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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 94 > Short Stories > Fallen: Friends

Fallen: Friends

by oily106

You have risen; you will fall...

     The first time Angel viewed my home, my pride changed to embarrassment.

     "I'm sorry," I mumbled to the white Zafara. "It's not much..." Angel smiled.

     "It's wonderful, Dreamer," she said. I felt happy to receive her praise and led her inside. It was small and humble, but it was my home--and now it was Angel's home too.

     We spent the next few days strengthening our friendship and I eventually taught Angel how to cook and clean. At first, I refused to let her help me with the chores - I felt she was too good for that. But the simple joy she obtained from even the most boring of tasks was too much to deny her. We settled in well together, establishing a routine. However, I still felt protective of her and we had not gone out since that day at the beach. Angel's eager curiosity eventually became too much to contain and, overcoming my objections, we decided to venture down to Neopia Central to shop.

     That's when the trouble began...

     She was silent and tense.

     In front of us was an Aisha, with a deep pitch black coat and eyes like dark coals. The Aisha also had wings--huge, with black feathers, held high proudly. I knew he was like Angel--but she was fallen and he was not. Beside him, Angel seemed small and broken. But Angel exuded light and purity--her true personality merely amplified. This creature seemed to have a power that was dark and wicked. He was studied elegance; Angel was unconscious grace. Even though his wings were whole, his personality was still dark. No sooner had I thought this than I was ashamed. I should not judge pets so above myself.

     Angel was still and silent.

     "You are fallen," the Aisha sneered. Angel dropped her head slightly and I felt defensive.

     "Who are you?" I snapped. He looked at me clearly and I felt abashed for having dared to question him.

     "I am Dante," he answered smoothly, condescending to answer my question. He ignored my gaze and faced Angel.

     "Anu desca (You are fallen)," he whispered and glided away.

     I was shocked to see a silvery tear hang on the fur of Angel's cheek before rolling onto the ground. I nudged her gently, getting no response. Shaking her shoulders, I called her name.

     "Angel! Angel!"

     She seemed to come out of her reverie, blinking and meeting my worried eyes.

     "Who was he?" I asked.

     She looked sad again and my heart grieved for her pain. I resolved not to press her but she spoke of her own accord.

     "I feel I owe you some truth, Dreamer. Now, where to begin? I suppose when I became one of the Ari'eleva - the Risen. Our 'owners' were the Uber Faeries - six Uber Faeries, six pets. We were given our wings and became imbued with a little of the Faeries' power and presence. We were set apart from other pets."

     "The Uber Faeries may be the most powerful of their element, but they are not above petty squabbles and a lust for power. My Faerie fell..."

     Angel winced and I knew it hurt her to talk of her Faerie and her past.

     "She fell--fell to greed and temptation... and I was to fall with her. Even in her descent, such was her selfishness, she refused to release me. My wings--they were useless, like they are now. My Faerie is not worthy and neither am I. Perhaps the others--like Dante--are; I fear that they too are not. Fyora cannot control the Uber Faeries as much as she wishes and corruption is rife amongst them. I am not as pure as you think, Dreamer. I may be special but my heart is the same--the same as the others. Magic only amplifies our personalities, it does not change them."

     "Angel, they still have no right to treat you like that..."

     "I am Fallen--I am nothing," she answered.

     "You are everything to me, Angel," I said quietly.

     She smiled at me, "I have been selfish, Dreamer. You do not want to hear of my sorrows--you should be happy as you deserve."

     "And you deserve to fly and to rise," I replied. "I care for you too."

     She hugged me spontaneously.

     "Thank you, Dreamer."

     I hugged her back.

     "How can I help you?" I asked her.

     She became thoughtful. "My Faerie must rise again," she said finally.

     "Surely it would be easier to secure your release from her and just heal your wings," I said.

     Angel laughed prettily,. "Dear Dreamer. You don't quite see--I should be with my own kind. I should be Ari'elenta, one of the Risen, not just able to merely fly again."

     And I nodded dumbly, humbled by her beauty. My own desires of flight were lowly and appropriate only for me. Angel had to not just fly, but to rise. She was not a creature of Neopia, but of the Faeries. She was not to be with the likes of me.

     She took my paws in hers. "Let's play now, Dreamer, and be happy." And we forget just for a moment. We laughed and gambolled away.


As I prepared for bed, I thought over the day. Angel and Dante - so they were the Risen? An odd pair. Each had their faults (loathe as I was to admit Angel's) and yet they possessed that curious presence, almost like magic. It made them seem so pure, so above any other pets. But even Faeries had their faults.

     I looked at Angel, tucked up in the bed next to mine, her fur fanning over the pillows, falling in soft waves. Her chest was rising and falling in gentle breathing. And then I saw her wings and even my placid nature was stirred to anger. Angels should fly...

I was conscious I was asleep - I awoke.

I know what my dreams are like usually - dancing carrots in bow ties and Chet Flash. This was not a dream. Carrots and Chet hardly count as nightmares. Yet, this was not a nightmare either - it felt like a dream, an evil dream.

I was in a circle of young Faeries, five others apart from myself, all seated around the edge of a cloud. They were tossing a multi-coloured ball around the circle, pure childish joy upon their innocent faces. As the ball was thrown, they counted rhythmically - up to 10 before restarting again. I noticed a pet, each one with feathery wings, standing behind each of them, smiling with them and sharing their delight at the simple game. The pets and Faeries worked in harmony but each were happy in their own right.

The game changed. The ball started to go faster and faster and faster. The count began to become a chant and from beneath there rose an undertone. A simple song, twisted to the new game. It was sinister. The Faeries' faces were still pure and innocent and their hands still moved as before. But the ball began to fall long or short or too high or low, manipulated by the Faeries' desires, trying to catch the others out. Each of the pets was now attached to their Faerie by a slender gold chain. It enclosed the Faerie's delicate wrist but it ran through the chest of the pet, binding their heart to the Faerie.

The song became stronger and the words distinct. The words seemed to come from nowhere, the Faeries' mouths moving noiselessly.

"One, two, three, drop! Upon ten, the ball will stop."

Each line was repeated twice.

"Four, five, six, shout! Who will be the one caught out?"

The ball passed from hand to hand until it was a blur.

"Seven, eight, nine, scream! The future cannot be seen!"

The ball moved so fast it could not be seen either.

All eyes fixed on me. Their faces were blank, devoid of emotion.

"Seven, eight, nine, scream! This is not a dream!"

The ball barrelled out of nowhere and hit me in the chest. I cannoned backwards, feeling feathers brush my back. My pet. I clutched my hands to my stomach, shocked and winded, seated on the edge of the cloud, my pet close behind me. I looked around the circle of Faeries and their expressionless, cold faces looked back.


I was shoved backwards, my arms and legs flying apart, pushing my pet over with me. Falling...

I twisted in the air as I plummeted downwards. I was falling, falling, falling...

I hit the beach hard, turning over dazedly and falling unconscious.


I woke up and turned over. I could see the moonlight glinting off Angel's open eyes in the dark.

"Angel?" I called quietly. There was no response from the other bed.

I settled back down and drifted into sleep. My last image was of Angel's useless wings, their feathers cascading down to the bare floorboards.

You have fallen; you will rise...

The End

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