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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 5th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 133 > Continuing Series > Room 2: Part Two

Room 2: Part Two

by neo_star_queen

I collapsed on the floor beside Daarg, who was patting his stomach contentedly. Edward closed his book, and sniffed the result of our baking. "Hmm, what a lovely aroma," said Edward, "I'm sure we'll sell out!"

      I brushed my dough-flecked hair out of my face and sat up. "Yeah, you all did a great job!" I said encouragingly. The pets beamed and grinned, and a few of the older pets started placing the food on plates. Edward pushed his glasses up his beak, and pulled out a battered blue Slorg calculator.

      "We should start pricing all the food," he reminded me. I nodded in agreement and poised my pencil on my green lined notebook.

      Half an hour later, I had all the prices scribbled on my notebook. I caught a glimpse of the clock, and realized that I'd been working way overtime today and yesterday. "Well, it's worth it," I said to myself. "And it's much more fun hanging out with the pets then staying at home by myself."

      "Alison?" Edward said uncertainly, "Who are you talking to?"

      "Uhh? Oh, no one."

      "She's talking to herself because we've all been working so hard that were stressed out," said the oldest pet there, a blue Lupe named Argurd_III.

      "Then let's go play Gormball outside!" suggested Garth.

      "Yeah!" cheered the pets, and in a second they were all out the door.

      I hesitated, wondering if I should go with them, or just leave for the day. After all, my shift was over.

      "Aren't you coming, Alison?" asked Edward. "I don't really like sports either, but we can just watch."

      "Oh, it's not that, Edward," I laughed, "I'm just wondering if I should go or not."

      "Hmmm…" the Lenny looked up at an official Usuki clock on the wall and asked. "Oh, your shift should have ended a while ago, shouldn't it have, Alison?"

      I nodded, not knowing how to explain.

      "Ahhh," Edward said wisely, "I understand. Well, we're a hard bunch not to fall in love with."

      "Yes, I suppose you are," I chuckled.

      "Nooo! Daarg!" came the voices from outside. "Don't eat the ball!"

      "Run for cover everybody, it's gonna explode!"

      "Daarg! Ball - not - food! BAD!"

      Edward sighed. "Looks like I will be participating in sports today. Tag." He ruffled his green feathers and hurried out the door to help Daarg, or more likely, everyone else.

      I watched him go, remembering what he had said. 'We're a hard bunch not to fall in love with.'

      "Very hard," I murmured, and I stepped out into the sunshine after him.

      As soon as I got out, the Gormball nearly hit me in the face. I caught it at last minute, both of my arms bound around the ball. It seemed that Edward had easily retrieved the ball from Daarg, and now the game was starting up again. I joined the circle and passed the ball to the ixi beside me.

      SPLAT! The Gormball burst in the Ixi's hooves, and I jumped out of the way just in time to avoid getting splashed. Drenched in water, the ixi laughed good-naturedly with everyone else and went to sit with Edward, Daarg, and a few other pets who had decided not to play.

      Soon, it was just Garth and I left. Back and forth the ball flew, as 31 pairs of eyes watched it go. Suddenly, the ball exploded in mid-air right above the Gelert's head, soaking him from ear to paw.

      "We have a new room 2 champion!" announced a Wocky, and the pets cheered and clapped. Garth looked surprised.

      "What's wrong?" I asked him.

      "I… I've never been bombed by the Gormball before…" he said slowly. "It… it feels great! Let's play again!"

      The pets flocked back onto the grassy field, as a new game started up. I picked up the ball and checked to see who was beside me. It was Garth, wagging his tail and waiting fervently for me to throw the ball in the air. I grinned, and did just that. As soon as Garth caught the ball in his paws, it blew up, and another wave of water went splashing over his already wet fur. He laughed and shook himself off, causing water to spray over those nearest to him. Then he took off across the field, chasing everyone and laughing. The ripped Gormball lay forgotten beside me, as a game of tag began. I watched them run. In all the times that I'd played Gormball (which wasn't much), the ball had never exploded on the very first turn. Maybe he did it on purpose. I don't know.


The next day, when I opened the door to room 2 I was greeted by Argurd. I blinked and looked around at all the other pets, who were sleeping peacefully on the floor.

      "They're a bit tired from all the cooking and playing we did yesterday," he whispered, "but they should be up soon."

      I crouched down beside Garth, who was curled around the young Kyrii, Chyoo. The usual surly face that he gave me and his excited, playful face were replaced by closed eyes and a closed mouth, giving him a very calm look. Daarg was spread out on his back a few feet away, and Edward was leaning against the wall, his blue Slorg calculator dangling from his wing.

