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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 5th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 118 > Continuing Series > The Power of Friendship: Part Three

The Power of Friendship: Part Three

by futureshrinksme

Cheriche, a yellow Kyrii, looked back and forth at the number on the houses in Faerieland. She had gotten lost twice, because the streets, while beautifully decorated, all looked very similar. She counted the house numbers as she walked.

     "1533, 1534, 1535, 1536… There it is!" she said, relieved. "1537 Effulgence Lane." She walked up to the beautiful house and knocked gently on the door.

     "Coming!!" a voice called from within. After a few seconds the door unlocked and opened, but only a crack. "Who are you?"

     "I'm-I'm looking for a Light Faerie named Helene, I was told she lived here," Cheriche stammered. "I was sent here by a red Lenny named Harold. I need help fighting a darkness Faerie who is trying to make my friend her slave." The door opened, and Cheriche was able to see a beautiful Light Faerie wearing, oddly enough, a sweat suit.

     "I am Helene," the Faerie said. "Come in." Cheriche stepped inside and Helene shut the door behind her. "You have to pardon my appearance," the Light Faerie said. "I'm probably not what you would expect a Light Faerie to look like, but today is my day off from working at the bookstore and I'm dressed to be comfortable." She smiled disarmingly.

     "Oh, no, you are very beautiful," Cheriche said. Then she asked, "You work at the bookstore? That must be how you know Harold." Helene nodded. "He… he said you could help me. I need help fighting a Darkness Faerie." Helene's beautiful eyes widened.

     "How could a young Neopet such as yourself get involved with a darkness Faerie?" Helene asked. Cheriche sighed, and told her story for the second time that day. She looked at the floor the whole time she was telling it, afraid to meet this kind Faerie's eyes. What would such a wise creature think of her for being so foolish?

     When she was done, the Kyrii looked up at the Faerie, expecting disappointment, annoyance, or even anger. Instead, the Faerie's eyes were bright with tears. She took Cheriche's hands in hers and said softly,

     "We will help your friend. I promise." Cheriche started to cry too, and the Light Faerie patted her back.

     "We can't both of us sit here and cry, can we? We have to go, now, and find your friend. Well, maybe I should change first,"" she added, looking down at her sweat suit. Cheriche nodded and laughed through her tears.

* * *

They set off as quickly as they could, but it was still dark by the time they reached Uni Meadows. Helene waved her hands and a ball of light appeared between them, and floated towards the woods, leaving a dimly glowing trail behind it.

     "Is there where Lynella went?" Helen asked in a low voice.

     "Yes," Cheriche whispered, and they followed the light sphere to the beginning of the woods. Cheriche stood a moment, then pointed, and Helene sent the light in that direction. They walked alongside the edge until they found a path, then continued several hundred meters until it forked in two directions. Cheriche stopped, furrowed here eyebrows, and said, "I'm not sure of the direction any more." Helene stopped too, and asked,

     "Well, when a Uni is put in a bridle, they aren't aware of what is happening to them mentally, but their bodies do seem to react to the stress." The Light Faerie gestured, and the ball flowed up and down first one path, then another.

     "What does that mean? How do they react? Will she be OK?" Cheriche asked nervously.

     "Oh, it's nothing serious, but they tend to shed a bit more than usual," Helene replied absently. The orb stopped and hovered in midair a few meters into the path on the left, and something below it gleamed silver. "Aha," said Helene. Celeste went over towards the orb and looked at what it was hovering over.

     "This isn't hers," she said unhappily, picking up the hair. "She's blue, and this is…"

     "Silver," Helene said. "And she wasn't wearing a harness yet, remember? This is what we were looking for, the hair from the silverbelle Uni."

     "Oh," Celeste said. "So, they must have gone this way." They took the left path and continued until they reached another fork. Helene searched again with her light, and found another silver hair. Cheriche started to shiver from the cold and from fear. Helene was now dressed in black clothing that looked strange on a Light Faerie but was far more suitable for the task at hand than a shimmering ball gown. She noticed the Kyrii shaking, took off her outermost coat, and gave it to the little Kyrii. Cheriche looked up and thanked her with her eyes. She didn't want to speak now for fear of being discovered.

