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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 123 > Continuing Series > Al’s Lupological Holiday Extravaganza!: Part Two

Al’s Lupological Holiday Extravaganza!: Part Two

by al_the_chia

Hollypaw's Cave

Hollypaw snarled as she socked a punchbag shaped like a Chia back and forth across the room. She snorted steam as she reared back, roared, and charged at it, giving it a swift and powerful kick in the midsection. It exploded in a blast of sawdust, settling in on all the steely, uncomfortable-looking furniture in her stone and steel themed study (yes, she kept, or at least she HAD kept, a punchbag in her study).

     "GAH! The Lupe Forest Winter Festival/Carnival Extraordinaire is coming!! How I HATE that holiday! Chias could have thought up of better things!"

     She reared back and pounced upon the tattered remains of her punchbag, ripping it to further pieces with her teeth and bare hands. Warpaw, a red Lupe who was sitting uncomfortably in a steel chair nearby, winced and edged his seat back a bit as a few bits of the cloth Chia snowed down on him.

     "Well, I don't see why you guys can't get some Lupe Forest Winter Festival/Carnival cheer and forget this plan. I mean, do we really want to ruin it?"

     Hotpaw the fire Lupe, sitting across the room, sneered at him, his flame-decorated paw giving off steam as it grasped the glass of water he was drinking.

     "Well, I can't say I'm surprised that you're weakening, Warpaw. You've been pulled into the commercialism conspiracy that the Chias always start up around this time of year. I bet you can't wait to SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, and then, expect other people to BUY, BUY, BUY all those worthless Battledome items you so long for. You're like a sniveling little Chia."

     "A Festive Attack Pea is NOT worthless!" Warpaw snarled. "It's...It's..."

     "A vegetable?" Hollypaw offered, dusting Chia bits off her Christmas coat and regaining control of her temper.

     "NO! A really tough Battledome item I could use to DESTROY Chias!"

     "Warpaw," Hotpaw took a sip of his then ice, now hot water before continuing. "I don't see how you can call yourself a 'warrior Lupe.' You depend completely on weaponry to do all your fighting for you. And on top of that, the sort of weapons you choose are really, REALLY silly. For instance, the Festive Attack Pea you mentioned earlier. It's a PEA. I ate about 30 of them for dinner yesterday. Who knows how many those wimpy Chias eat."

     Warpaw huffed, getting visibly frustrated. To this particular group of Lupes, being compared to or even just mentioning a Chia was the ultimate insult, so Warpaw felt a need to defend himself.

     "It isn't just a PEA! It's a PEA in a HAT! And it's REALLY, REALLY RARE!!"

     Hotpaw and Hollypaw scoffed. Warpaw crossed his arms sulkily, sinking (as much as one can sink) into his metal chair.

     "I wouldn't expect YOU two to understand. Especially you, Mr. I'm-So-Cool-Because-I-Set-Things-On-Fire."

     "You know what I'd like to set on fire right now? Your tiny, flammable brain."


     Hotpaw began literally flaring as Warpaw reached for his Lupe sword, snarling. This is when Hollypaw intervened.

     "WOULD you two BE QUIET?"

     She jumped up and kicked over Warpaw's steel chair effortlessly, then whipped around and stamped down hard on Hotpaw's foot. Warpaw's seat crashed down onto the stone floor with a noise and a vibration like a gigantic bell. Warpaw wobbled as he rolled out of the chair, looking quite shell-shocked. Steam shot out of Hotpaw's ears in pain as he fell off his chair, clutching his foot.

     "We don't have time for you to bicker and fight about such stupid things! This Chia-Hating Gang I formed is PERFECT. We are in HARMONY with each other, and I want to KEEP IT THAT WAY, even if I have to KILL YOU!" Hollypaw yelled, slamming her fist into her paw and pacing back and forth across the room as she talked, the model of intimidation.

     "And we're going to use our great TEAMWORK to destroy the Lupe Forest Winter Festival/Carnival Extraordinaire. You're all doing this for ME, and if you SCREW UP, I'll have TWO NEW PUNCHBAGS as PRESENTS this year!"

     Hotpaw nodded, limping back into his seat. "Right on."

     Warpaw, who was just starting to revive, let out a little whimper of agreement before Hollypaw trampled over him in her frenzied pacing.

