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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 125 > Articles > Get Rich Quick?

Get Rich Quick?

by bobbybobby

GAMES ROOM - Get Rich Quick? While surfing the web for some tips on how to make a couple extra Neopoints, I read a nice article about playing games. It was a guide on how to make at least 5000 NP a day, just by playing games. The article was helpful, saying that it takes hard work to make a lot of Neopoints, and that you can't make millions of NP in a week. However, the games that it suggested to play, in my opinion, were not the best choices. I decided to make a guide myself, listing most of the games I feel people will benefit from the most.

The Basics to becoming a 'Good Gamer'

Being a good gamer doesn't mean scoring the highest or winning every game. It's about playing games, making as much Neopoints as you feel you can, and still having a good time. It takes a little work to becoming a good gamer, but trust me -- it's worth it.

First off, you have to be a little bit motivated. A lot of people don't play the games because they're just plain lazy. C'mon people! It's free Neopoints! Who doesn't want free Neopoints? If you absolutely can't make yourself play the games, try and set a goal for yourself. Think of an expensive item that you've always wanted, and play the games to earn the Neopoints to buy it. I wanted a baby paintbrush, so I had to play the games to earn enough Neopoints for it. If you can't think of anything you want to buy, set a goal for the amount of Neopoints you want in the bank by the end of the month. Be realistic -- you won't be able to go from 1000 to 87 million in that amount of time.

Next, you must set rules for yourself. Let me explain -- when you play a game, set a score that you must make in order for you to send the score. For example, I won't send my score for Meerca Chase unless it is over 250. I might have to work a little harder to get the score, but I know it will be worth the effort when I get the Neopoints. Set your numbers low for games you know you can't play well, and higher for games you know you excel at.

This is a hard one for some people -- DO NOT PLAY THE LUCK/CHANCE GAMES. You WILL lose your Neopoints, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you have a major gambling issue and you can't keep yourself from betting, play Dice A Roo. That game gives out food, faeries, and lottery tickets, so it is well worth betting 5 NP to play.

Make sure you play the Featured Game at least once a day. It gives out double the Neopoints, and you may end up loving the game. Even if you hate the game, put a little effort into playing it once.

Lastly, if you get very frustrated while playing a game, I suggest not playing it. If you're not having fun, what's the point? Besides, after playing the game, you'll probably be too angry to play on the computer anymore. A perfect example of this is Zurroball. I used to love the game -- then I bought a new computer. It's the slowest, worst computer I've ever owned. Now I can't play Zurroball because it takes too long, is too hard, and because I'd rather smash my head into the computer monitor than play it.

Easy Games
These are the easiest games of all time. You're guaranteed to make a good amount of Neopoints while hardly putting any effort into it. Keep in mind that I don't go by what says is easy or hard. I just go by my experience. Your opinions may be different.

Meerca Chase
When playing this, always set it to hard. This way, you'll make more Neopoints with less time. One thing that I find helpful is to keep both hands on the keyboard while playing the game. It seems to help my reflexes a bit. There isn't much advice to give on this game. Just avoid the red neggs. I wouldn't send my score unless it is over 250 or 300. (That's 250+ NP per play)

Extreme Potato Counter
Easiest game ever. A tip for this is to concentrate mainly on the sides of the window. This way, you'll see the potatoes when they first enter, and you probably won't accidentally count potatoes you've already seen. I wouldn't send my score until it is over 25 or 30.(That's 175+ NP per play)

Ultimate Bullseye
This game could be harder for some people, but I find it to be pretty easy. A tip for this is to power up your arrow until it is about halfway between the 4th and 5th notch on the bar. Also keep in mind that you should aim your arrow a little higher than where your target is, because gravity does affect it. I wouldn't send my score until it is over 30.(That's 240+ NP per play)

Carnival of Terror
This game doesn't pay that well, but it's fun to play. Aim for the area where the clown's head and body connect. When you shoot them there, they'll go down in one shot. Always remember to shoot the ammo boxes, clocks, and health boxes -- you'll need them. I would set this game to low quality if you have a slow computer(like me). Send your score when you reach 200 or more. (That's 200+ NP per play) Kiko Match
I really don't understand why people don't play this game more. It pays great! You have to have a pretty good memory to play this game. Don't just click around randomly when playing. Go down through the rows and click every box. I find that it is easier to remember where a certain Kiko is when doing this. I would send your score when you are over 175. (That's 350+ NP per play)

Medium Games
These are the games that require a little more skill than the easier games. Some people will have to work a little harder to play them. I assure you that it will be worth it. 200m Peanut Dash
Here is another game that a lot of people don't play. This game is actually really easy, but shooting the peanut can be a challenge for some people. Always, always, always make sure you shoot the peanut when you've powered up as much as you possibly can. Try to get at least 180 m per shot. Also, when running with the Puppyblew, remember that you can type in the arrows before you see a log, and simply push up when the log does come.

