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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 3rd day of Storing, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 131 > Articles > How To Become a Respectable Neopian

How To Become a Respectable Neopian

by yellowlabs765

NEOPIA CENTRAL - For many of you, Neopets is nothing new; you’ve had your shop for quite some while, your pets have a nice Neohome to live in, and you’re already buying your pets supplies for Neoschool. But, as those of us that thrive in Neopia keep on thriving, there are some that are just starting out. We have to be considerate of these people. I remember when I first started out, it was just me and my little green Lupe (sniff... I miss you virtuoso1991!). I remember how baffled I was about all the things you could do: contests, games, art, shops, battles; I didn’t know where to start! Half the things there I didn’t know what they were, let alone what they were for. I sure wished that I had a guide to help me start out. (Okay, I had read the basic tutorials, but I still needed more!) Well, for those of you that are just starting out, you’re now fortunate enough to have an extensive guide on "How to Become a Respectable Neopian"! Let’s move right along, shall we?


Step #1: One At A Time

Okay, so you’ve got your account set up, and you’ve just picked the pet that’s right for you! Now, let’s keep it at one pet... for now.

Back to when I was just starting out... After I got virtuoso1991, I browsed Neopia for a while, and then went to "Create-A-Pet" and loaded up with three more pets. I understand the feeling when you’re first starting out, you get easily overwhelmed. You want to "be noticed" or "look like the rest", so you get as many pets as you can. Let me tell you, you’ve just bitten off more than you can chew! After I got four pets, I quickly realized that I had to feed, play with, and spend time with all of them. I simply didn’t have that kind of time, what with school along with dance, singing and violin lessons.

Getting more than one pet also causes another problem. It seems that once you get more than one pet, the first one gets to become your favorite! (I’m guilty of this also!) Just look at any user lookup page: people might ramble on about "their favorite pet". You may think that it’s no big deal, but it’s a proven fact (at least with me) that the pets that you ignore tend to get sicker and weaker faster than the one you pay most attention to. If the case for you is that you do have more than one pet, I find that it’s easy to spend time with them all equally.

  • ~ If you have two pets, use each one for three days consecutively (1st pet, 2nd pet, 1st pet, 2nd pet, etc.). Don’t play Sunday. (After all, it’s not totally necessary to go on Neopets every day!)
  • ~ If you have three pets, use each one for two days consecutively. Don’t play Sunday.
  • ~If you have four pets (oh my!) try to get on two times a day (morning and evening -- if you have a computer lab at school that’s open in the morning this plan will work fine):


  • -1st pet: morning
  • -2nd pet: evening


  • -3rd pet: morning
  • -4th pet: evening


  • -1st pet: morning
  • -2nd pet: evening


  • -3rd pet: morning
  • -4th pet: evening


  • -1st pet: morning
  • -2nd pet: evening


  • -3rd pet: morning
  • -4th pet: evening

    Don’t play Sunday.

    As you can see, these patterns can help you round out the time you spend with each pet. Of course, if you have only one pet, go on as often as you like!

    Sooner or later, you’ll feel ready for more pets. Try to get them about three months apart. This works best because you can usually get a pet pretty much up to its best in this allotted time.

    Step #2: Games, Games, Games!

    Now that you’ve got your pet[s], you’re probably wondering how you’re going to maintain them. Well, the first answer to solving your money dilemma is play games. There are quite a few games that give quite a bundle. Of course, you can choose to play any game you want, but theses are games that require "minimum play for maximum pay". All instructions are explained in detail on each game’s individual page.

    According to Doug Kale, Editorial Director for Neopets: The Official Magazine,

    "From beginner to expert, the Neopets site has something for everyone! ...For example, if you’re a beginner ...[some good games to start out with would be] Sahkmet Solitaire, Kacheek Seek or Double or Nothing."

    Some other games that I recommend for beginners are as follows:

    -Meerca Chase: This game should be no problem for big fans of the game "Snake". All you have to do is collect the Neggs that pop up on the screen without: 1) getting wrapped up in your tail, and 2) eating the Red Neggs. You can set the difficulty level accordingly.

    -Evil Fuzzles from Beyond The Stars: This game is also very easy to play. All you do is shoot the evil Fuzzles (you’ll know what they look like as soon as you start playing).

    -Carnival of Terror: A bit on the dull side, but very similar to "Evil Fuzzles". Set in the Deserted Fairground.

    -Defender Trainer: Okay, so this game requires a little homework: you have to know the names of pretty much all of the pets and petpets. I would probably stay away from this game for a few weeks. But once you know what’s necessary, you can get a lot of dough!

