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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 101 > Short Stories > The Aisha Brothers Have A New Sister!

The Aisha Brothers Have A New Sister!

by hamsterz_r_best

Yes, we will never forget that day, June 11th, 2003. A day of disaster, peace shattering, and loud crying. You guessed it; we have a new baby in the house. To make it worse, it's a girl. Her name is Kari, and she's pink, like one of our friends from camp. Shawna, our owner, definitely can't take care of her all by herself, and that's where we come in. We're the Aisha Brothers. I am Kiwi, 9 years old, 9 months old in Neopia, and this is my brother Kawi, 5 years old, 5 months old in Neopia. We are both green in color. It's partially our responsibility to take care of Kari, too. You know, like changing diapers, feeding her baby food, and playing with her (and trying not to get bitten at the same time.)

     At first I thought having a new baby sibling would not be so bad, assuming it was a boy. Okay, I thought it would be a lot of fun. But all hopes of that are shattered. The baby is a girl.

     Like I said before, Kari is a girl. We, the Aisha Brothers, must give her lots of attention, but what about us? We got to think about ourselves, too. What if we might get contaminated by her girlish influences? What if our new favorite color becomes pink? What if we might start saying 'like' a lot? Others would laugh. Ha ha. But it's not funny. It can become a major control issue. But enough about us, let's talk about Kari.

     Kari is a spunky little girl, with a naiveté face, which get responses from EVERYBODY.

     "Awww, how innocent," they say. But I know she's not. She already can steal candy from people, which is supposed to be the other way around!

     She can already talk on the day of her birth. Her first words were,

     "I'M HUNGRY!!!!"

     She also loves taking baths. I don't understand why, she just does. According to my logical senses, cats dislike water. But in this case, I think it's a girl thing... or maybe even a Kari thing. Kari is also SPOILED. She gets absolutely everything she wants. So much for Kawi qualifying us for getting an Ultimate Riches bank account. We now only have 200,000 Neopoints left. Kari even has two rooms of her own -- her bedroom, and a private playroom. I guess it's fair enough for Kari to have her own bedroom, since she IS a girl, but a private playroom? It's like you'd expect us to have a maid, a butler, security, a cook, and the entire works just for Kari. Come on! I don't remember Shawna giving us our own bedrooms, let alone private playrooms. "You're too old for the things Kari has," is all that Shawna says. Yeah right.

     Recently, the more and more Shawna gave her attention to Kari, the more and more she neglected us, the Aisha Brothers. She practically pushed us out the door when we went to school. She only serves nowadays asparagus and organic broccoli to us, while Kari eats all the portions of dessert. I've given lectures on how to keep Kari healthy, but Kari hogs the dessert still. I guess the only good thing out of THAT is that we will be less sick… Shawna even asked Kawi to earn more Neopoints for Kari so we could have an Ultimate Riches bank account again.

     "Please?" she says. "Do it for Kari."

     For the past couple of days, everything that Shawna asked of me was always accompanied by, "Please? Do it for Kari," Do it for Kari, Do it for Kari, Do it for Kari. Does Shawna even care about us, the Aisha Brothers, anymore? I don't get it! I never thought a baby would need so much time and care. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have a new sibling after all...


One day, Kari made her way up to Kawi's room, and mine and found my plushie Mugglewump. Gosh, I love that toy. I had it since I was born. Kari gained some interest in it. So I showed it to her.

     "Here, do want to play with him for a bit?"

     So I let Kari play with Mugglewump for a few minutes, which turned to hours. Soon she couldn't let it out of her sight. When I took it back to my bed, she bawled her head off, which Shawna came running up the stairs to my room. When Shawna saw the situation, she did something I never thought she'd do ever. She asked me to give up my plushie Quiggle Mugglewump to Kari.

     "But--" I protested.

     Shawna glared at me. "You're too old for that silly toy," she said. Mugglewump was my favorite toy, and it was now Kari's favorite too. I knew as well as Shawna that Kari would never let it out of her sight. I tried to hold my tears back when Mugglewump was being carried to Kari's room.

     After that incident, I saw Mugglewump many times. He was always with Kari. But with my spare money I bought another Quiggle plushie that looked just like him. I decided to hide him in the closet, so that Kari couldn't get to him, let alone see him. I only played with him while no one else was around.

     Countless days and weeks passed after that. Kari simply kept on growing and growing. Eventually she got almost as big as Kawi! But she did get more and more mature as time went on.

     On her 1st birthday, she received an Angelpuss. She called it Mugglewump, just like the plushie. Surprisingly, Kari took care of Mugglewump pretty well for her first day as a 1-year-old. She fed it, played with it, cherished it, and cleaned up after it. She let us, the Aisha Brothers, play with Mugglewump a few times. I have to admit it is pretty delightful to have a petpet in the house.

     Later that afternoon, Shawna was in the garden doing yard work and Kawi was chewing gum. I don't know how, but Kari seemed to have noticed where he keeps his secret stash of candy. When he left the room, Kari secretly slipped in and opened the drawer full of goodies. She picked up a strawberry bubble gum and popped it into her mouth. She began to walk down the stairs, just as we, the Aisha Brothers, began to walk up the stairs. When we passed her up, I noticed that Kari's face was a little more turquoise-colored than usual. She wasn't acting her usual spunky self, and her eyes were open wide. Then I realized. "Kawi!" I said, "Go get Shawna and have her call for help. Kari is choking!"

     As Kawi flew down the stairs, I grabbed Kari and I flipped her face down as I clasped my paws in front of kari and pressed down on her chest. Beads of sweat formed on my head and tears stung my eyes. The area was getting intense. Kari could die. At one final blow the object flew out of her mouth and landed on the opposite wall. I pulled it off. "Eww... you know better than to chew gum," I said. Kari gave me a hug. Then Shawna came back and the ambulance personnel came and took over.

     "Kiwi," Shawna said. "You saved Kari's life!"


That story took place over a month ago. We, the Aisha Brothers, still have Kari because of what I had done. I don't really care if we only have 200,000 Neopoints left, or if Kari had 2 rooms to herself. What I do care about, however, is that Kari is still alive. We love our sister Kari.

The End

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