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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 5th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 114 > New Series > Little Edna: Part One

Little Edna: Part One

by yadoking

Two-hundred years, mused Edna. It had been two-hundred years since she became the official witch of Neopia, two-hundred years since she was a little Zafara, lost amongst the menacing branches of the haunted woods. Quite an occasion… whatever would she do? How about just reflect for a while. Take some time off.

Edna laid her feet on a footstool, took a sip of some Snowberry tea, and laid back. She closed her eyes, and went back… far back, into her childhood.


The supervisors at the orphanage stood in a shadowy corner of the large common room, the part where the light of the lanterns did not reach. They all were observing the residents; making sure they were happy and healthy, both physically and mentally.

     ”Leilora looks like she’s having fun with those blocks. We might have a future architect in our hands,” said a cheery looking Kau.

     “Oh dear, Rohmer is knocking over her building. And eating it. Is he just trying to get attention?”

     “If you’re looking for little ones that can attract attention, look at Traimord! Look at him zipping around the ceiling…. I think he’s a thrill seeker, but he’s not being careful enough… I’ll talk to him later about that,” said a stern looking Shoyru, pointing up.

     A Techo turned to her and said, “Charon, I really don’t think that’s necessary. He’s probably just…”

     Their discussion was interrupted by the a metallic sound; the ringing of the dinner bell.

     “Guys! Dinner’s ready!” called out a young green Zafara, poking her head through the door, her head covered in a bandana. “I tried something new today… I call it jellified garlic soup! Hope you guys like it, I think it’s bubbly and wonderful…” she said.

     The other residents of the orphanage gave signs of approval, and quickly headed to the dining room. The supervisors turned to each other and smiled.

     “Little Edna,” said the Kau, “what a caring soul. She’ll go a long way, I can tell you that. If not just through her wonderful cooking skills.”

     “It’s a pity she has to leave now… but we can always ask her to stay as a cook here.”

     They followed the others into the dining room, where they saw Edna ladling out generous servings to the other residents.

     “Mmm, great stuff Edna!”

     “Yeah, thanks Edna!”

     “Oh, you’re too kind… thanks guys.”

     “Miss Edna!” called out the Shoyru. “Please come to the supervisor’s office after supper is finished. We need to speak with you.” With that, the Shoyru, the Techo, and the Kau turned and left the dining room. Edna’s eyes became wide, and she dropped the ladle. All eyes in the room where on her.

     “Edna, what happened? Why are you being sent to the office?” asked a Chia.

     “I… don’t know…” she said. Her mind was filled with confused thoughts… was she in trouble? Would she be assigned more chores? Could they have… found her mother?

     Edna shook her head as this last idea went through her mind. No, that was ridiculous.

     “Come on guys, what are you staring at? Just enjoy your supper,” Edna said huffily. She finished giving everyone else their soup, gave herself a bowl full, and sat down at a table. However, it didn’t come as a surprise to her that she had no appetite.


Edna hurriedly went to the office as soon as dinner was over. She laid her paw on the door knob, took a deep breath, and pushed it open. The three supervisors sat at a desk, and there was a chair in front of them.

     “Please, Edna, take a seat.” Edna gulped and sat down, looking into each of the supervisor’s eyes in turn.

     “Edna, we have something to tell you… as you very well know, you’re almost a young woman now,” said the Kau, choosing her words carefully. Edna knew where this was going.

     The Shoyru sighed. “This orphanage is… for children. Though you have been an excellent resident for the many years that you’ve spent with us…”

     “It’s time for me to go out into the world and find my own life,” Edna said, finishing the Shoyru’s sentence.

     The Techo nodded. “I’m glad you understand. You see, there are others that need us desperately to take care of them. However, we’d be glad to keep you here as a chef…”

     Edna shook her head. “If I’m going to leave, I might as well leave. I guess it’s time.”

     The Kau smiled. “I knew you were going to say that. We’ll miss you… all of us. Take your time in preparing for the journey, but… those preparations do have to be made eventually.

     Edna nodded resolutely, blinking back tears. “Now if you excuse me, I have some people to say goodbye to…”

     Edna stood up, and left the room as quickly as she had entered it. The supervisors sighed.


The following days were hard. There were many farewells, many tears, and many promises made.

     “I’ll always remember your soups, Edna… I hope the next person is even half as good at cooking as you!”

     “Sad to see you go, Edna, but I know you’ll find something better out there..”

     “Promise you’ll keep in touch.”

     “I will. Thanks guys.”

     Finally, there came the morning of the journey. Edna had previously given away all of the things that she wouldn’t be able to carry with her to her to her friends, and wrapped the remaining items in her bandana. She went back to her room to say one final goodbye to the place which had been her home for most of her life, but something caught her eye. Lying on the bed there was a brand new pair of gleaming red roller blades. Under them was a card, which said

From your friends.

Wherever you go,

You might as well go there fast.

     Edna smiled, put them on, and skated out of the front gates, off to meet her destiny.


The autumn sun made everything seem like it was made of gold; the leaves on the trees, the dirt road, even the quaint little town in the distance. That was where she was heading for. “First thing I need is a job, and a place to stay… preferably both,” Edna thought to herself.

     The sun finally rose completely, and the day took on its natural colours; the bright yellows, reds, greens and blues. The town became larger and larger when she approached it, until she was finally at the front gate.

     “Hello there, then,” said the jolly looking Jubjub guard. “Nice to see visitors, then. What business d’ya have here then?”

     “Uh… I’m looking for a job… then?” said Edna, a bit confused.

     “Good good, then. I heard the stamp shop is looking for workers, try there first, then. Bye bye!” said the guard. Edna smiled, though she was still a bit confused, and headed towards the stamp store, which she saw was not too far off. She knocked on the door, and out of the window popped the head of an elderly Kyrii.

     “Yea? What d’ya want?” she said.

     “I’m looking for a job and a place to stay… are you hiring?”

     “Yea. I’ll hire ya… if ya can answer me this question… if someone came in here and sold me their Petpet Stamp and asked to be paid in Hot Soup, how many asparagus sticks would it take to make the salad to go with that soup?” asked the Kyrii. Edna stood there, mouth hanging open.

     “Byeargh, if ya can’t answer that question, this isn’t the store for ya! Try yer luck at the Bakery…” and with that, the Kyrii slammed the window shut. Edna raised her eyebrow.

     “Well, I guess it’s for the best I wasn’t hired there… that Kyrii is completely insane,” she said to herself, the phrase punctuated by the shopkeeper saying “I heard that!” from inside.

     She turned and skated towards the bakery, took off her roller blades, and opened the door, only to be greeted by a cloud of flower. She started to cough.

     “Ah, a little white Zafara. What can I do for you?” asked the Kacheek shopkeeper.

     “First of all, I’m a GREEN Zafara. The flour has made me all too white. Second of all, I heard that you’re hiring… is that true?” asked Edna through coughs.

     “Ha ha, of course. Are you good at baking?” he chortled.

     “I think so…”

     “Well then, show me! Make some… orange cake!”

     Edna nodded and followed the Kacheek into the kitchen.

     “Well, here’s the kitchen. There’s the oven. Have lots of fun!” he said, patting Edna on the back, before closing the door behind him. The door stirred up another cloud of flour, and Edna, coughing, looked around at the piles and piles of ingredients on the shelves around her.

     Well, better get started…”

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

Little Edna: Part Two

Little Edna: Part Three

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