhudora had to withdraw if she didn't want to face her most loyal supporter (who, by the way, was very good in the Battledome).

     "I have your Magical Yellow Poogle Toy!" illusen_hater_03 said, proudly.

     "You have finished Dark Faerie Quest 41 - Congratulations!" Illusen said, cheerfully. "I really needed this... thanks..." she continued, "Oh, and before I forget, here's a little something for you ..." Illusen gave the Shoyru the Bartamus.

     "Cool!" he begins to walk off. "I'll call him... Jhudora!"

     "I could exist being you," Illusen said, as they both went inside Jhudora's Cloud.

     "I couldn't be you," Jhudora said. "I want to be me again. How do we turn back?"

     "No, Jhudora," Illusen said, shaking her Jhudora head, "I don't think we can. The only person I can think of who can help us is Queen Fyora."

     "Queen Fyora??? Noooooo!!!!!" Jhudora complained.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Faerie Swap: Part Two

Faerie Swap: Part Three

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