      Later, when all of the pets had been awakened by the rays of sunlight shining through the windows, we set up a checkered kitchen table outside, and piled all the delicious goodies that we'd baked on top of it. "Support the pound!" I called out. "Buy baked goods!"

      An elegantly clothed Zafara stopped by the table and scrutinized the food. Chyoo tugged adorably at her dress and said, "Won't you buy a cookie?"

      The Zafara's eyes softened. "Oh how cute, of course I will!"

      I grinned as the Zafara picked out a few chocolate chip cookies. "Great idea," I whispered to Garth, "Neopians love baby Neopets."

      Garth ruffled Chyoo's hair as I told the Zafara, "5 cookies will be 250 Neopoints, please."


"How are we doing, Edward?" I asked the Lenny, as a Kougra mother of 5 dragged away her cubs, who were holding 2 chocolate Poogle cupcakes each.

      "Excellently!" exclaimed the Lenny. "In fact, I think all of the food has been sold! What a success!"

      "How many Neopoints have we made?"

      "Let me see… 7000 NP!"

      A Meerca was sent down to the shop wizard and he came back shouting, "current price for Christmas petpet paint brushes: 5400 NP!"

      "We'll even have money left over!" crowed Daarg. "How much will we have left over, Ed?"

      "1600 Neopoints, Daarg," said Edward. He pushed his glasses back up his beak and smiled.

      "Let's go buy one right now!" said Garth.

      I pocketed the NPs and took Chyoo, Garth, Edward and Argurd with me. We chose a Christmas petpet paint brush, and I let Chyoo carry it. We were all admiring it, when who other than the Pant Devil should jump in the path!

      "Hehe, what a pretty petpet paint brush…." he snickered. "Mind if I have it?"

      Argurd growled threateningly, and Garth barked loudly behind him, but the Pant Devil didn't seem to be afraid. He merely laughed at them, and said, "Do you think you can hurt me? Hah! Go ahead and try!"

      "Oh dear," said Edward nervously, "chances of keeping an item away from the pant devil: not very high! Chances of getting an item back once he's stolen it: almost 0!"

      Chyoo started to cry and hugged me. "I'm scared!"

      The Pant Devil jumped abruptly, catching Argurd by surprise. He yelped and fell backward, but he quickly got up again and lunged at the Pant Devil, snarling, and tried to bite it.

      "Oh, woe is me!" mocked the Pant Devil. "Hehe, you are no match for me!" He easily slid out of Argurd's grasp, and flew towards me and Chyoo, who was holding the petpet paint brush. Frozen on the spot, I watched the Pant Devil come towards me. Just as he was almost there, Edward yelled, "Now!"

      A tree came shattering on top of the ferocious Pant Devil, and he moaned, "I'll be back!" before disappearing. I turned around, and there were Edward and Garth, in front of a tree stump. Edward pushed his glasses up his beak and turned off his blue Slorg calculator.

      "What was that?" I asked, staring at the two.

      "Simple mathematics," said Edward smartly.

      "Says you," muttered Garth. "It's hard pushing over a tree."

      I laughed and pulled them both in an unexpected hug. "Come on everyone," I said, "let's get back to the pound."


When we got back, there was a woman in room 2, talking to the pets. "This is Mrs. Burzherlin," said Ms. Uni, "she'd here to adopt."

      "Hello," I said to the woman, "if you have any questions about the pets or adoption, just ask me." The woman asked a few questions about some of the pets, and I answered as best I could. When she left, I gathered all the pets of room 2 around me. "Come on everyone, we're going on a fieldtrip to the petpet puddle!"


At the petpet puddle, I pulled the Christmas petpet paint brush carefully. Rocky sat absolutely still beside me. I picked him up, and coated him with the petpet paint brush.

      "Here he is, Christmas Rocky !" I announced. The pets cheered happily, and they all crowded around to pet him.

      "We did it!" yelled Garth, and suddenly he was pulling me into a hug. "Thanks Alison, we couldn't have done it without you!"

      I laughed and hugged him back. "Hey, you guys did all the work!"

      Edward smiled. "Well, let's go buy some breakfast now!"

      "Good breakfast!" said Chyoo.

      The pets rushed toward the Shop Wizard to see what kind of 'good breakfast' they could buy with 1600 NPs. Garth hopped off my lap and ran up to lead them.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Room 2: Part One

Room 2: Part Three

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