    There are some other games I would also stay away from for awhile:

    -Caption Contest: I’m not saying that beginners have no writing talent, but it takes a little knowledge of Neopets to know exactly how to form a witty caption. For example, you could have the ability to write like Avi, but if you don’t know what’s unique about an Airax, chances are you can’t make a joke that has something to do with an Airax.

    -Storytelling Competition: Same as Caption Contest. These stories sometimes contain little known details about Neopia (i.e. The Hidden Tower, although nowadays it’s getting to become all the rage!)

    Other than that, feel free to play any game you like!

    Step #3: Open A Shop

    This may seem a bit disappointing, but one of the first things you should NOT do is open a shop. A shop costs money to open (150 NP for a Level 1 shop alone!) You only get 200 NPs to start out with, and you can’t stock a shop and feed your pet for 50 ‘Points. What you have to do first is play games. Then, after you’ve collected some serious dough, don’t, I repeat, do NOT go out shopping! Save your money for a day or two and open up a shop when you have the extra Neopoints.

    Okay, so you’ve had your shop for a while now. One day you go to restock, and notice the ‘Shop Till’ link. Out of sheer curiosity, you click on it. You look in the little box, and it says "You have xxx NP in your Shop Till."

    What?! you think. Is this possible? I want some! Please, don’t withdraw money from the Shop Till unless you really need to. You can use the money in emergencies, which brings us to step four:

    Step #4: Open a Bank Account/ Invest in the Stock Market

    Bank accounts are, in my opinion, a gift from above. If there’s ever an emergency, or you just want to withdraw money for something special, a bank account would be you number one choice.

    I suggest that you don’t just use your bank account willy-nilly. It should be just for emergencies. Watch it grow!

    Another good way to store up money is in the Stock Market. When you click on "Buy Shares", don’t necessarily buy the stock that’s at the top of the list. Try to find one a little lower down. Why? More popular markets crash more often than less popular ones, and the more popular a stock is, the less stock you get for yourself. It’s just like stocks in the real world. If your parents take any stock market classes, don’t be afraid to ask if you can look at their books. They can help you out a lot, even in an imaginary market. It operates much like the real world!

    As you can see, Neopoints play an important role in Neopia.

    Step #5: Join a Guild

    Okay, let’s face it; you’ve got the pet you want, and you’ve got a little money in your pocket, but you still don’t know anyone! The best way to get to know someone is by joining a guild. Joining a guild is a fast way to feel welcome into Neopia, but you can’t just join the first guild that pops into your mind. Here are some tips that can get you into a guild that you can enjoy:

    1) Find a guild that you would be interested in. This doesn’t mean clicking on the first link on the first page. In fact, it would be better not to do that. Find a guild that you would enjoy being a part of.

    Let’s say you like Eyries (not more than me, of course). You can search for a guild you want by going to "Search Guild Neighborhoods". Type in "Eyrie" and choose "Exactly As Is" from the drop-down list below it. Press ‘Enter’ and wait for the results. If more than one result comes up, try picking one lower down the list. There’s less people and you won't feel like "just another statistic". Click on "Join Guild", and voila! You are now the member of a guild!

    2) Watch out for abandoned guilds!!! This is a big issue. I have written about this issue in my article "Anyone Here?" (not yet published, so keep reading!) Anyway, joining an abandoned guild is like trying to grow a tree that sprouts money. (Besides, some money is made from cotton and linen. Bet’cha didn’t know that!) It’s no use, so why bother?

    Some signs of abandoned guilds:

  • 1. The front page CLEARLY states that "the guild is abandoned"
  • 2. Check the creation date. I’m not saying don’t choose guilds over a year old, just be wary of this. It can play a big role in telling whether the guild is abandoned or not.
  • 3. Number of members. The less members a guild has, the more susceptible it is to becoming (or being) abandoned.
  • 4. If you can, check the Messages. If the last one was posted ages ago, it's probably best not to join this guild.

    Don’t try and create your own guild when you are first starting out, either. Not to say that no one will show, but when you first start out, you are already juggling numerous responsibilities. Don’t add to them.

    And, finally,

    Step #6: Appreciate your Individuality

    Be yourself. You don’t have to take place in the latest Neopian trends. Just feel comfortable with where you are. Don’t feel that this whole game is a matter of "keeping up with the Joneses". I’m still not as rich and famous as many Neopians, but I’m not moved about this fact. The only thing that matters is that you’re you. This isn’t survival of the fittest, it’s a game. Don’t see it as more than it is.

    Well, there’s a lot that hasn’t been covered in this article, but this will get you off to a great start in Becoming A Respectable Neopian!



    Works Cited: Neopets: The Official Magazine. Article: "Editor’s Note", pg. 2. Issue: December 2003.

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