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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 21st day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 129 > New Series > Zajen: Part One

Zajen: Part One

by flipp_garuda

Author's Note: Zajen pronounced SA-shen

Triano the Pepito muttered on his king-sized clam bed, asleep. The thing was a hideous pink color, but it was the largest the store had that would fit inside of his tank. A few disgruntled air bubbles drifted from the clam, and Triano tossed again, knocking his sheets askew. He had a perfectly good reason for his restless sleep. Naturally, it was a dark and stormy night, if that cliché can ever be forgiven.

      Of course, it was not an ordinary storm. Oh, no. They're never ordinary storms. This was a storm in the Haunted Woods, and creepy things come out at night in the Woods, especially during a storm such as the one that crackled and popped like freshly wet NeoCrunch.

      "Outlast!" Triano bellowed, stuffing his head into the air bubble bowl that projected his orders out of his mansion of a fish tank. "Go to sleep! We have to take over Neopia tomorrow, and I need you to…" he muttered and withdrew his head, collapsing on his violet sheets with a gurgle. He was in desperate need of some evil bedding.

      The night was silent for a moment, save the rain pounding on the roof of the lone Neohome made of discarded silverware. The monstrosity sat, stainless, of course, in the middle of a bubbling swamp. A stone bridge was hastily wedged in the sticky mess and led into the blessedly not-bubbling forest, though it still managed to be at least a little creepy.

      A muddy path led off from the bridge, and split in two not far off. The second, smaller trail was so overgrown that it would not have been noticed save for a very large wooden sign driven into the ground with a stake. OUTLAST'S PRUNE GARDEN, the sign read, STAY OUT, SABIN!

      Down this path led to, of course, a garden. Great trees stood in manicured rows in the clearing, their bare branches making eerie shadows on the wet ground. On the far side, a large brick building reared up, used for pruning, storing, and experimenting with the plums, and later prunes. But just outside the garden, a little ways off the path, was a pitiful shed. Its roof sagged tiredly, and its sides leaned with the effort of maintaining the exhausted roof. A half-hinged door had been furiously jammed into its frame and a single cobweb-covered window was open slightly, refusing to budge.

      Inside, a Pirate Krawk paced irritably, unable to sleep, and not just for the rain that made his roof creak dangerously, or for the cracks of thunder that left the ground trembling. His last harvest hadn't gone too well, and his trees were unhappy. He could always tell when they were unhappy.

      Outlast the Krawk muttered and grumbled as he paced, stomping on the broken, cracked wooden floor of the one-room shack that held a tiny wooden bed crammed into one corner and a counter, cabinets, and sink jammed into the opposite. A candle flickered on the counter, waving wildly from the wind that whistled through the half-open window. The silver hook that took the place of his right claw glistened cruelly in the semi-darkness, and Outlast's shadow made a horrifying image on the lighted wall.

      He turned on his heel after nearing one wall, and leaped back as another smaller, winged shadow flickered on the same wall.

      "Hi-ya Outlast!" the shadow cried.

      The candle winked out just as Gavdrael the Scorchio entered the plum tree grove. He was naturally dark-colored, though one wouldn't know it by the deep-hooded black cloak that he was never seen without. His silver sword was concealed in that cloak, without a scabbard, as those were too much of an unnecessary hassle for the Atichen guard.

      He knew the little buggers were out there. It was just like them to be prowling about during the night in an awful storm. As if the thought triggered it, the rain pounded ever harder, feeling like hail on Gavdrael's hood. A streak of forked lightning crashed into the ground and seemed to make the rain shake with its force.

      A dark shadow with golden eyes crept up behind Gavdrael, and he turned just in time to meet it.


Finally, Triano was roused. Muttering -- as well he could mutter, in that water-filled tank, he jumped out, and pressed the blue button on his desk that lowered it back into the floor. So maybe his sleeplessness wasn't Outlast's fault this time, but he'd be sushi before he apologized to the idiot Krawk.

      Still muttering, he jumped off the desk and flopped awkwardly out the door of his office and down the hall. Lightning illuminated the Neohome sporadically, and thunder boomed loud enough to keep Triano jumping. He poked his head in every room for the Krawk or anyone else up at that hour -- it was nearly 3 AM, after all, but that storm could wake the dead.

      As Triano went past the spiraling steel staircase that led to Mareni's room on the first floor, he heard a scratching noise from above. Thinking it to be the green Doglefox, he squeaked, "Mareni?"

      The noise stopped, but Triano could hear soft footsteps coming down. From his spot behind the stairs, he could see nothing. Terrified, Triano slid around the side of the steps and looked up.

      "You're awfully pathetic, fishy boy," Capone the Christmas Meepit sneered as she sauntered down the stairs. "Afraid of the little storm?" Lightning flashed and boomed with Capone's mocking laugh. "And you want to take over Neopia? Ha! Like you ever will." She stood on the floor now, tapping her foot and watching in amusement while Triano glared.

      "I was not afraid! And how dare you speak like that to your leader! I'll have you…"

      "You are not my leader. Mareni is the one that pays me. You've barely got a handful of Neopoints, and the only ones who follow your poor excuse for plots of world domination are too stupid to matter."

      "Are you calling me stupid, Capone? I would hate to think you were," Mareni's soft, smooth voice hissed down the stairs and the Doglefox himself followed, with only his gleaming white teeth and glittering black eyes visible in the darkness between lightning flashes.

      Capone gaped, and her large eyes grew larger for a moment before she quickly regained composure. "I… I didn't mean you, Mareni! You're far from stupid! Far, far from it!" She gulped and glared at Triano as if it were his fault she had said it in the first place.

      "I didn't think so." Mareni's smile was venomous at best, but always tinged with keen insanity.

      "Trouble sleeping, my friend?" The Doglefox turned to Triano, and Capone may as well not have existed for the amount of attention he now paid to her.

      "Yes," Triano said warily. He was always wary around Mareni, as it was best to be. Crazy or not, the Doglefox was smart. "The storm woke me up, and I was trying to find Outlast."

      "I believe he's out in his garden. I saw that strange Scorchio of Keeta's sneak off in that direction, too. It's best not to trust that one, you know." Mareni said almost absently.

      Triano watched Mareni cautiously. "Gavdrael is one of the most trustworthy Neopets I know."

      Mareni shrugged. "He's too quiet, if you ask me, but make whatever fool decisions you wish.

      "Come, now, Capone. We've got to get going." Mareni jumped off the last step and started for the door, and Capone jumped and scurried to follow.

      "Where do you think you're going?" Triano demanded, flopping and sliding in the direction of the door.

      "Well, that's no business of yours, now is it?" Mareni didn't even look back when he said it, and Triano fumed.

      The Pepito moved quickly forward as the two other petpets slipped through the flap at the bottom of the door reserved for them. When Triano followed them out, they were gone, and he could barely see through the sheets of white rain pounding down around him, even when the lightning illumined the stone bridge before him. Muttering once more, he rubbed his head with a fin. "I shouldn't trust Gavdrael?" Looking up at the black, cloudy sky, Triano grimaced, "Might as well try and find Outlast while I'm getting drenched." Reluctantly, he set out across the stone bridge, oblivious to the fact that he was being carefully observed from the tree line.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Zajen: Part Two

Zajen: Part Three

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