     "Well then. Since we have no objections, and your opinion doesn't matter, I suppose we should move on to business." Hollypaw cracked her knuckles and neck before sitting back down. "Now, Hotpaw, report on construction of our secret plan?"

     Hotpaw smiled eerily, snapping his finger with a small puff of flame. He grabbed the slightly charred shopping bag sitting by the chair, rifling through a few items inside. "I received the last parts from the Virtupets Space Station, special order from Dr. Sloth. I can probably finish and test it by tonight."

     "Good." Hollypaw turned. "And Warpaw, you've covered everything else we'll need, I hope."

     "Sure." Warpaw squeaked and pointed to the packages stacked by his fallen chair, writhing across the floor in an attempt to get back up again.

     "Then we're set for Tuesday!" Hollypaw kicked Warpaw over and stood on him for dramatic effect. "We're going to pull the ULTIMATE GRINCHING on the Lupe Forest Winter Festival/Carnival Extraordinaire!"

The Lupe Forest Winter Festival/Carnival Extraordinaire

It was finally the big day in Lupe Forest. All the Lupes, from every dark corner of the entire forest, had gathered by Lupe Lake, the Clearing, the Cliffside, and every other place they could fit in, eager to participate in the traditional Lupe Forest ceremonies.

     But, three of the Lupes were gathered elsewhere, waiting behind a tree as the parade was preparing to begin their forest-wide movement.

     "Ready?" Hollypaw hissed.

     "Yuh," Warpaw nodded.

     "Yuh," Hotpaw nodded.

     The floats in the parade were all rather extravagant, some completely covered with flowers, some hanging in the air and only controlled by dozens of Lupes holding strings, others packed to the brim with Lupe Forest celebrities. A marching band was warming up. But none of these were interesting to the Lupes, who were focusing on one float in particular.

     Hollypaw, followed closely by her two accomplices, danced out from behind the tree, dodging behind float to float until they finally reached the target: A rather large sleigh float, in which the actor playing Scorchio Claus was calmly eating a tealeef sandwich in preparation for his role. She stole a quick glance towards the large flowery float up ahead, on which Goldpaw, the alpha, was standing.

     Hollypaw grinned awfully as she crept into the sleigh next to Claus, who looked up from his meal with a startled expression on his face.

     "Huh? Who are you?"

     "Scorchio Claus."

     "What? But I'M playing-"


     Hollypaw pushed the sleigh, unconscious Claus and all, down the hillside. Hotpaw and Warpaw shoved a rather large, ugly, black, and powerful behemoth of a space shuttle from behind a tree. Shaped like an immense sleigh, it had jet boosters attached to the rear, along with two sets of laser guns that could turn any Christmas item into sludge. Hollypaw donned Claus's hat, her grin spreading and her spirits rising.

     "Alright, Hotpaw, fire 'em up!"

     Hollypaw leaped into the sleigh, taking the reigns as she glanced at Warpaw. "Do you have the supplies ready?"

     "Ready as they can be," Warpaw mumbled, picking through a box filled to the brim with rancid eggs, spray paint cans, overripe veggies, stink bombs, and other such disgusting objects.

     "Then let's GO already!" she impatiently screamed, seizing hold of the reigns. Hotpaw turned the key in the engine several times to start the rather ugly sleigh until it finally began to hum, stuttering and purring. He waited a moment to let the heating system warm up, put it out of parking, held his breath, and then flicked a switch.

     With a triumphant hoot, the rather Grinchy Christmas Lupe whipped the reins of the sleigh as the Sloth Sleigh exploded into action with a roar of flame. The plastic Raindorf set up in front of them were splintered as they lurched forward with surprising speed, blasting through float after float ahead of them and sending the Lupes holding the gigantic balloons, the marching bands, and anything else in the way scattering.

     Goldpaw fell forward onto his stomach as the Chia-Hating gang made a sleigh-shaped hole in his flowered vehicle. His paw fumbled around his neck until finding his silent Lupe whistle, which he blew with all his might. But not even the piercing, Lupe-only sound could reach Hollypaw's gang, who now seemed to be traveling faster than sound itself, lurching into the sky with a bang and soaring towards the festivities, a trail of destruction behind them.

     "Hm," Goldpaw grunted. "This can only get worse."

     Promptly, the remains of his float collapsed underneath him.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Al’s Lupological Holiday Extravaganza!: Part One

Al’s Lupological Holiday Extravaganza!: Part Three

Al’s Lupological Holiday Extravaganza!: Part Four

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