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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 141 > Short Stories > Harry and the Noil Nuisance

Harry and the Noil Nuisance

by mrs_fluff

My name is Harry, and only Harry, the Mootix Commando, leading paratrooper of the PDA (Petpetpet Defensive Army). Well, my real name used to be Harold Danger Fillywilly, believe it or not. But most army petpetpets are known by their last name, so I dropped my silly one the moment I was accepted into the PDA Training Academy. I mean, even then I had dreams of being a famous, tough Commando, and nobody would take me seriously with a name like Fillywilly. I also started going by Harry. And before long, my true talent was revealed at the Academy, and my dreams came true. Today, I am probably the most famous Commando in all of the PDA, with a whole game created in my honor.

     I love my job -- I mean, people say I'm a Commando first and a Mootix second. That's very true. Honestly, I'd rather turn into a Cooty than give up my life of excitement. But what exactly do I do? Well, first, let me give you a little background info on the PDA. We're an organization that has its headquarters on Cottonswab, a Babaa owned by Liza the Usul, who lives in suburban Neopia Central. We also have bases on Petpets in other suburban houses and in all other parts of the world of Neopia. Our Training Academy is on the dangerous and desolate landscape of Iko the Spardel, owned by Liza's little brother. Iko is a very dangerous Spardel who provides a challenge to our trainees. I remember my experience there. Seriously, it was hard. That Petpet practically sweats acid. It's some real difficult work, trying to live off of him.

     But what does the Petpet Defensive Army do, you ask? Well, we defend Petpetpets, of course. Gee, that was a hard one to figure out. You see, some Neopets actually seem to think that Petpetpets are annoying pests, and that we bother and harm their beloved Petpets! Where they got that wild idea I don't know, because we're just humble creatures looking for a warm place to live. Hey, sometimes we even become best buddies with the Petpets! But still, some Neopets try to wash us out, kick us out, and just plain get rid of us using any way possible. And when the PDA hears of a Petpetpet that's about to be removed from its home, we rush to the rescue and save them, and we help them find a new Petpet to live on.

     My job is to parachute onto Petpets to rescue the Petpetpets that live on them. I mount one of the PDA's highly trained flying Petpets, who flies me over the targeted Petpet, and then I jump. I free-fall down, and then open my parachute for a graceful landing on the target. We do this to avoid a long and difficult foot journey to a Petpet. And besides, it's really annoying when you've walked almost 30 minutes to get to a Petpet and then they get up and walk to the other side of the room. Parachuting onto them takes only a few seconds and is 90% accurate, especially for experienced parachutists like me.

     But if you want an example of one of my daring deeds so that you can understand my duty a little better, I have written down this record of a recent mission. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:

     A few weeks ago, the Headquarters received word of a Vernax who lived on a Noil called Grumbles in a house not far from our base. Apparently, the Noil's owner was not happy in the least about the Vernax being there and wanted him evicted as soon as possible. I was selected to go on the mission to save the Vernax.

     Later that day, I strapped on my trusty, Mootix-sized mini-parachute. I then boarded Squawk, the PDA's Crokabek. You see, Liza and her little brother have many flying Petpets living in the trees in their Neogardens, and they'll come flying to us when we need their help. Trusty old Squawk took off and flew me away from Headquarters and down the sunlit street, just how our boss had instructed her, where she took me in through the window of a large wooden Neohome.

     The room we entered was dark and messy, with toys sprawled out all of over the floor. A large, unmade bed was on one side of the room, and an opened wardrobe was on another side. Another side had the window that we had just come through, and the last had an open door. A single blue rug was on the floor, and on it was a Noil, laying down.

     Squawk circled above the Noil several times. Her wings flapped gently, and she let out a shrill caw. That was my signal for action. Making sure my parachute was firmly strapped on, I jumped.

     Free-falling is the best feeling in the world, and that's one of the reasons why I love my job so much. I mean, falling down seven feet may not seem that thrilling to most people. But when you're a Mootix, it feels like you're plummeting miles out of the distant atmosphere of Neopia. I dropped down and down and down, the air slapping my face and blowing back my antennae, while the Noil grew closer and closer below me. Adrenaline rushed through my tiny veins, and my microscopic heart pumped wildly. I smiled and narrowed my eyes into slits.

     When I was very close to the targeted Noil, I pulled open my parachute and began to float down at a slower rate. The fun part of my mission was over, and now the danger was starting. A slight breeze blew off the Noil's thick mane and caused some turbulence. My parachute began to sway back and forth, but I steered myself to land right in the middle of the Noil's back, where the fur is thin. When I landed, I took off my parachute, stuffed it back into its pack, and put it back on. I looked up and saw Squawk circling above me, and then the Petpet flew off to hide in the shadows of the room to wait for my completed mission. I went out is search of the Vernax.

