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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 95 > Continuing Series > The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Four

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Four

by jiggles24944

Domar's Mountain Fortress

Domar's Fortress moved quickly while Pooglex's magic kept it afloat. Domar watched through his telescope inside his bedroom. The mountain had various holes to shoot arrows from and many chambers to live, but Domar and Pooglex chose to live on the giant sphere shaped sky room built in on the top. Inside the room was where Domar kept all his swords, and could watch for enemies from his telescope. Domar was very angry at Pooglex for the moment, because the Poogle did not fight with him.

     "How dare you hide from action, Pooglex!" Domar yelled, "You're a disgrace! This is the second time you've hid from action. Why?!"

     Pooglex replied, "Because you were doing so well on your own..."

     "I don't want to hear that excuse again! That battle could've been a lot faster if you had pitched in! I didn't spare your life because you hide so well, I did it because you fight great."

     Poogle knew Domar was right, but he knew he had to hide from Metriod. Just when he had attacked, Metriod was about to kill his leader. If he had fought, he would have probably been dead. But this made him feel proud inside, because now he had the Poogle's powers. He had the power of Metriod inside him, a pet stronger than Domar. Very soon he could be able to destroy Domar, and become the master of everything the Gelert had accomplished. With Domar down, he would be invincible...


A Few Hours Later…

"What's this?" Domar was peering through his telescope and saw a rather peculiar sight. Stunned, he instantly started yelling orders at Pooglex, who hadn't been aware of anything and was asleep on his hammock. "Prime! Get off that hammock, bolt the door, prepare the petpet horde, and bring the Kikubs in here! Sleep time is over!" Pooglex Prime jumped out of his hammock and rushed downstairs.

     By the time he returned, with the door bolted, petpets ready, and with Kikubs in hand, he had one question in mind, "What's wrong, lord?"

     Domar replied with a sneer of disgust, "The Meridell knights are approaching." He peered through his telescope once more, and smiled with delight. "Aizen's leading the pack." He looked to the right of Aizen, where he saw a rather dashing blue Lupe with the same bronze armor as Aizen. With great grief he yelled, "Oh no! NO!!!"

     "What's the matter?" Pooglex asked.

     "See for yourself." Pooglex looked through the telescope and saw the Lupe also.

     "What's the big deal? It's just another knight..." Domar grabbed him by the throat and lifted him in the air.

     "WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?! Unlike you, I know a lot about Meridell knights. Not only are they physically strong, but the two Meridell champions can do something with morphing potions that's rather dangerous..." He remembered to give out an order and released Pooglex from his grasp. "Get the Kikubs positioned." Pooglex Prime went straight to doing this, but suddenly winced with pain and fell down. Domar hoisted him up and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

     Prime replied, "It seems Metriod Prime is fighting inside of me. I get the occasional light pain now and then, but if I don't find a cure to stop Metriod, he will leave my body." Pooglex picked carried on his task.

     By now, you're probably wondering what the Kikubs are. They are a trio of hideous mutated JubJub brothers. They learned how to absorb without the Scroll of Power, and absorbed three strong robot Kikos, thus the name Kikub. The middle of a Kikub's body looks like a Kiko's, except that JubJub hair is sprouting out of it, and it has JubJub feet. Pooglex Prime locked the three Kikub's mouths into giant guns that looked like bazookas. Without hesitation the Kikubs fired their laser blasts from their mouth at the tiny dots on the horizon, none other than the hundreds of Meridell knights.


"We better get a move on," Aizen shouted, "I think the enemy has spotted us." Every knight was charging towards Domar's fortress. Jeran had never seen so many before. There was at least one knight of every type, Elephantes, Zafaras, Blumaroos, all of different genders. Jeran thought that nothing could stand in their way.


     A giant laser from the mountain struck, creating a crater in the dirt. The six knights around the blast fell down paralyzed for the rest of the fight. One unlucky Aisha knight was hit straight in the stomach by the laser, and fell down, never to get up, killed by the force.

