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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 128 > Short Stories > When Meepits Attack

When Meepits Attack

by shura_dono

Senko the green Aisha waited patiently for her owner to come back from shopping. She and her older sister Kagura, a silver Eyrie, were going to be home alone for three days while their owner, Suzume, went on a trip. They had told her that they preferred to not go to the Neolodge, so Suzume was getting them plenty of food and things to play with while she was gone. Senko sighed; it always took Suzume forever to shop for anything. She would spend so much time looking for the lowest price. In about 25 minutes, Suzume walked through the door, laden with big, heavy bags. Senko called Kagura down, and they all began to unpack the bags. For the next few minutes the entryway was filled with the sisters' happy comments.

     "Ooooo, look at all these books!"

     "Twirly Fruit, my favorite!"

     "And chocolate, too!

     "Look, we both got a plushie!"

     "Thank you Suzume!"

     "Yeah, thanks!"

     "No problem!" Suzume smiled and brought out a small cage from behind her back. Sitting inside it was a small Meepit, "Look, Senko! Since the Turmaculus ate your Airax, I got you this Meepit! Isn't she just the sweetest thing ever?"

     Senko took the cage warily; this petpet was creepy, but she didn't want to hurt Suzume's feelings, so she replied, "Yeah… she's great!"

     "But aren't Meepits unbuyable?" Kagura, always the logical one, asked.

     "Actually, some Gelert gave her to me. Seemed pretty glad to be rid of her, actually. Weird, isn't it?"

     "Yeah… weird…" Senko held the cage up to her face, looking closely at the Meepit. It looked harmless enough, but those eyes… they looked evil.

     "What're you gonna name her, Senko?"

     "Hmmm… I think I'll name you… Rin."

     "That's a good name. Yeep, I'm late! Bye, girls!" Suzume gave them both a hug. "Be good while I'm gone, okay?"

     "Okay!" the two said simultaneously. Suzume picked up her suitcase that was by the front door and ran outside to catch the patiently waiting Uni-Tram. Senko giggled at Suzume's forgetfulness; she was forever losing things and being late to appointments.

     "Senko, I'm going up to my room to read one of these books. Please don't make too much noise." Kagura snatched one of the books that Suzume had bought and padded upstairs.

     "So, it's just you and me now." Senko glared at the Meepit, "I know you're up to something, don't try to deny it!" The Meepit continued to stare silently, "Gah, stop staring at me!" The Meepit continued it's relentless stare, and Senko ran up to her room and slammed the door. Safe; it couldn't get her now. Pleased that she had outwitted the staring menace, she took her notebook and began to write busily. She had gotten the position of Reporter for her school newspaper, and she had an article she needed to write. ***

     Senko heard the door creak open, and saw Kagura poke her feathery head inside her room.

     "You should really take better care of Rin; you've left her in that cage all day," Kagura opened the door to reveal a smug-looking Meepit, which ran into Senko's room and jumped onto her bean bag chair. "There, see? Now go to bed." Kagura flipped the light switch and shut the door, the knob making an ominous click as it settled into the wall. Senko looked over to where Rin sat on the chair, her huge eyes shining in the dark; staring… staring!

     "Stop it!" Senko whimpered and pulled the blankets up over her head and muttered, "I'm doomed…"

     She pulled the blanket back slightly to see Rin's staring eyes only inches from her own. She shrieked and hurried out of her room, shutting the door behind her. She tiptoed up to Kagura's room and poked her head inside.


     "What is it, Senko?"

     "Can I sleep up here with you tonight?"


     "Because that Meepit is evil! I can't sleep with it in the same room as me!"

     "Fine, fine, whatever. But you have to sleep on the floor. I've got a sleeping bag in my closet you can use."

     "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that thing creeps me out."


Senko was awoken by the loud buzzing of Kagura's alarm clock. She yawned, rubbed her eyes blearily, and opened the door. Standing in the hall were at least 50 Meepits, a veritable sea of pink fur and staring black eyes. Senko slammed the door and ran underneath Kagura's bed, her heart beating like a drum.

     "Senko, what is it?" Kagura exclaimed, alarmed at Senko's terror.

     "Our house… has been invaded… by Meepits," was Senko's muffled reply.

     "What?!?" Kagura jumped out of her bed and peeked out the door. She too screeched and slammed it closed.

     "I told you!"

     "Yeah, but I didn't believe it!"

     "Now what do we do? Suzume won't be back for three days!"

     "I'm thinking, I'm thinking!" Kagura began to pace back and forth in front of the bed, "We can't call for help because my room doesn't have a window… wait! The Neomail device is downstairs in the kitchen! If one of us can get to it, we can Neomail someone to come help us!"

     "And how are we gonna do that? There's 50 of those things in the hallway alone! No telling how many could be in the rest of the house!"

     "We can send Kitsune!"

     "Are you kidding? Kitsune doesn't know how to write!"

