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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 14th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 119 > Articles > Neopia's Evil: Where Are They Now?

Neopia's Evil: Where Are They Now?

by nightchild

THE GALLERY OF EVIL - From time to time some evil villain with dreams of controlling Neopia comes along. But then they wind up going. But where do they go? We usually hear no news of what happens to them after their notorious plot for world destruction has failed. So if you're among the many people wondering where Dr. Sloth is now, what Hubrid Nox is doing or whether or not Dr. Death really is the Grim Reaper's second cousin, read on.

Dr. Frank Sloth

The Story: After being defeated by the Space Faerie in Year 2, we have barely heard word of him since. Most Neopians believe that he is somewhere up in space with a few of his most loyal minions, biding his time and brewing up another plan for world domination.

Where is he now? Contrary to popular belief, he is probably residing in Faerieland. What is he doing in Faerieland? Winning the affections of the lovely Ms. Jhudora, of course! And it's possible that Jhudora is just as interested in him, but for other, more sinister reasons (could it be that Jhudora is only using Frank as a tool in her own plot to dominate the world? Or is that the exact reason why Dr. Sloth is trying to win her love in the first place? This relationship could get messy...)

Count Von Roo

The Story: This infamous Count lives deep in the Haunted Forest, and hosts the Deadly Dice by night.

And during the day? This toothy villain could be living up to his childhood dream of being the Tooth Faerie. I had a little chat with the Water Faerie of the Healing Springs recently while waiting for her to regain some of her powers of Healing, and she mentioned that the Tooth Faerie had taken a mysterious leave of absence from her usual rounds of money-giving. She returned, but with a marked change in her sweet demeanor.

"She has an odd habit of asking us what our blood type is," The Water Faerie remarked.

Is the coffin where Count Von Roo supposedly sleeps during the day secretly filled with his tooth collection? And why is he pretending to be a tooth Faerie in the first place? Maybe he wants some normal teeth to replace his fanged ones (he must have been teased in Neoschool about them. And that unfashionable collar he wears).

Hubrid Nox

The Story: Hubrid Nox is known for his constant scheming to conquer some part of Neopia. He lives alone in the woods, because he prefers not to be disturbed.

Where is he now? Wondering why us innocent *cough* Neopians haven't been subjected to any of his nefarious plans yet, I conducted a short interview with his Nox's arch enemy MAGAX: Destroyer, in pursuit of finding some answers to my questions.

Me: Hello Mr. Destroyer, how are you today?

MAGAX: Well I have a slight cold *sniffs* but I am otherwise in perfect health, thank you.

Me: How lovely. Well, I was wondering if you could tell me anything about Hubrid Nox's evil plans.

MAGAX: Certainly. Hubrid has some strange idea that if he can steal all the chocolate in Neopia, he will be able to use it as blackmail to force everybody to give him the materials he needs to take over Neopia. He has not yet been successful, but naturally there are guards stationed around the Chocolate Factory day and night.

Me: And he is convinced that everyone will obey his commands all for some chocolate?

MAGAX: Yes! And I think it's a wonderful plan. Why, if I hadn't spent so much time building up my reputation against Hubrid Nox I would go and join him right now!

Me: Erm.. that's very interesting, Mr. Destroyer. I'm sure that the millions of readers of The Neopian Times will just love to hear that.

MAGAX: Neopian Times?! What? NO!

And that concluded my little interview with MAGAX: Destroyer. Remember to play his game today! *Smile*

Lord Darigan

The Story: When Meridell stole the magical orb from his people, Lord Darigan would stop at nothing to get it back. When he did, however, it corrupted him and drove him to domination of Neopia (where have we heard that before? Villains don't go much for originality do they..). Eventually, however, Darigan and the orb were destroyed. Yelch.

Where is he now? Could a silly old orb really destroy the mighty Lord Darigan? Of course not. It could, however, reduce him to a life of hot dog vending instead of ruling the world. Yep, Hubert's Hot Dogs kindly took Lord Darigan on after his fall from power (and they pay him 24 Neopoints an hour, too!). Hubert declined to comment when approached with this matter, but on my way out I did notice that a certain skull-headed person had secured himself the Employee of the Month position.

Today, cleaning up spilled ketchup off the floor. Tomorrow, the world.

The Jelly Chia

The Story: Enraged at the attempt to be eaten by his creator, this Jelly Chia got his revenge by eating his creator instead.

Where is he now? After saving himself from being eaten by the deranged Wizzle, the miserable Jelly Chia sought therapy for himself. "He is making excellent progress," said Dr. Lenny Mudlump, the Jelly Chia's psychiatrist. "I recommended becoming a Battledome challenger to ventilate some of his anger, and it is working wonders. Sometimes he gets a bit too worked up and eats his opponent, but it's all part of the process, really."

The Pant Devil

The Story: The Pant Devil wanders all over Neopia, randomly stealing the possessions of innocent bystanders.

Where is he now? I located the Pant Devil wearing a uniform in Uni's Clothing, in the Neopian Bazaar. He was waving a gloomy goodbye to a group of young Usuls who were running as fast as they could in other direction and screaming (maybe they spotted his nametag, which read Hello! I am the Pant Devil and seemed like a bit of a giveaway). Me: Why are you working in Uni's Clothing now? Pant Devil: Well, I started to get tired of stealing from people all the time, and I didn't want people to be confused by my name *gestures to the name tag*. So I decided to take up the fashion industry, here in the Undergarments Department. Me: Lovely. So why did you stop stealing? Pant Devil: Well after so many years all my loot just wouldn't fit in my safety deposit box anymore. I took it as a sign. Me: But why do you need a safety deposit box? Nobody is going to steal from you. Pant Devil: *Blinks* Uh. No comment.

And there you are! Hopefully this article on the current careers of Neopia's various villains has been educational *cough* or at least entertaining to you. Have an evil day!

Author's Note: Believing the absurd contents of this article could be hazardous to your health. In other words, Count Von Roo is not posing as the Tooth Faerie and (hopefully) the Pant Devil is not working in the Undergarments department of Uni's Clothing. Oh, and the Grim Reaper is not Dr. Death's second cousin. If you're still having trouble clearing all this nonsense out of your head, just repeat after me: I will not take nightchild seriously, I will not take nightchild seriously, I will not take nightchild seriously...

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