     "Shields up!" Aizen yelled. Every knight lifted the shield they were carrying. "Double Time!" They ran two times faster than before. The lasers ricocheted off the shields and dissolved in the sky. Soon the knights were out of the Kikub's laser's range, and ever closer to the mountain.


"Blast it!" Domar shouted. It was fun to see several knights down and out, but a few hundred were still left! Domar made his demands known, "I want the Kikubs in their den, Pooglex on the second floor, and the petpets released as soon as the knights are three hundred yards from here!"

     Although the Kikubs are vicious and rather dumb, they can take orders. They rolled into the elevator in the middle of the room, and downward to their lair. Pooglex jumped off the balcony and landed on the second floor. The knights were three hundred ten yards away.


Everyone was aimlessly moving forward, with only Aizen looking ahead. Jeran decided not to think that they are invincible, seeing how badly damaged those unlucky knights were. He vowed to never again believe that he or anyone else is invincible.

     Suddenly, Aizen yelled, "Halt!" Some tripped trying to stop so quickly, landing in the mud. The knights lowered their shields to see why Aizen had them stop.

     The giant wooden door, over a hundred feet tall, was opening slowly. The long, creaking sound of the old wood door could be heard for miles. If you looked closely, you could see a little Anglepuss running out. Behind it, thousands of angry petpets busted through the door. The planet shook, and the petpets shaped into a tidal wave.

     "Oh-kay..." a Techo knight said sarcastically.

     "Don't lose you focus, a trap must be somewhere in there," another knight yelled.

     "It's just a bunch of harmless little petpets."

     "Is this some kind of joke?"

     "Silence!" Aizen shouted, "I know that Domar is dangerous. He wouldn't waste time and energy making thousands of petpets charge at us. We can find out the trick from the Anglepuss coming closer." Indeed, the Anglepuss was very close. The knight nearest to him, which happened to be Jeran's old schoolmate, the Pteri Scot, tightened the two grappling hooks tied to his feet and gripped his big axe.

     When the petpet got closer to him, it made a cute face and waddled closer to him. When Scot had his guard off just a little, the Anglepuss bared it's sharp teeth and jumped at Scot's face. Scot, shocked for a moment, quickly slid to the right. The Anglepuss jumped at him again, but without thinking, he sliced the petpet with his axe. The Anglepuss hit the ground motionless.

     "No!" Scot yelled in anguish, "I've killed a petpet! No!"

     "Wait a moment, look!" another knight said. All eyes turned towards the motionless petpet. An misty, evil looking spirit rose out of the petpet's body. After this, a knight felt the Angelpuss' chest.

     "It's still breathing." The knight then said.

     "It's a spell," Aizen said, "And an evil one, too! Attack them as if you were trying to kill them, and when you hit them, it only releases Domar's evil curse from them!" The knights were waiting for Aizen to give out the strategy. Aizen lifted his sword and yelled, "Defensive formation, ride to fortress!"

The Fortress

The surprise was ruined. The evil spirit inside the little Anglepuss just had to get all excited and run ahead of everything. His original plan was that the knights, unaware of what the petpets would do, would be completely crushed before they would figure out why the petpets were attacking. The knights will fight the petpets now, though, knowing that the petpets wouldn't die, and that they can uplift the curse. The surprise was ruined.

     Domar watched as the knights made a defensive formation. The knights knew that they couldn't fight every petpet and win. The Ixii, Acaras, and Elephantes, all wearing metal face masks, were in front. On top of many of them were Neopets on two feet, most of them with swords. Behind them were others, and supporting all of them were the archer knights behind them, firing accurately at the charging petpets.

     Domar had to change the petpet's orders. He walked towards the glowing, dark stone in the middle of his throne room, and put his hands on it. Pooglex had given him the glowing stone earlier so that Domar could control the hordes telepathically.

     He said in his mind, "Surround them, crush them, and bunch up at the gate!"

To be continued...

The fight is on! More next time!

Previous Episodes

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part One

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Two

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Three

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Five

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Six

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior--Part Seven

The Tale of Jeran: From Boy to Warrior -- Part Eight

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