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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 5th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 116 > Continuing Series > Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part Five

Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part Five

by scriptfox

The crowd of dark cultists surrounded Sadiyah, knives flashing into their paws. She was holding her injured Cadro protectively against her chest and her eyes were wide with fear. I didn’t blame her, but it was no time for self-recrimination about my getting her into this mess. I put Plan B into action.

     I stepped back unnoticed as the crowd began to close in and pulled a shiny ball out of one of the pockets in my black leather coat. Mentally setting its trigger, I flung it up towards the ceiling of the throne chamber and neatly snagged it in the net of invisible dark magic energy there. It immediately let out a loud atonal shriek, drawing the eyes and attention of everyone to it. Everyone that is, except for me (who knew better) and Sadiyah (who, being deaf, had no clue about it.)

     The technical term for what happened next is "sensory overload." The Chia Cops call it a "flash-bang", but I called it a beautiful distraction. The huge explosion and blue-white fireball blinded and deafened everyone in the room. The shock wave threw them all to the floor, and several actually went into convulsions as their brains short-circuited from the intense stimulus. Sadiyah and I recovered first, her by virtue of not having looked at it (and not noticing the deafness), and me by my being prepared. I scrambled up and started towards her, but my help wasn’t needed.

     I would have winced at the ferocity and aim of those kicks, but I was just glad that she was alive and kicking (literally). Unlucky dark cultists lay scattered across her path as she fled towards me- and then past, towards the just opened entrance. I took the hint and headed that way myself. At the entrance itself, I pulled out my moon staff and grand lightning beam and proceeded to lay waste to the place.

     A moon staff defends against all dark icons, and a grand lightning beam calls on the power of every light Faerie in the vicinity. Put those together, and you have a mighty punch against the powers of darkness. I hit the ceiling, and the frayed net broke totally, letting the suspended pyramid tumble to crush the altar and those closest to it. I played it on the ceiling, and that began to crumble as well as the magic nets that held things together disintegrated. I backed out with one last barrage of shots across the floor, putting a halt to the few cultists that had begun to recover.

     It was time to turn and run, and I promptly did so. I darted down a couple of passages before I came upon Sadiyah. She had stopped and was leaning up against the wall. She had Mu'awin tucked into one arm, while she held the other protectively against her middle. She curled over instinctively when she saw me coming and shot me a look of pure misery.

     I skidded to a halt and realized that not only was Sadiyah in pain from her own minor wounds, not only was she worried sick about her beloved petpet, but she was horribly mortified at being nearly naked. How someone who was a belly dancer by profession could suffer such modesty pangs, I didn’t know, nor did I care. I’d worry about that later- assuming that we had a later.

     I shrugged off my own long black leather coat and threw it around her. As she struggled into it, I looked back for any signs of pursuit. There were none, although I felt a shaking in the ground. I had no idea what it was- prepared or not, I was still suffering deafness from my own explosive device.

     I turned back towards Sadiyah. We’d wasted enough time. I dropped to all fours and came up underneath her. She fell forward on my back and instinctively grabbed me around the neck. That was all I needed. We took off.

     I have a legendary speed rating, and I used it to every advantage possible. My eyes glued themselves to the green line that ran to my marker ball outside. We shot through every imaginable type of chamber there was, and passed traps that never had time to spring before we were through them. We were getting out.

     Faster and faster we flew. At one point a wide chasm gaped in front of me. Sadiyah’s arm tightened around my neck and I dimly sensed her fear. She needn’t have bothered. We shot over it with never a missed hoofbeat.

     The wind was thrumming hard against us as I pressed myself to the utmost. We were nearing the exit when I remembered that it had been shut. But instead of stopping like any sane creature, I chanted some magic spells to protect us from the shock and to form the best shockwave possible in front of us. We flashed into the first chamber and I collided horn first with the closed wall. There was only an instant of pain before I lost consciousness.

     A series of low rumblings and the heaving of the floor below me were the first things I felt. I did some heaving of my own and left my supper on the still shaking floor. I pulled myself into a sitting position and gingerly felt my horn. The pain was enough to make me almost wish I could black out again, but I concluded that my worst fears about it being broken were false. It might’ve been loosened a bit, which was a wonder, considering that I had to have the thickest bone skull around to ever pull a stunt like that. I decided I must’ve been drunk on my own speed.

     The first thing I noticed outside of my own miseries was the wall in front of me. It showed some cracks, and I could see a small area that I’d blasted out, but it was still standing. My hearing was returning now, and as the dull explosions continued, I looked apprehensively over my shoulders. I had loaded this pyramid with explosives on our way in, and now they were managing to set each other off via sympathetic detonations. My throne room instant redecoration was all that it had needed.

     There were only a few torches left in the room, and those were burning low. I suddenly thought of Sadiyah and looked around in something of a panic. One of the black spots in the room was her, still huddled in my black leather coat. As I approached her, I could see that she was shaking. I gulped. I didn’t need our still barely functioning link to tell me that she was crying.

     "Here, Sadiyah," I said in my gentlest tones. I tried to pull her towards me, but all I got was one wild tear-streaked glance before she huddled back in on herself. I realized that her Faerie Cadro was still cradled in her arms and for one heart-stopping moment, I feared the worst.

