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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 120 > Continuing Series > The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Four

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Four

by meratocat

Old Friends and New

I nodded at Kirin as we approached the outer outskirts of Laxcorna. The sun hadn't yet risen and the occupants were all asleep, but they would wake up soon. I was sure of that. "Kowl, stick by me," I said and he bounced his was over to my side.

     "Where are we going? Is Zana going to be okay?" He has asked that second question countless times already.

     "Zana will be okay. I swear on all the stars and on my heart that she will be Kowl," I said not allowing myself a single tear. "As for where we're going. Let's just call it an old friends house shall we."

     Kirin gave me an odd look, "You mean Corinth's cottage? But that's a ways from here."

     "I know," I said softly. "I'm taking a visit to Wintroq first."

     "Oh," Kirin said and went quite again. Wintroq was my brother, the last member of my former family-former life-that was alive. Vernok, our conquering father was slain by that hands of none other then my brother Wintroq, his son, in a fierce batter that earned Wintroq high status in the Laxcornian army.

     "There it is," I said pointing up ahead at a small cottage. Like Corinth, Wintroq did not much care for living inside the walls of Laxcorna and instead owned a cottage outside in the vast fields surrounding the city. I quickened my pace a stride as we neared it and grinned to myself. I had not seen hide or hair of my brother for a good many years.

     I smiled to Kirin slightly and then knocked on the door five times and took a step back. I heard a bit of scrambling inside, and a voice called out from inside "I'll get the door!" What surprised me the most was that the voice was… feminine.

     The door opened up and a female Christmas Zafara was there. She had on a basic tunic with a sword less sword belt overtop and brown leggings. Her massive white wings were folded behind her back. Even through the basic attire she was beautiful.

     "Is Wintroq home? I must speak with him," I said not taking my gaze from her eyes.

     She gave me what I think was a scowl "What would an assassin want with him besides ill-conceived plans to be carried out." In an instant she pulled out a dagger, which I blocked with no trouble at all with mine. She attacked a couple more times with me blocking each attack with a flick of my wrist.

     "For your beautiful looks you're a nice fighter," I said smiling before capturing her hands in one fluid motion. "If I wanted to destroy him I wouldn't knock on the door." With a soft laugh, I twisted past her dumbstruck look and into the house.

     "Zarrel!" Wintroq said and I turned just in time to have him embrace me in a large hug, which knocked the breath out of me.

     "Let's save that for later," I said gasping, and the Christmas Zafara scowled.

     "Wintroq! What in the fiery inferno is going on here?!"

     "Shaeila," he said letting go of me and letting me gain my breath back. "Don't scowl like that it ruins your face. She is nothing more then my sister. Zarrel," He said turning back to face me, "meet Shaeila. I met her a while back." He said all this while grinning deeply.

     I gave a quick bow to her, "Zarrel Charmain at your service." I gave a quick wink to Wintroq. "Heh, I commend you on your choice." He just blushed.

     "Wait just a second here!" Shaeila said "You mean to tell me that your sister you've told me about is really Zarrel Charmain! The best known assassin who destroyed Pailoth those many years ago."

     "I made up for that by saving Laxcorna from Teralk."

     "But wait! No, that was Corinth and Laiondite!"

     "Both really good friends who know how to keep the city off of my tail with a nice lie."

     Shaeila turned to look at Wintroq as if expecting him to say it was all just a big joke. He just stood there with a large grin on his face. Shaeila turned away grumbling.

     "And here I thought it was bad enough to learn that Vernok was his sire."

     I let out a soft chuckle when I heard a knock from outside the door. "Oh yeah, I forgot to let in your other guests Wintroq." I walked over to the door and opened it up to let Kirin and Kowl come in.

     "Where's Zana Taru?" Wintroq asked me looking about for sight of her purple fur.

     I sighed and the sudden good mood I had been in after seeing my brother had worn off. "Wintroq, I wish that my visiting you could have been with good news, but it is not. The reason that Zana Taru is not here is the very same reason that I am here." With another sigh, I told him the whole story.

     Shaeila approached me her ears lying backwards with sorrow. "I'm terribly sorry Zarrel. Not only for what has happened to you, but for attacking you at the door."

     The corner of my mouth lifted a tad bit and I turned my gaze back to Wintroq. "Wintroq. I am not asking you to help me at all. This is all I ask of you. The journey up the mountain to Jown's fortress is very dangerous and likely to be lined with members of his army. Without Dorono at my side they will have no reason not to kill me on sight. Also Zana is likely to be guarded tightly. The chances that I won't make it out are high, and I just wanted to make sure that if I don't return that you will take care of Kowl for me. I'll be leaving him with Corinth, but I want you to take care of him if Kirin and I do not return."

     Wintroq laid a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I know that you will get Zana and yourself out of there alive. No one can bring down the Zafara Assassin. But I will take care of him if anything happens to you."

     I gave him a light smile and then turned my back. "Well I'd stay for more chat, but I have to go. Zana is waiting for me. Come on Kirin, Kowl!" I said and then headed for the door. I let Kirin and Kowl out in front of me, but before I left I turned and called out "You make a good match for him Shaeila!" And with a wink and a laugh as Wintroq blushed again, I shut the door behind me. "Now we go to Corinth's cottage. Come on, we'll go by way of woods." And with that, I led them back towards the forest.


