FAERIELAND - Before Neopia, when the Battledome was just new, the faeries
of Neopia were feeling a bit left out of the Battledome activities, as they
had yet to enter the fray personally, as the chaos of the relatively new Neopia
was too great for them to take the time off. For example, of the known Faerie
Battledome challengers now, Taelia had just moved to Terror Mountain and was
too busy getting situated in her new home to fight, and the Space Faerie was
busy keeping her eyes on a dark, young scientist named Frank Sloth.
However, all this aside, faeries are naturally inquisitive, even nosy. Fenella,
the Faerie queen at the time, knew her subjects were unhappy that they were
left out of the Battledome, and she decided to do something about it.
Fenella managed to organize a conference between herself and a representative
of each of the elements, with the purpose of finding a way to get faeries involved
in the fun of the Battledome, without having to neglect their urgent duties..
The conference itself, due to clashes between various members of the elements
(most notably several small spats between a young Jhudora and a young Illusen)
has yet to be entirely reconstructed. However, most of the conference has been
pieced together over the years by a light Faerie named Dreeana who was taking
the minutes. The minutes are as follows (with some clarifications in brackets):
Fenella: All right, now, we all know why we're here today.
Illusen: To find a way to become more involved in the Battledome.
Jhudora: Kiss-up!
Fenella: A-hem. Now, I propose this: we use various combinations of
our own magical forces to produce weapons unique in all of Neopia.
Jhudora: Weapons? What a novel suggestion.
Fenella: A-HEM! Now, these weapons will not only help the Neopets using
them, but they will have eyes to see what goes on in the fight, and with these
eyes we will be able to see what goes on in the Battledome without having to
be there personally.
Colerelle [the Water Faerie who ran the Healing Springs]: I've
seen the aftermath, and it can be pretty gruesome.
Jhudora: All right!
[Here some conversation is lost due to the large amount of faeries telling
Jhudora to suck a negg, hug a Ramosan, or go kiss Meuka. When it resumes, the
faeries are beginning to discuss suitable venues for these Battledome items.]
Shyvara [a Fire Faerie who would someday protect the Volcano in a time
of crisis]: I know my element has many excellent Battledome possibilities.
I propose we make one of these Battledome items out of fire.
Fenella: Any objections? [a short pause] All right, one of these items
will be made out pure fire. Any other suggestions?
Deanna: I suggest a collaboration between Shyvara and myself, which
would create smoke.
Fenella: Very good. Any objections? [a short pause] All right, we shall
have an item made of smoke. Who's next?
Illusen: Well, I could provide rocks and dust.
Jhudora: Dust?
Illusen: You throw it in people's eyes. Here, let me demonstrate--
Fenella: That's quite all right. And objections to Illusen's items
of rock and dust?
Jhudora: I object.
Fenella: Any other objections? [a pause] All right, by majority, two
more items will be made out of rock and dust.
Shyvara: I would also suggest a couple of collaborations between Illusen
and myself. With her dust and my fire, we could add ash, and with her rock and
my fire, we could create lava.
Fenella: Excellent idea. Any objections?
Jhudora: I object.
Fenella: Ah-HEM. Any other objections? [several seconds of silence]
Well then, we can add ash and lava to our list of items. Now, who else has something
to offer?
Colerelle [hesitantly]: Well, water is a rather powerful
weapon, when used properly.
Fenella: Yes, it is. Shall we make an item out of water? [a brief pause]
Excellent. We shall have an item made out of water as well.
Illusen: I suggest two collaborations between Colerelle and myself:
mud, and salt.
Jhudora: Salt?
Illusen: Well, what do you think makes it so easy to float in Neopia's
Jhudora: Your big head?
[Another break in the record occurs here, due to a brief but intense Wocky-Fight
between Illusen and Jhudora.]
Fenella: Well, are there any objections to the salt and mud Battledome
Jhudora: I obj--
Fenella [cutting Jhudora off]: Any other objections? [a very
brief pause] All right then, motion carried. Any more suggestions?
Taelia [an Air Faerie who had recently moved to Terror Mountain and
was already beginning to hate the cold]: I have discovered that there
are many uses of the cold air on Terror Mountain.
Shyvara [barely audible]: Ugh.
Taelia [pretending not to have heard]: Several possible weapons,
utilizing cold air and some water provided with Colerelle's permission, are
frost, ice, hail, and of course snow.
Colerelle: I would be willing to collaborate on those.
Fenella: Any objections: [silence] All right. Anything else, Taelia?
Taelia: Yes, I would also like to offer the use of bubbles.
Fenella [having trouble keeping a straight face]: Well, okay.
Bubbles could work. Any objections? [a silence punctuated by several coughs,
likely attempts to cover up laughter] All right, we shall have a, uh, bubble
weapon. Dreanna, would you like to contribute as well?
Dreanna: Certainly. I would like to propose the use of a small ball
of pure light, which I would call a nova.
Fenella: That sounds good. Any objections? [a pause] All right, we
shall also use a "nova."
Shyvara: I would like to propose a second kind of nova, which uses
fire in its power as well as Air. We could call it a "supernova."
Fenella: Any objections to the supernova? [a brief pause] All right.
I would like to propose a third Nova, even more powerful, and I will lend my
power to it as well. We could call it an… uh… ultranova!
Jhudora: Oh, please.
Fenella: You have a better idea, Jhudora?
Jhudora: Yes. A ball of darkness, called a Dark Nova, far rarer and
more powerful than any other nova.
Fenella: Well, I would certainly make it rarer. Any objection to the
ultranova, and the rarer dark nova? [a brief silence] All right. Now,
as to what we will call all these items--
[Another break ensues, due to each faerie shouting out several suggestions]
Fenella: One at a time, please. Now, each of us may suggest one possible
Dreanna: Magic bits.
Shyvara: Orbs of Magic.
Illusen: The Faerie's Elemental Collaborations.
Jhudora: That is the dumbest thing I ever heard.
Fenella: Jhudora, if you want to suggest something, now is the time.
Otherwise, be quiet.
Jhudora: I don't care.
Colerelle: Element blobs.
Taelia: I don't know, but we do need to give ourselves credit.
Fenella: How about an acronym? New Orbs Elemental?
Jhudora: "NEO?" That's not very original.
Fenella: Okay, you come up with one then.
Jhudora: Okay. Uh… Magic Of The Elemental Spies.
Fenella: Hmm…. "MOTES"… rather intriguing. Who votes for MOTES?
[A showing of hands followed, and although the exact votes are not certain,
Illusen likely dissented.]
Fenella: All right, by majority, these new weapons, which we will use
to view the Battledome, will be called "Motes." Meeting adjourned.
The minutes end here. This is the best documentation known in Neopia for the
origin of motes, despite some breaks in the narrative. Illusen supports this
evidence herself by often muttering to herself when motes are mentioned:
"Should have called them Element Blobs."