     At the next place the path divided, there were three branches, and Helene had difficulty finding any clues. Cheriche crawled up each path on her hands and knees and found nothing in the left and middle paths. However, over a dozen meters into the right, she found a tiny shred of hair ribbon that she recognized as one she had woven into Lynella's mane that afternoon. She gestured to Helene, who nodded, and they continued on the path for what seemed like hours.

     Suddenly, Cheriche felt a hand on her shoulder and she had to stifle a scream. Helene put her hand over the Kyrii's mouth and pointed.

     "Listen," Helene whispered. Cheriche strained her ears until she heard it too. Bells, hundreds or maybe thousands of bells, jingling and chiming in an odd rhythm. She recognized the sound. The silverbelle Unis, or some of them, were close by. Helene clapped her hands together softly and the sphere of light dimmed, them vanished. They followed the sound of the silverbelle Unis until they began to see an eerie silver glow flickering between the trees. They crouched and crept forward, and when she had a full view of what was happening, Cheriche's breath caught in her throat.

     In a large clearing in the woods, dozens of Unis were flying in a circle, in perfect rhythm to each other and yet seeming to beat their wings frantically as in panic at the same time. All were wearing the silverbelle harnesses and were colored with the same ethereal glow that Diane, the Uni who had taken her friend Lynella, had shown. It was the most beautiful thing Cheriche had ever seen… but also the most frightening.

     Over the sound of the bells came a faint melody, a song floating in and out so the Kyrii had to staring to hear it at all. She looked over at Helene, whose lips were moving with the song. The Faerie looked over at Cheriche and pointed to her beautiful but quite large Faerie ears. Of course she could hear the song better than the Kyrii.

     "It's an old spell, a chant that gives beauty and power," Helene whispered to her. "My mother sang it to me at night when I was little."

     "So it's not evil?" Cheriche asked.

     "No, it's more like a lullaby. I think she's using it to teach the Unis a certain rhythm. You said the bells seemed to hypnotize your friend?" The Kyrii nodded. "Yes. The song in itself means nothing, but the beat that she is singing it to must have a hypnotic effect on Unis in particular." Now it was Helene's turn to shudder. "I never thought that I would hate the sound of that song."

     The Unis continues to dance in the air, but now seemed to be slowing down. They spread out, and landed in a perfect circle, facing inward, towards another Faerie, this one dark and hateful looking.

     "It's Serenelle," Cheriche gasped.

     It was indeed, the same Faerie she had seen in the picture Harold that had shown her. The same purple hair and orchid skin, the same silver tiara, but far more beautiful in person than the picture could have portrayed. And far more frightening. The Darkness Faerie was holding a bridle in her hands like the ones the Unis were wearing. There was an opening in the circle, and out stepped-

     "Lynella!" Cheriche breathed. There was her friend, alive and walking calmly to her doom. Serenelle clapped her hands smartly and the Unis started walking around the clearing counterclockwise, their bells jingling in that same rhythm.

     "Do you wish to be as beautiful as my silverbelle Unis all are?" Serenelle asked Lynella. The Blue Uni nodded slowly, her eyes glassy. "Are you willing to wear this bridle to become that beautiful?" The Darkness Faerie asked.

     "Anything," Lynella said, so quietly that Cheriche would barely hear her. The Darkness Faerie smiled, and placed the bridle on the Uni. Cheriche stood up and screamed,

     "No! No! Don't let her!" She ran into the circle, pushing aside the silverbelle Unis, but it was too late. Serenelle fastened the halter before Cheriche could reach her, and her friend's beautiful blue coat shimmered, then turned silver with a cold, white glow. Helene came from behind her and grabbed her just before she reached the Darkness Faerie, who didn't flinch but merely smiled and said,

     "Hello, Cheriche. Hello, Helene. I've been expecting you."

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Power of Friendship: Part One

The Power of Friendship: Part Two

The Power of Friendship: Part Four

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