     At the sound of her name, the little Faellie fluttered over to Kagura from the top of her bookshelf where she had been sleeping. She rubbed her head against Kagura's leg and purred happily. Kagura absentmindedly petted her as she outlined her plan to Senko.

     "I know she can't write, but she's really smart, and she can fly over the Meepits. Then when she gets to the kitchen, she can pick up the Neomail device and carry it up here to us. It's not very heavy, she can do it!"

     Personally, Senko thought that this plan had about as much chance of succeeding as there was of the existence of Jelly World, but she didn't say anything. So together the two outfitted Kitsune with a communications helmet that Kagura had bought at the Space Station a while ago, a harness to carry the Neomail device with, and a mini laser (also from the Space Station) to fend off any attacking Meepits. Kagura gave her some instructions, which Senko feverishly hoped the petpet could understand. Then Kagura placed the other communications helmet on her own head and opened the door to let Kitsune out. As soon as she had fluttered through the door, Senko shut it quickly to prevent any Meepits from entering. The two sisters watched on the small viewscreen as Kitsune flew down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Senko was horrified; there were hundreds and hundreds of Meepits scuttling all around the house. She saw what looked like Rin sitting atop one of the chairs in the living room, and she appeared to be in charge of the other Meepits.

     "I told you she was evil!" she whispered to Kagura, who motioned for her to hush. But it was too late; Rin heard the crackle of the communicator and spotted Kitsune, who was almost to the Neomail device. The pink menace jumped up and down, giving loud, authoritative meeps. Ten Faerie Meepits rose into the air and began to chase after Kitsune, who flew faster now that she was being chased. She landed on the counter and secured the Neomail device in the harness, but the Faerie Meepits were almost upon her. She took flight, making a beeline for the stairs, but the weight of the device was slowing her down significantly, and still the Meepits gained. She took out the mini laser and shot bolts of red light at the Meepits over her shoulder, knocking 5 of them to the ground. She wove fast, complicated patterns around the furniture, causing the rest of the Meepits to run into chairs and tables. But then, Rin herself leapt onto the device and began to gnaw at the harness. Slowed down even more by the added burden, Kitsune flew up the stairs as quickly as she could, her tiny wings moving so fast that they were nothing but white blurs. She was only 10 feet away from the door when she went down, unable to fly any farther. "Kitsune!" Kagura cried, fearful for the safety of her pet.

     In that second, Senko made a decision, and declared loudly, "I'm going in," before racing out the door into the horde of Meepits. They were all around her, a seething pink sea of small furry bodies. There! A patch of yellow amidst all the pink! Senko waded towards Kitsune, who was putting up a good fight but still being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the Meepits. Senko snatched the little Faellie up, the Neomail device still in its now very ragged harness, and raced back into Kagura's room, slamming the door shut behind her. She removed the Neomail device from Kitsune, who jumped onto Kagura's head, glad that her trial was over. It was then that Senko noticed Rin still clinging to the device. She picked the Meepit up and shut her in an empty clothes drawer.

     "Now let's see you get out of that!" she declared to the angrily meeping drawer. She walked over to Kagura, who was typing a message addressed to the Neopian Pest Control into the Neomail device.

     "There!" the Eyrie exclaimed as she sent the message. "They'll be here in half an hour, or it's free."

     "I think we can hold out about that long. Then we can be rid of all those Meepits!"

     "Yeah, won't that be nice. By the way, Senko, you were really brave back there."

     "I guess I was."

     "I thought you were scared of Meepits."

     "Well, someone had to save Kitsune from those evil rodents."

     "Still, it was pretty brave of you."

     Senko blushed, "Thanks Kagura."


The Neopian Pest Control had come by on time and had managed to capture all of the Meepits, including Rin. As she had been carried out of the house in a tightly locked cage, she gave Senko a glare that plainly said 'I'll be back'. But Senko was sure that she would never see the evil Meepit again, so she merely closed the front door. The rest of the time Suzume was gone was spent in cleaning the house; it was very messy after being invaded by Meepits. But the sisters were thorough, and when Suzume opened the door everything was as neat and organized as it was the day she left.

     "Hey, girls!" Suzume exclaimed as she gave them both a hug. "Did anything much happen while I was gone?"

     "Oh, nothing much. We were just invaded by an army of Meepits who were commanded by Rin."

     "Oh, really," Suzume looked slightly skeptical.

     "Yes, really. You can Neomail the Neopian Pest Control Center if you want. You need to pay them for getting rid of all the Meepits."

     One short Neomail later, Suzume sank down onto the sofa. "Who knew that something so small and cute could be so evil?"

     "Perhaps we'll never know."

     "I guess not."

     Senko went upstairs to her room and looked out the window into the dark of nighttime Neopia Central. She shuddered at the memory of Rin's last glare, and quickly left the room. As soon as she left, a pair of large, round, glowing eyes appeared in the gloom. Then, just as suddenly, the eyes had disappeared, followed by a series of meeps that would have sent shivers up anyone's spine if they had heard it. Senko had not heard the last of this Meepit.

The End

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