Dorono flapped his wings set on his destination. Below him the twisted trees and deadly marshes of the Swamps of Tisitan washed by. Perhaps on another day his thoughts would have drifted to how he and Zana had flown over them and gotten separated inside. He had been captured by a group of Krawks who had believed him to be in league with Jown. When he finally had escaped with the aid of two Krawk warriors and met up with Zana Taru he learned that she had been helped by none other then a darkness Faerie by the name of Tron Bonne. Tron had gifted Zana with her sword and tunic, that seemed to grow with her as it still fit, before she left them.

     As Dorono flew over an especially twisted grove of trees he did not notice as two large purple wings spread underneath him. The owner of the wings flapped upward and once in range of Dorono called out, "Hey, what'cha doin in this neck of the woods again Dorono?"

     He flailed his wings and spun around in the air, "Tron!" He shouted as she nodded back to him, her dark purple hair waving in the wind. The green streaks in it seemed to catch the sunlight in the same way Dorono's green feathers did. She had on long black pants, and a baby doll T-shirt. High heels adorned her feet, which made you wonder how she got around effortlessly all day. She also had a carefree grin on her face. Her eye's were however a blood red color, which was a common trait in many creatures veiled in darkness.

     "Where's that Zana Taru? She was with you last I saw you guys. Though of course that was some three years ago," she said. Dorono gave her a slightly sad look and she shook her arms about. "Wait a second! If this is gonna be one of those 'long story' type of talks lets land on the ground."

     Dorono couldn't help but give a grin as he followed Tron down through the trees.


"There it is," I said pointing out a cottage from the shadows of the trees.

"Who's that?" Kirin asked pointing out into the fields.

     "Why what do you know? I believe that that is Corinth's son Erred. Wow he's sure grown up." She grinned at a rainbow Zafara with a sword at his side. "He's eighteen now. A full knight if he took that path." I took a step out of the shadows and motioned for Kirin to follow.

     "Erred!" I shouted when we came within hearing distance. He turned to look at me and then hurried over.

     "Zarrel Charmain!" he said, his voice no longer boyish, but now much more masculine. I haven't seen you in the longest of times." He looked down at me with a wink "You're shorter then I remember though."

     I gave a little snort at his comment then asked. "Is Corinth around? I need to talk to him."

     "Yes, he's inside with mother and Wherric."

     I nodded and then followed him as he lead us towards the cottage. He walked right up to the door and opened it. "Father, Zarrel Charmin is here and she wishes a word with you."

     I heard an instant scoot of a chair being pushed back. "I'll be right there!" I heard Corinth's voice call out. I expected him to be the one to greet me, but instead there was a flash of blue fur and I instantaneously found myself in a bear hug by a now much grown up blue Gelert.

     "Zarrel! It's you!" he cried and I pushed out of his grasp. "Well, you've grown up Wherric. As have you Erred," I added looking to the tall rainbow Zafara

     "It is you!" I heard Corinth's voice say as a hand was laid onto my shoulder. I mentally thanked the stars that no one else tried to hug me I was inches towards poking the next person to do so with my dagger. "How have things gone for you of late?" he asked.

     "Direly," I replied slowly. "I'll tell you the details inside."

Corinth nodded and led me, Kirin, Wherric, and Erred to a table. Kowl just walked off to take a look about. "Now what is it you need to say?" he asked.

     I relayed to him the story of what had happened to Zana, and once I finished I sighed. "I am asking you to take care of Kowl while Kirin and I rescue Zana Taru from Jown."

     Corinth nodded. "Yes, he can stay. I wish you the best of luck in finding your Zana Zarrel."

     "I'll come with you!" a voice shouted out before Kirin and I had even got the chance to stand up to say our farewells to Corinth. Erred rushed up looking all the ready to put up a fight.

     "I don't need anyone else to come. Besides the going will be very harsh." I said to Erred plainly.

     "She is right," Corinth seconded me. "You will stay here and train."

     "I am a knight father!" he shouted. "I just can not stand by while the young Zana is in trouble! Maybe you aren't brave enough to go, but I am!"

     I laughed at him. "Believe me, your father's plenty brave. He was probably just slightly less green then you when he helped save Laxcorna from Teralk." Kirin and Corinth chuckled along with me.

     "Fine then! Have your way," Erred shouted pushing the chair back and storming off towards his room.

     "We were all like that when we were younger," Kirin said grinning. "You should have seen me, especially this one time." He started to chuckle.

     "Actually, I do believe you never told me that story before," I said.

     "I'll tell you some other time. For now let us go find Zana Taru." He bowed to Corinth. "Thank you once again. We will be back for Kowl if I can help it."

     "Farewell you two," he said and then leaned back in his chair.

     Kirin and I said our farewells to a teary eyed Kowl and then we left the cottage. The large mountain of High Reaches loomed in the distance. Snow, which stood on it year round reflected the sunlight and I took Kirin's hand in mine. "It's finally time to go. Let's go kick some Kougra tail and get Zana back!"

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part One

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Two

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Three

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Five

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Six

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Seven

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Eight

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Nine

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Ten

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Eleven

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Twelve

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Thirteen

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Fourteen

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Fifteen

The Zafara Assassin 4: Darkness and Light -- Part Sixteen

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