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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Running, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 141 > Short Stories > Dreamer


by nincondemius

Myora stared at her mirror. She saw what she saw each day. Each hour. Each minute she gazed into the mirror at her reflection. She saw a royally dressed Aisha, her long indigo skirts flowing like rivers of silk on the floor. Her tall hat was tapered at the top, with translucent bluish silk attached to the tip. Her hair was orange and curly, and her skin a fine shade of pink. Myora was used to seeing such things in her mirror, as much as she was used to living in a palace that everyone envied or having servants waiting on her, hand and foot. Myora could not go outside without tall, muscular guards surrounding her or even out to the garden without informing Cook or Butler. The Aisha felt trapped, as if she was forever stuck as being a small child, who needed everyone to help them do everything from walking to eating. I'm not a baby, Myora thought every time a servant waited on her. Yes, but you are a Princess.

     Tears soon arose to Myora's perfect crescent-shaped eyes which were constantly praised and admired. She quickly brushed them away with a swipe of one of the newly hemmed hankies Maid had sewn for her little over a day ago. Everyone, especially Father, would have a fit if there was a single stain on Myora's dress. Although she had plenty more, Myora knew what Father would say if he saw 'Princess' behaving in such a manner. A Princess simply isn't supposed to behave this way. Leave that up to the commoners, Myora heard Father's stern voice say in her head. But what if I want to be a commoner? Myora thought to herself. She quickly shook the thought away and turned to look at her small golden-leafed clock. It was already 8:34! Father would have a fit if Myora wasn't on time for breakfast, especially when she had 'silly' thoughts floating around in her head.

     "Myora! Where in heaven's name have you been?" Mother looked at Myora, her usually warm brown eyes looking cold as she scolded. She was sitting at her usual place on the long dining table that the family owned.

     "Just upstairs. Sorry Mother," Myora said all of this looking at her feet. It would show disrespect to argue or to look her mother in her face while she apologized, Myora knew. Mother was very big on discipline.

     "Where's Father?" Myora scanned the long table, but didn't see her father's familiar face.

     "He's off on another one of his expeditions, this time to Faerieland. Fyora herself summoned him," Mother seemed very proud of the last statement. "Now stop talking and eat your food," Mother's face grew cold again. It seemed as if she couldn't be a normal mother for longer than a couple minutes before she turned into Your Highness, The Queen, Myora observed.

     Yuck! Why can't I eat normal foods like every other kid in Neopia? Myora thought as she looked at the dining table laden with veggie sausage, seaweed Flotsam burgers, and a variety of other disgusting looking health food. Father and Mother were nuts about healthy diets, so all that they ate and fed Myora was health food. She cringed as she thought of all the times when all she had in her lunch bag was a large ball of lettuce and a glass of fresh Kau Kau Milk, and everyone else in her school was eating delicious Super Sour Shocker Chia Pops and sipping Mega Wild Chocomato Smoothies. But that was when Myora went to a public school. Now Myora went to The Prestigious Academy for Filthy-Rich Boys and Girls where practically everyone was either princess or a prince and wore fancy clothes with their noses high up in the air. Myora groaned as she remembered that she had forgotten do do her homework for history class. She was to write a paper on the best looking shoes in all of Neopia. The Aisha began to her old public school, where everything was real and not so stuck-up.

     Myora quickly headed upstairs. She was going to grab her wonderful suede book bag and then walk to school with some of the neighbors who also went to The Prestigious Academy for Filthy-Rich Boys and Girls, which was practically everyone in Myora's neighborhood. Myora sighed as she walked up her carpeted stairs. Yippee! Its going to be absolutely spectacular day at my absolutely spectacular school! The Aisha said to herself sarcastically. She looked out her window as soon as she reached her plush, velvety and overdone room. She saw a small group of strangers, on the opposite side of where Myora's classmates stood waiting for her. They weren't richly dressed in fancy clothes, they simply wore tee shirts and pants. Their noses weren't high up in the air, they were eye level and low. Myora almost gasped. They went to a public school.

