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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 131 > New Series > Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part One

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part One

by ridergirl333


Author's note: You'll have to read the previous stories to understand the plot of this one.

Invited into the home of two Eyrie brothers, Treali gave them her total trust. After all, they seemed so harmless. They wouldn't hurt her and Tessa. Would they?

     Evidently, the younger one would. After a brief skirmish with Tessalea Bordorian, Maloporg kidnaps Treali and begins to take her to Craggy Peak, where he will meet up with the Guardian of the Star. It is on this path where we resume our tale…

     The blizzard on the mountain had quieted, but Treali's heart was still in torrents, wind buffeting her soul and screeching, downing out her pleas for help. She felt so tired after walking without rest for hours on end, but still had enough energy to revolt against the one who held her hostage. "Where are you taking me?" She demanded of the silver Eyrie behind her. "And what have you done with Tessa?"

     "Pipe down, you pathetic, sniveling excuse for a Faerie," Maloporg sneered, poking Treali's back with the tip of his sword and jerking on the rope that bound her hands like handcuffs. "And keep moving!"

     Treali tugged the rope rebelliously, causing Maloporg to stumble a bit. Quickly regaining his balance, Maloporg shot his prisoner a look that could shatter glaciers. "Do that again and I'll kill you."

     "Ha!" Treali sneered, looking at her captor in the eye, the faintest reflections of starlight burning within. "If you had wanted to kill me, you would have done so before now. No, you want me alive. I know it. Now what have you done with Tessa?"

     "You ain't gonna quit struggling till I tell you!" Another jerk of the rope sent Treali falling onto her chest. Roughly, the steely gray Eyrie turned the Faerie over so her back was to the ground, her chest was exposed and he was looking her in the eyes. Swift as lightning, he brought the sword down so it hovered an inch from her chest. A smile lit up his face as he saw the terrified expression in her eyes. "If you really must know, Dessro, I killed her. Yes, with this very sword. Perhaps the sweetest thing I've ever done in my life."

     For a brief moment, time seemed suspended. Fear, pain, weariness, all left Treali as swiftly as a Noil fleeing Balthazar. All that was left was… emptiness. Nothingness. Then, as Treali's mind began to grow accustomed to the idea, an unbelievable anguish began tearing up her heart, just as cursed dark faeries had once torn her wings. It was as though she were falling all over again, except harder, faster. The bits of starlight she was beginning to reclaim were extinguished like a snuffed candle, leaving trails of smoke befouling the air and bringing tears to her eyes. "Tessalea is… dead? B-but she c-c-can't be!"

     "Believe it, Faerie girl," Maloporg said with a gruff, barking laugh that seemed to bash the air from Treali's lungs. Flinching from the laugh, the former Earth Faerie gasped for breath. Maloporg seemed not to care. "And let me tell you; revenge is sweet."

     "R-revenge?" Treali could hardly get her mouth around the word. "Y-you killed her for… revenge? What did she ever do to you?"

     "What does it matter to you?" Maloporg asked, a goofy grin lighting up his face. "You'll spend the rest of your wretched life in the prisons of the Guardian. If it doesn't kill you outright. Now let's keep moving."

     Treali followed like a helpless Poogle pup. Her mind was too numb, her muscles too sore, and her will too burned out to resist anymore. Images of Tessa kept flying through her mind. Tessa is… dead? Tessa is… dead. Tessa is dead!

* * *

Colors, a vortex of colors swirling around in my mind. Pale lilacs and pinks, bands of white and sapphire blue, granite gray and dull brown. A deep voice, like booming brass bells ringing in my ear. Slowly, gradually, the colors sorted themselves out. The brown became the brown of a table near my bed. My bed sheets were striped with white and blue. The lilac and pink was the striped Eyrie Beneterr hovering above me, speaking in a voice like brass bells. "Tessa is not dead. Tessa is not dead. Tessa is not dead."

     Groggily, I opened my eyes. "What… what happened? Oh!" Suddenly, I remembered. Treali. Maloporg. The conversation I had overheard. Panic welled in my chest, causing me to bolt upright. "Beneterr! Treali's in danger! We've got to--" My frantic words were cut off as Beneterr firmly pushed me back into my bed.

     "It's a bit late, Tessa. Maloporg's gone and he took Treali with him. And you, my Lupess, still need to recover. Maloporg gave you one heck of a beating."

     Only then did I realize my soreness and pain. A few flesh wounds and a headache like no one's business. Slowly, the panic receded, but still quivered within me causing me to tremble in my bed. In its place rose determination, fierce and fiery. Pushing Beneterr's paw to the side, I sat upright, and then stood. My paws wobbled like jelly beneath me. Fearful of falling, I leaned against the bed. Then slowly, I transferred my weight onto my own paws. "Tessa!" For a moment, the room seemed to wobble from the shock of hearing Beneterr's voice. My head throbbed and I leaned against the bed again. "Tessa, what in the name of flippin' Flotsams are you doing?"