     I was marching up towards the mane, where I guessed he would be hiding, when I came upon the sleeping creature. The small Vernax was just sleeping right there in the Middle of Grumbles's back, where he would roll off the second the Noil stood up. He was also in plain vision to the Petpet's owner. No wonder this guy was in danger! He sure wasn't the smartest Petpetpet around.

     I stopped and patted the Vernax on his back. He immediately woke up and stared up at me with unblinking eyes, but did not move further. I leaned over and pulled him to his feet, but he sank back down onto the furry ground and closed his eyes again.

     That agitated me. Obviously, he did not understand that he was in peril and we needed to get off of that Noil fast, before his Neopet came wandering in. I was just bending down to pull him up a second time when the very thing I feared happened: the Noil's owner appeared in a doorway leading to the room. She was a young blue Aisha, and though she was small compared to most inhabitants of Neopia, from a Petpetpet's view she was gigantic. "Mr. Grumble Wumbles," she called to her Noil, "has that nasty old Vernax left you yet?"

     The Noil's reply to this was to swish his tail back and forth, and though I couldn't see it from where I was, I'm sure he was rolling his eyes. I anxiously dragged the Vernax to a standing position and wildly tugged at him to come with me. He looked at me with those staring eyes, and this time he didn't sink back down, but he did not willingly move, either.

     The Aisha was coming towards her Petpet. "Let's give you a bath, Grumbly-pie, just in case," she said in a babyish singsong voice. "That'll get rid of that nasty little bug!"

     My eyes popped. A bath? No way... Petpetpets can do many more things than most people think, but we sure cannot swim. I pulled at the Vernax frantically as the Aisha drew nearer. Finally, the civilian surrendered, and allowed me to pull him along. I let go, and began to run towards the side of the Noil. He followed me slowly and somewhat reluctantly.

     Upon reaching the Noil's side, I turned back to see him lagging behind. My eyes widened and I waved for him to hurry up, but he continued to dawdle. Then suddenly, the Aisha, having reached us, bent over her Noil. I saw her furry face close-up. Then she reached out her paws and began to bring them down upon either side of the Petpet! I rolled out of the way just in time to avoid being squished, and looked back at the Vernax to make sure he was alright, which he was. And thus, having a firm grip on Grumbles, the Aisha lifted him off of the ground and cuddled him close to her chest.

     The Noil had changed from lying down to being at a steep angle as his owner lifted him, and I felt myself sliding backwards over the glossy yellow fur. I quickly grabbed hold of a hair and clutched it for dear life, but when I looked towards the little Vernax, I saw to my horror that he was barely clinging onto a hair a few long centimeters away. But his feet were not meant for grabbing things like mine, and he would not be able to last for much longer. He was slowly slipping downwards, and looking towards the distant floor in terror.

     My eyes popped open, and then I narrowed them again. Pulling myself from hair to hair as if I was a Mynci swinging through the jungles of Mystery Island, I crawled towards him as quickly as I could, but it was too late. Before I got there, he slipped off of the little piece of fur and went tumbling downwards! The first thought that entered my mind was that if I hurried, I might be able to use my parachuting skills to my advantage and catch him. I let go of the hair I was clutching and fell down after him.

     The little Vernax flailed and screamed out strange little chirps as he plummeted down. He extended his wings, but did not use them, and I realized that he was too young to know how. So he wasn't dumb after all: he was just young and didn't know much about the way of the world yet.

     I pointed my body directly downwards, streamlining it. The speed of my descent began to increase as I accelerated towards the ground. And yet he still fell in front of me! I was beginning to think I'd never catch up to him. Then, about a foot from the ground, I began to pass right next to him. Extending my arm, I grabbed him and pulled him next to me, then released my parachute. We dropped slowly and peacefully to the dusty floor.

     When we landed, the parachute came down over us gently. Gradually, we found our way out form underneath that dark blanket, and I could see the Vernax's face. This time, those enormous eyes were filled with thanks as he looked at me. He wasn't old enough to understand a lot, but he did know when he was in danger, and he comprehended that I had saved him. He helped me stuff my parachute back into its pack, and we looked up and watched together as the Aisha carried off Grumbles to take an unnecessary bath.

     Squawk came flying out of the shadows in the room's corner and landed near us. I climbed aboard with the frightened Vernax, who was hanging on to me closely. Then together, we flew out of the window and in to the bright sunlight. All the way back to Headquarters, he held on to me, and I could feel that he was very grateful to me for what I had done.

     But I don't need any thanks, although it's nice to get some once in a while. After all, I love my job. Not only does it keep me fit and energized, but it's provided me with lots of memories and experiences. But the best part is that I'm actually helping my fellow Petpetpets. Sure, it's a very dangerous job, but someone has to do it!

     This is Commando Harry, signing off.

The End

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