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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 16th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Articles > Elephantes: The Mighty NeoPets

Elephantes: The Mighty NeoPets

by i_luv_animals32

Elephantes are the mightiest of NeoPets! Some say it’s the Grarrl, or the Skeith, or one of those big, muscular other pets, but when I say “mightiest,” I don’t mean it just in brawn, but in brains and heart as well. And I am honoured to dedicate this Neopian article to those great beasts.

The basic Elephante is easy to distinguish amongst the crowd of Neopians, no matter if they're painted or not. The basic Elephante has the complete body of an elephant (with a trunk, two amber eyes, beautiful white teeth, and a pink snout) with a white bunny tail and two birdie wings on their back. They have a head cap that is like a “mood ring,” that shows their personality. For example, if the Elephante were crossed, the face on the Elephante’s head cap would show a picture of an angry face.

Elephantes come in four basic colours (like all NeoPets) that are blue, green, yellow and red but there are also paintbrush colours Elephantes come in too. So far, there are these: cloud, desert, faerie, mutant, shadowed, split, stars and white. All of these paintbrushes are available to Elephantes, though some are rather than others.

Female and male Elephantes only differ in eyelashes. If you look closely at the eye of a female Elephante, you will see that her lashes project a tiny bit more, there is also the... ahem... other way to tell but lets not get into that.

All and all, that is the basic Elephante structure.

Elephantes do not really have an exact habitat. They are scattered throughout Neopia, possibly from the Pangneo theory. What is that, you ask?

Pangneo was the giant continent when all the Neopian lands were joined together. The Lost Desert, Haunted Woods, Terror Mountain, Tyrannia, Mystery Island and even Krawk Island, were all mashed together. Faerieland, VirtuPets Space Station, and Maraqua were not around during that time, because they were “made,” not natural areas on the planet.

The Elephantes, which were giant mammoth creature (wingless, mind you, for wings was a later evolution) roamed Pangneo. They traveled in matriarchal herds all over Pangneo, and it remained that way for hundreds of hundreds of years, until the continents started to split apart. The place we call Terror Mountain today became ice cold. Tyrannia became buried underneath snow, where the cave NeoPets kept warm and survived for millions of years. The land we call the Lost Desert lost most of its vegetation and became horribly hot. All the lands began to crack and separate, and the huge mammoths with it, riding on them like very, very, very, very slow moving boats. That is why we see Elephantes all over the place.

Many Elephantes (especially wild ones) live in Mystery Island. It is basically the perfect area for them.

Ancient Elephantes, or the mammoths I have been writing about earlier, remained in Tyrannia.

So I cannot give you a direct answer. Elephantes can live anywhere, because they are so adaptable.

Elephantes have wonderful personalities. However, every Elephante’s personality is different, so I cannot list them into this essay. Instead, I am going to give you BASIC personalities.

A part of an Elephante’s identity is to swim. It is a little known fact that Elephantes love the beach and love swimming in the salty water. Wild Mystery Island Elephantes are seen leaping off cliffs into the chilly water without a pause. Elephantes are almost as skilled a swimmer as a born Maraquan! They can swim underneath the surface by sticking their trunk out of the water and using it as a snorkel. They can float easily on their backs, watching the clouds above.

Another part of an Elephante’s basic personality is living in groups. No Elephante likes being alone. PetPets are wonderful! Elephantes are great with smaller animals. My Elephante, Zellobello, loves Fangs, his pet Cobrall. I bet they will be best friends forever! They are a perfect pair in the Battledome. In the wild, Elephantes live in matriarch groups, which means the eldest female leads the herd. The majority of the group is female, but sometimes the males join in. All and all, Elephantes simply love being with friends.

Some say Elephantes can fly. It is possible for an Elephante to fly some distance off the ground with their birdie wings, but it does strain them. The weight of the body is too much for the little wings sometimes, and unfortunately these delicate body parts snap off from pressure, or loose their power and let the Elephante fall to the ground, if they hover in the air too. If the Elephante’s wings DO snap off, take them to the hospital for immediate surgery.

These are personalities that most Elephantes have.

Food is an important subject to Elephantes. They do consume a lot, and end up with Bloaty Belly often.

Bloaty Belly is a common illness amongst large NeoPets. It is when one eats too much and has a huge stomach. My Elephante has Bloaty Belly often. However, Flat-U-Less Tablets do not actually work all the time. If the Elephante is too bloated, then he won’t even be able to swallow the medicine. Take him to the Healing Springs instead, or wait a couple of days.

I give my Elephante organic leeks. They are his favourite. Vegetables and sweets are recommended, for they give the pet a lot of energy. And since an Elephante’s body is quite big, it needs a lot of energy.

I don’t actually give meat to my Elephante. They COULD eat meat, but I wouldn’t really choose too. It is like serving a cow a steak! Elephantes are basically grass eaters, but if they need too they can eat mean as well. That is why over time their teeth evolved into sparkling white beauties, used for both chewing the cud and chewing the fat, so to speak.

The Battledome is a very important to most Elephantes. Being great creatures at fighting, they love to show it off in battles. Some are more successful that others.

Elephantes special fighting ability is Elephante Stomp. This attack shakes up the opponent and gives them not only a headache but also a tough time focusing. It is a very good attack.

I have yet to see a specific battle or defense item for an Elephante. Sadly to say, I cannot find any armour shaped for them, or any weapons for their use only. I have to find “all NeoPet” weapons and defense items for my pet. If you DO know of any defence or attack items for Elephantes, PLEASE Neomail me.

That’s all I have to offer about the Elephante. I hope that those who own an Elephante are pleased on what they read, and I hope those who don’t owned an Elephante look at these NeoPets in a different and respectful way. And, in case you are wondering, Elephante Day is January 16.

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