For a more detailed explanation of this: At 60 m, push the arrow keys Left Right Left Right. When a log appears at 90 m, push Up on the arrow keys. You'll do a 2x Front Flip over it. Also, when you go to catch the peanut, remember to do a special type of jump, either a 2x Front Flip or 2x Back Flip, and grab it in the air. You'll get an extra 50 points for doing this. Send your score when you have 800 or more. (That's 600+ NP per play)

Faerie Cloud Racers
This game takes a little practice to get used to it. The controls don't react correctly(at least on my computer). Make sure you always have it set on Hard. I find that the Space Faerie is the best racer to pilot, but I would try all of them to find which is right for you. I'm not the greatest at this game, so I have no real strategies to playing it. Send your score when you have 150 or more. (That's 300+ NP per play)

I love this game. It is so much fun. I suggest playing this game when you're in a bad mood -- it'll usually make you feel better. You need good reflexes to actually get a good score in the game, as well as know which characters are worth what. I just play the game to hear that big headed guy with the glasses go "Muah ha ha ha!" This game is mostly for fun, but if you do want to make Neopoints off of it, send your score when you have 500 or more. (That's 250+ NP per play)

PetPet Rescue
This game is a lot like another popular game. Grab the petpets and get them to safety! I never get really far in this game, but I do make a good profit off of it. Make sure you always collect the little diamond thingies, and keep in mind that your Scorchio isn't as fast as you think he is. Send your score when you have 150 or more. (That's 450+ NP per play)

Extreme Herder
I actually don't like this game. I only play it when I'm desperate for Neopoints or extremely bored. However, it does pay very well, so I decided to list it. When playing, try to grab the petpet with the halo first. It gives you extra points. During the harder levels, try to grab all the snowflakes and orange speed orbs you can reach. Try your hardest to save all the petpets, because you get a bonus from doing it. I would send your score when you have 125 or more. (That's 500+ NP per play)

Don't play this game unless you like the game and/or are good at it. It won't be worth your time, and you'll probably end up frustrated with it. I have no real tips for this except to try and collect the power-ups when they appear. The effects could be good or bad, but it is usually worth the risk. Send your score when you have 300 or more. (That's 240+ NP per play)

I actually have never played this game, but people tell me it pays very well. I suggest playing it if you know how to.

Defender Trainer
WHY DON'T MORE PEOPLE PLAY THIS?!?!?! Wow. I'm amazed that this isn't the most popular game on Neopets. Okay, I do suppose that you have to know all the pet names, some basic petpet names, and some item names, but they're easy to learn. Even if you don't know some of the item names, you will learn them from this game with some practice. You can completely master this game with some practice. Always set it to hard(or medium if you really, really can't get a good score). After playing the game for a week, 3 times a day, you will eventually memorize most of the names in the game. There are no other tips for this game besides practicing. It is a very easy game. I play until I have a score of 350 or 400. (That's 700+ NP per play)

Hard Games
These games will take a lot of effort. Only play these games if you're desperate for Neopoints, insanely bored, or if you're good at them.

Volcano Run
This game isn't actually that hard, but it is hard to get a good score. Always keep one hand over the spacebar when playing. Try to keep a good distance away from the roof and floor -- you're closer to them than you think. If a bubble shield appears, make sure you get it. Also try and get the crystals when they appear. Keep in mind that the game divides your score by 4 when you send it(a score of 400 gives you 100 NP).

This game can be very frustrating for some people. I suggest using the Grundo ball(click the spinning Grundo's badge with the 'N' on it) and doing lots of Grounders. To do a Grounder, you must keep the ball close to the floor and bounce it just before it touches the ground. These are hard to do. I always play until I have 500 points. (That's 1000 NP per play)

The Buzzer Game
This game is insanely hard to play. For me, anyway. I know it pays well though, so it's worth trying. I've never gotten past the second level, so I can't offer any good advice. If you score anything at all, send it!

The Castle of Eliv Thade
If you're not a word game fan, don't play this game. I, personally, like this game a lot. I'm not the best at it, but who cares? I suggest that you DON'T go 3 tiles every turn. Think hard before answering the questions. There's no time limit, so there's no need to rush anyway. Unless you're a Wiz at anagrams, don't set the game on hard. It probably won't be worth it. Send your score when you have 100 or more(That's 150+ NP per play).

The Grand Total
This is an estimate of how much NP you'll* make in ONE DAY if you play these games 3 times and reach your score goals.