     "I'm going to find Treali!" I replied, the sound of my own voice making my head spin even further. "There's not much time left! He's going to take her to the Guardian of the Star! And then what will happen?"

     "Think about your health!" Beneterr pleaded as I began to walk towards the door. "You'll never make it in your present state!"

     "I can and I will," I replied stubbornly. "Treali needs me. I couldn't live with myself if I let her down. If I let her be imprisoned… or worse, killed by the Guardian. She's my responsibility. Beneterr," I sighed, "she's so helpless. Like a child… and I promise that if I get her out of this fix, I'll protect her with my life. Because I never knew how precious she is to me…" I stumbled a bit, then stood again.

     Despairingly, the striped Eyrie sat on the bed and put his head in his paws. "You're a fool, Tessalea Bordorian."

     I paused, turned around, looked him in the eye and nodded. "That may be so. But I'm a brave fool."

     "At least don't go without a companion." Rising from his seat, the Eyrie grabbed a fur coat off of a nearby hook and a silver-colored cup off of the dresser. "And drink some of this. It'll help with the headache and dizziness."

     I peered into the cup. The liquid inside was as thick as molasses and the color of rust on an old sword. But it smelled like a mixture of rotten eggs and old tomato soup! "A potion passed down in my family through generations. Made of dried Red Mountain berries and certain secret herbs, crushed and blended together. Doesn't taste too wonderful, but it'll get rid of your headache."

     But it seemed as through my headache were gone already. "Did you say… Red Mountain berries? But those are among the rarest berries in Neopia! They only grow in one place!"

     Beneterr nodded. "Bordor Mount."

     Before I could ask any more questions, Beneterr donned his jacket and headed out of the room. "Come on, Lupess. We've got a Faerie to save!"

The Truth about Bordor Mount

     "You know Tessa, if you want me to slow down the pace, I can," Beneterr called over his shoulder.

     "Slow down? We ought to be speeding up," I replied, kicking a pebble out of my way. The sun had reached its zenith in the sky, blazing and promising warmer temperatures this afternoon. I scooped up a pawful of snow and pressed it against my aching head, speeding up so that my pace matched Beneterr's. "We've got a lot of ground to cover if we're going to make it to Craggy Peak before Maloporg meets up with the Guardian of the Star."

     Beneterr groaned, slackening his pace in a vain attempt to make Tessa slow down. No such luck. She kept racing. "I just don't get it. Why does the Guardian want Treali? And what does my wretched brother have to do with this?"

     "Your guess is as good as mine," I said grimly. "From what I heard, the Guardian offered your brother Maloporg some sort of reward." I paused, sniffing the air. The vaguest scent of smoke lingered in my nostrils. Beneterr and I were standing on a granite ledge, where we could see for miles around. From here, the path abruptly plummeted into a steep, icy downward slope. From here, I could see other mountains, stretched around us in all directions. "I'm not familiar with this area. Where are we, anyway?"

     "Craggy Peak is there," Beneterr said, pointing to a mountain straight ahead of us, more of a misshapen pile of rocks than an actual peak. Although it was smaller than the mountains surrounding it, it was still of a decent size. Climbing it would prove difficult, thanks to the fact that the ground was almost entirely made of loose boulders. There was no path, only rough climbing. Slightly to the Northeast of Craggy Peak was a mysterious area veiled by a hundred thousand fibers of light, shining so brightly the made my head roar with pain. That area was the origin of the smoky odor. "That's Mist Mountain," my striped Eyrie companion explained. "Your destination, is it not?"

     I nodded. "Mine and Treali's. Now let's get going. In fact, let's pick up the pace a bit." Without further ado, I jumped onto the steep path and rolled down like a pup on a hill. "WHEEEEE!!!" I whooped for joy, listening to the air rush past my ears and whip my fur in all directions. There was nothing more exhilarating than sliding down a nice, frozen ice-slide. Apparently, Beneterr disagreed. He chose to fly down, rather than risk breaking his neck. I met him at the bottom, still grinning like a half-witted Warf with a chewtoy. "Tessa, you really are a fool." She scolded. "Have some more of this." He handed me the cup of Red Mountain berry medicine. I drank obligingly.

     "So how did you find these berries anyway?" I asked curiously. "I don't remember ever seeing an Eyrie on my family's mountain."

     The striped Eyrie scoffed in a strange mixture of amusement and contempt. "Your family's mountain? You mean my family's mountain!"

     I nearly choked on the medicine in my mouth.

