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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 136 > Articles > Oh, Brother Can You Spare Another Neopoint?

Oh, Brother Can You Spare Another Neopoint?

by sirussblack

NEOPIA CENTRAL - Because my first article was such a big hit, I’ve decided to do another one with the previous tips on games and many new ones. Believe it or not, it is possible to earn twenty thousand Neopoints in one day without getting high scores. There are over a hundred games throughout Neopia but I’ve only tried a little over sixty of them. I have a decent knowledge of the good payoff games so here is a short list of them.

Note: These games are in alphabetical order.

Advert Attack – This game is nothing more than a real fight with the evil pop-ups! You “X” the boxes that show up. Be careful not to click somewhere else on the box, as another screen will pop up. The screens get bigger and bigger as you go along the level line. Behind the pop-ups, there is a GO button to make your ship move. These GO button gets harder to click as levels go on. All in all, this game has a great payoff and follows the scoring of Meerca Chase – you score is your Neopoint amount.

Deckswabber – This game is very entertaining, I must say before I start. Of course, all you have to do for the first round (rounds consist of five levels) is change all the squares from brown to yellow. The next round is trickier and they get even trickier as you go on! It’s a very good Neopoint earner so I highly recommend it!

Destruct-O-Match – This is a very simple game. Though it doesn’t have as good of a payoff, you can still earn Neopoints from this fairly simple game. Because you’re not timed, you can do one of two things. You can just click on the pretty colors and watch them drop or you can make a planned strategy. Remember that each time you play the block order is different!

Escape from Meridell Castle – This is a very hard game unless you practice. In the beginning, send almost every score you have. Remember to slay almost all the monsters and attempt to get all the stars. You must keep in the back of your mind that you can do anything this game throws at you. Also, when levels start, don’t be looking at a car passing by as monsters do come at you and can dispose of you! After playing and practicing for a few days, you should only send scores over a hundred so you can get two hundred or more Neopoints!

Extreme Herder – This game is a very good game to play daily. You’re a Kacheek and you must collect all the PetPets before Balthazar eats them. You have three lives. If all three lives are gone, your game is over. Snowflakes freeze Balthazar in his tracks for a few seconds. Orange orbs speed you up for a level or so. The PetPets with stars on top of them give you bonus points. You’ll get a good amount of Neopoints from this game so I highly recommend it!

Extreme Potato Counter – This game has probably the best payoff in all of Neopia. You count the potatoes are they are flying by. Don’t count the carrots, corn, or other fruits and vegetables! When they finish flying across the screen, put in your answer with your keyboard. Do it slowly so you make sure your putting in the right numbers. If you think you missed one, add it on (but you have to be REALLY sure). This is a fairly easy game and you should tackle up to the fourth time with ease.

Hannah and the Pirates Cave - This is a great payoff game if you’re good at it. Trust me, it’s not as hard as it looks. Have you ever played an in-depth adventure game? This is just about what it is! To get the biggest payoff, always play the tutorials as you get points from that too! You can get about 50,000 or 60,000 from just the tutorials! Still, the maximum Neopoints you can earn each game is 1,000, but that’s still a large number.

Hasee Bounce – This is probably one of the best paying games on Neopets. It has a little strategy to it, but mainly you click when you see a Doughnutfruit. There are yellow, blue, green, silver, gold, and fish Doughnutfruit (that I know about). It’s not crucial that you get the letters, but it will help your game and give you extra time.

Hubrid’s Hero Heist – I’m putting this game here because it has a decent payoff and is fun to play. In this game you play a Poogle who needs to get the heroes (TCG cards) from Hubrid Nox who is hiding them on levels. I’m not an expert at this game, but I do know a few things about it. Every sixth level, you get another hero. The scenery changes every six levels. The controls are explained when you read the instructions. Depending on your skill level, this could earn a lot of Neopoints for you!

Kiko Match II – This is a fairly easy timed matching game. You match up the pairs of Kikos in the time period given. Though this game gives an okay payoff, you may want to have a lot of time for this as sometimes games can drag on and you can get frustrated and quit.

Meerca Chase – Meerca Chase is one of those games that are fairly simple. I’d recommend not sending the score until you have over a hundred points, which isn’t that hard.

Potato Counter – The easiest game on the market! Step up, step up! Okay, this doesn’t give you many Neopoints, but if you count them quickly, you could be seeing yourself with an extra fifty Neopoints.

Trouble at the National Neopian – This game can get very confusing, but gives off a great payoff! I can get five hundred Neopoints easily each game. You can’t exactly give tips for this game, but watch out for the bad guys and don’t look at the good guys leave. Once in a while, look up to see if you have a hundred points yet to cash into gold. This will almost definitely be a big Neopoint-maker!

Volcano Run – Unless you're good, this game may or may not be a big payoff. You use your mouse to dodge the blocks, walls, and fire balls. You can use your space bar to slow down, but I wouldn’t recommend it. No matter what, you can get an okay amount of Neopoints for this.

Zurroball – This game is very simple and once you get the hang of it, it’s a pretty good payoff. I’m not an expert at this game, but I am going to give you a tip. I find it easier to work with just the Zurroball because you can make Freestyles again and again with ease and they’ll add up. Depending on your skill level, this could earn you a lot of Neopoints!

Remember that these aren’t the only games on Neopets! There are many other games that you may be very good at that I haven’t mentioned in this article! Sponsor games are a great source of income and are usually very easy to beat. Don’t waste all your Neopoints on your favorite item. Save up and collect your interest and soon you’ll be earning twenty grand a day! Keep trying and don’t give up! Neomail me for any questions that you may have. For more tips, look at my other article Oh, Brother Can You Spare A Neopoint?. Enjoy Neopia!

Note: These games that I have mentioned above have all been played by me and “reviewed”. I’ve found out several times that if you play these games good, you can earn twenty thousand a day and sometimes more depending on what you do with your shop, trades, auctions, and other activities around the site.

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