*These are just estimates. The scores and NP will vary on how good you are at these games.

Meerca Chase -- 250 * 3 = 750
Extreme Potato Counter -- 175 * 3 = 525
Ultimate Bullseye -- 240 * 3 = 720
Carnival of Terror -- 200 * 3 = 600
Kiko Match -- 350 * 3 = 1050
200m Peanut Dash -- 600 * 3 = 1800
Faerie Cloud Racers -- 300 * 3 = 900
Whack-A-Staff-Member -- 250 * 3 = 750
PetPet Rescue -- 450 * 3 = 1350
Extreme Herder -- 500 * 3 = 1500
Frumball -- 240 * 3 = 720
Destruct-o-Match - ?
Defender Trainer -- 700 * 3 = 2100
Volcano Run -- 100 * 3 = 300
Zurroball -- 1000 * 3 = 3000
The Buzzer Game - ?
The Castle of Eliv Thade -- 150 * 3 = 450

ADD IT ALL UP = 16,515 NP in one day!!!!

I told you it'd be worth it!

Other Ways to Make Neopoints
If you still want more Neopoints(you greedy little thing, you), here are a few basic tips about keeping a shop, getting free items, and some overall tips.

Your Shop
First of all, you need to buy a shop for 250 NP Don't worry -- you'll make the Neopoints back. Don't worry about making your shop look pretty or anything like that. Shops that take forever to load usually get fewer customers. Also, don't concern yourself about the size of your shop unless you have some spare cash laying around and feel it would benefit you.

Always, always, always check the shop wizard for prices. When you're selling something, try to price it the lowest on the shop wizard, or at least close to the lowest price. You'll be able to sell the item right away and get some cash on your hands quick. If you don't really care about how quickly the cash comes, feel free to price your items a little higher. It may take months to sell that item, but you'll make a bigger profit in the end.

Pay attention to what people are buying. Paintbrushes and codestones are always being bought up by your fellow Neopians. If you're lucky enough to find either of these two things and don't really feel the need to keep or use them, sell them! You'll make a major profit even if you price it 2000 NP lower than the lowest price on the shop wizard.

DO NOT BUY FAERIES FROM THE MAGIC SHOP! You will lose Neopoints Faeries aren't worth that kind of Neopoints I wouldn't even concern myself with those magical little imps.

Scratch cards are awesome. Always buy one every 6 hours and sell it in your shop. No matter what kind it is, you'll make a profit. Race to Riches scratch cards can be sold for 650 in your shop. Terror Troves can be sold for 700-750. The prices go up with the rarity of the scratch card.

There are a number of ways to gain free items daily. Most people know about these freebies already, but if you don't, read on.

Tombola -- This is on the Mystery Island. You can win faeries, codestones, and other things from this. Even when you lose, you could get a booby prize or some Neopoints

Coltzan's Shrine -- This is in the Lost Desert. Depending on the time of day, you could get battle items, burnt desert food, or upgrade your pet's stats.

Fruit Machine -- This is also in the Lost Desert. You can win many, many things off of this. It's all luck. I won a petpet and a Faerie off of this. I'm pretty sure you can win a paintbrush as well.

Healing Springs -- This is in Faerieland. The Water Faerie can heal your pets, feed them, or give you free items for use in the Battledome.

Giant Omelette -- This is in Tyrannian Plateau. It's free food that can be bitten three times. It's a great way to feed your pet and not worry about buying expensive stuff from the food shop.

Giant Jelly -- If you can find Jelly World, there's a giant jelly. It's like the Giant Omelette, but the jelly you get can only be bitten into twice. Another great way to feed you pet.

Other Tips
Try to avoid impulsive purchases. You don't really need a new Usuki doll, do you? Besides, you may end up losing Neopoints The item may be cheaper in the shop wizard.

Only keep 2000 NP or less with you. The rest should stay in the bank. This has a number of benefits. First of all, only keeping 2000 NP with you could prevent you from making an expensive impulsive purchase and save you Neopoints Secondly, it's a way of keeping your account safe. If a scammer somehow gets on your account and only sees 2000 NP, they might just turn around and go after someone else. Some people are just too lazy to check the banks and inventories. Lastly, keeping that small amount of Neopoints on you can help prevent some gambling issues. If you have all your Neopoints with you, you may waste it all betting the maximum on the slots or blackjack. Once again, I must point out that gambling is a waste of time, but some people just can't fight their urges.

Join sponsors if you are actually interested in them and don't mind a little spam in your inbox. You won't get much Neopoints from just one or two, but it's better than nothing.

I'm sure there are many other ways of making Neopoints I didn't even go over trades and auctions. I hope this guide helped some people and makes their time on Neopets a little more enjoyable.


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