     "That's right, Lupess. My family resided on that mountain for three and a half centuries. At that time, it was called Eyrie Peak, hence my surname, Eyrpeak. It was the most magical peak in the Terror Mountain range. My ancestors experimented with spells, incantations, conjuring… They were famed for their wisdom and powers in healing. There was no broken bone, gash, sprain, or malady that they could not cure! Another one of their loves was gardening. Legend says that at one time, greenhouses covered a third of the land on the mountain. It was they who created the first Red Mountain berry! They were a peace-loving people. Until that Lupe pack came along…"

     Just regaining my breath, I tried to sputter out an objection before another coughing fit seized me. Beneterr gave me a wallop to the back, dislodging the sticky medicine from my throat. "It's all true, Tessalea. The warrior Lupes drove them out of their home. And forced them into exile on the Peak of a Thousand Snowstorms. Before they left, they managed to get a few sacks of berries to take with them. Your ancestors then settled on the mountain, naming it for their pack. Bordor Mount."

     "Thanks," I said softly, gesturing to my throat to indicate that I was thanking him for saving me, not for telling this story. This was a story I probably didn't want to hear. But I had to listen to it. What if Beneterr was right? "So what happened next?"

     "For a century, my kind struggled to survive in the harsh climate of the Peak of a Thousand Snowstorms. Maloporg and I were born. One night, when we were teenagers, our aunts and uncles left the mountain to hunt for food. Our parents were left in charge of the chicks," Beneterr chuckled mirthlessly, struggling to fight back tears. "What a day for dark faeries to be out!"

     I made a small noise of sympathy in my throat. My companion pretended not to hear it. "Maloporg and I were the only ones that escaped. Our aunts and uncles never came back. We assume they froze on some other Faerie-forsaken peak. We started planning out underground home the next day. Eventually, we built it. We had a good life, but that wasn't enough for my brother. According to him, if the Bordorians hadn't taken Eyrie Peak from us, our kin would still be alive."

     "That explains the steely reception I got from him," I joked. Beneterr didn't laugh.

      "Yes Lupess, that would explain it."

     I groaned, my mind reeling from all of this newfound information. My parents had told me that the Bordorians had lived on Bordor Mount since the beginning of time! Not a mere hundred years! I continued walking, muttering, "If only your ancestors could see the state of the mountain now."

     "What does that mean?" Beneterr asked, following me closely as we reached a short wall of boulders blocking our path. He flew over them and helped me move them so that my path would be clear.

     "The mountain hasn't been… quite right lately. It seems almost… sad. In a magical type of way…"

     Beneterr thought for a moment, nearly stumbling over a boulder as he thought. "Perhaps a bit of enchantment from the glory days of my family still exists on our peak. I wouldn't be surprised."

     "Then why would the landscape be sad?" I wondered aloud, still trekking onward over an icy path. The memories swept over me like a bitter wind. The rocks, the trees, the streams all crying. That bush in my backyard, wilting and grey. Grey as the clouds of a blizzard. Grey as despair, hanging heavy in its core. Grey as…

     I gave a small gasp. "Suppose… suppose a Faerie… or any creature of great power, walked onto Bordor Mount."

     "Well then Eyrie Peak," Beneterr corrected me, "would reflect that Faerie's magic. If it were a Fire Faerie, flames on the peak would burn brighter. An Earth Faerie, plants would grow healthier. An Air Faerie, sudden gusts of wind might pick up without warning."

     "A Grey Faerie…"

     A small glimmer of recognition darted over Beneterr's face, but was quickly extinguished by his doubt. "Theoretically, that isn't possible. Grey faeries don't have magic."

     "Then why was my home in desolate ruins?" I asked passionately. My attention focused on the conversation and not on the path. As a result, I didn't notice the ice puddle ahead of me. I went down like a brick.

     Chuckling, Beneterr helped me to my paws again. "I'd love to think that Treali might have, by some miracle, retained some of her magic. But I'm afraid it's impossible."

     "Nothing's impossible," I objected. Dusting off my tail and walking again. "That's what I keep telling Treali, and that's what I'll tell you."

     Beneterr threw his paws up in surrender. A sudden feeling of discomfort made the fur on the back on my neck prickle. "Why do I even bother reasoning with a hot-headed warrior Lupe? Why? Wh-mmf!"

     Before he could continue ranting, I covered his beak with my paw. "Shh. Don't say a word, don't look around, but I think we're being watched."

     The Eyrie tore himself away from my paw and shouted to the skies. "Paranoid, just like all your species!"

     A dark, cackling voice sounded behind us. "Paranoid, is she?"

     I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Grey Despair Golden Hope: The Starless, the Cursed

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Two

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Three

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Four

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Five

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Six

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Seven

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