     I dropped to my knees in front of her and the vise around my chest eased when I saw that Mu’awin was still breathing. The amount of blood on him and Sadiyah, though, didn’t bode well for his future.

     I helped myself to my wands from the pockets of my coat. Sadiyah didn’t even flinch when I did so. "Come on, Sadiyah," I wheedled. I tried to ease Mu’awin from her grip. "I’m sure I can help him. Please?"

     All I got was a glare as she scooted away from me. I almost threw my wands onto the floor in disgust. She was mad at me, obviously- and no wonder- but it really stank that I couldn’t help her now that she needed it. Or, to be more blunt, that I couldn’t get her to let me. She couldn’t understand anything I said, and she wasn’t in any mood to try.

     I sighed. Well, if she wanted to play hardball… I dug into the pockets of my coat again. Sadiyah cringed from my touch, but made no other protest. I pulled out the silver tube containing Sun Pegasus and set him loose. My own petpet baby fireball floated in the air in front of me, ready for orders. I mentally directed him in what to do, and he flew down into Sadiyah’s face.

     Sadiyah shrieked and jerked back from Sun Pegasus’ flames. I dove in and wrestled Mu’awin from her loosened grip. Rage flared towards me through our link and I did the best I could to mentally block that part of my mind out. She was just going to have to be mad a while longer.

     Sun Pegasus continued to force Sadiyah back, and I scrambled away with Mu’awin. I carefully but quickly laid him out on the floor near a torch, getting what light I could. (Sun Pegasus’ own light being busy fending off the animal growls and screams coming from my client in the background.)

     A fast look showed me that Mu’awin’s wounds were serious, although not life-threatening under normal conditions. The only problem was that "normal conditions" included a modern hospital and a skilled team of surgeons. That didn’t apply here. He’d already lost way too much blood, and his eyes were rolling back in shock. He’d never live long enough to make it to civilization.

     Some pets ask why we even bother with things like hospitals. After all, they say, the water Faerie has miraculous healing powers- why not just do all healing with magic? The answer is that most of the time it’s simply not worth the effort. The water Faerie probably spends more of herself on her mission than any other Faerie and I include the soup Faerie in that- but for all of her great resources, she still can’t get one hundred percent predictable results.

     Healing with magic is harder. It takes more skill. And even if you’re really good, the hidden side-effects can still be nasty. Unfortunately for Mu’awin, his healing was going to be at the hooves of a magic healer who was great at battlefield patches, though never cut out for the delicate touch required to be really good at it.

     Tough. I laid out my wands and began the magic flows, trying to stabilize his life force. It was sparking like a short-circuited power line. I spread my front hooves and knees across his two feet and four hands, and concentrated on pulling things into some semblance of order. I crooned the healing song of all flesh as I did so, and soon lost myself in my work.

     After a while, I gasped for breath. It was no use. I had things stretched into some sort of shape, but there simply wasn’t enough life supply left to make a continuous net. I sent Sun Pegasus an urgent mental message. He signaled that it would be easy, and sure enough, Sadiyah’s sacrificial knife came clattering across the ground towards me. If I’d been thinking straight, I would’ve realized that she’d been trying to throw it at me, but at that point I was totally oblivious to anything but my patient.

     I said my best strengthening spells as I cut my right fetlock. The blood flowed out, crimson and glowing with as much bright life energy as I could put into it. I pulled the gaping wound in Mu’awin’s belly open and let it pour in as fast as I dared.

     Light faeries, bless this, I chanted.

     Earth faeries, nurture him,.

     Water faeries, wash away all tears,

     Fire faeries, burn away all impurities,

     Dark faeries, provide peace and rest,

     Air faeries, carry my plea to the Queen of all,

     Let this be sealed with the seventh star,

     Held till the end of time,

     The most precious gift there is,

     Life, please Faerie let it be his.

     As written out in words that you and I normally use, I know it doesn’t sound like much. But in the original language, it is a truly beautiful song, one that expresses well the yearning for life that we all have at our innermost core.

     Mu’awin’s eyes flew open as my gift finished flowing into him. I dropped the dagger to one side and gently pressed his wounds together. The glowing was still bright around its edges, and I could almost see the speed with which the new flesh began growing back. I spread his arms out again and redid my life-net calibration. The ball of energy I’d dropped into his system easily rippled out and filled everything.

     Kyrii paws thudded onto the floor in front of me. My head jerked up and I practically buried my nose in Sadiyah’s mane. She bent down past me to cover her petpet and I let him go. I dry-heaved for a minute, and then began shaking myself. One of these operations always leaves you drained, and I was no exception. I spent the next minute frantically doing deep-breathing exercises and fighting my own body’s urge to go into shock.

     Sadiyah looked up at me, and a trembling smile formed on her lips. She brought her right paw to her lips, made a kissing motion onto the front of her fingers, and brought her paw down towards me, palm up. For a wild second I thought she was blowing me a kiss, but then Mu’awin’s weak voice said, "Thank… you."

     So. Thank you. That was how you said it in sign language. I have to admit to being touched. But right then, the ceiling fell in on us, and beautiful sentiments were forgotten.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part One

Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part Two

Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part Three

Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part Four

Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part Six

Scene: Beautiful Music -- Part Seven

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