     Myora had to refrain from calling out, "Hey wait for me, I'm coming, too!" because a devious plan simmered in her head once she saw her mother head out of the door for her daily shopping trip. All the Aisha had to do is slip out of the house through her window, maybe with that old yellow Mortog T-shirt on in place of her long indigo gown, and sneak off with the other public school kids. For at least one day in her life, Myora wouldn't be Princess, she'd be normal.

     "Hey guys, wait up for me!" called Myora once she snuck out of her window. The edge of her shirt had gotten caught on her window, and now the Mortog on the Aisha's shirt had part of its right foot ripped off. Ordinarily, Myora would've rushed back into her room, and put on on something else, but she didn't want to miss the chance of being a normal Neopet.

     The group of public-school goers turned around to stare at her. They consisted of two Pteris, one Kougra, a Kyrii and a Korbat. They looked at her quizzically, because they had never seen her before. The Pteris, jumping up and down around her, were the first to speak.

     "Hi, I'm Tweet," began the yellow one.

     "And I'm Toot," finished the red one of the two.

     "Who are--" Tweet started.

     "You?" Toot finished.

     "Me? I'm umm -- I'm," Myora didn't want to say who she was for fear that the group would send her away once they heard that she was a Princess.

     "You must be one of those rich, fancy Princesses that live up the hill. We don't need the like of you and you're fanciness polluting our air. Come on, guys." The Korbat, turning away from Myora, spit on the sidewalk for effect. Myora knew that she meant business. The Aisha began to turn away, her head hanging low. So much for a normal life, she thought.

     "Come back! Jodie didn't mean anything. She's just being a sourpuss! So you're a Princess? I guess you'll be needing a friend. My name's Cassandra," the Kyrii said, taking one of Myora's hands, and the Kougra grabbed the other, and before Myora knew it she had arrived at school.

     The day started out like any day at Myora's usual school, sans snooty, however. The teacher took attendance, talked a little, gave the children some reading to do as well as some homework, and then the bell would ring signaling a switch to another class. Myora was hardly noticed at all. She was just another face in the crowd, another voice in the class, just another kid. Nobody even called her Princess once. She was just Myora, the new girl. The Aisha had told her new friends not to tell anyone about her being a Princess. She knew something awful would happen if anyone knew who she really was.

     "Hey guys!" The lunch bell had rung, and Myora sat down to eat with her new friends. She sat down between Tweet and Kevin, the Kougra who she had met earlier in the morning. Toot and Cassandra sat across from the three, and soon a conversation sparked between the five.

     "Ooh, Ms. Fancy Pants. Food at a regular school ain't good enough for you, eh?" Jodie, surrounded by a group of laughing friends, disrupted the conversation.

     "Why don't you go back to Princess school, and leave us alone!" Jodie continued, raising a riot of laughing students in the cafeteria.

     Tears sprung quickly into Myora's eyes. Although she tried not to cry, they soon began to fall down her cheek. She rose quickly from the lunch table, shouting, "What do you know? Nothing! Nothing at all! So just leave me alone!" She fled out of the large metal cafeteria doors, running till she reached a quiet spot in the trees where she could cry alone.

     "Hey!" It was Jodie's voice. Probably here to laugh at me again, thought Myora. She turned her face away from the Korbat.

     "I know how you feel, I really do."

     "How could you possibly know anything? You're just a mean, arrogant, rude bully!" Myora's voice rose to a yell. How dare that Korbat have the nerve to come up to me and tell me that she knows, when she just made fun of me!

     "Lay up on the insults, will ya? I'm trying to tell you something." Jodie sat on the ground beside Myora.

     "See, I too ran away like you did. Except I ran away from the streets. I lived there all my life, so I was raised to be cold and mean, as if this whole world belonged to me. But you have no reason to run away. You are a Princess with the finest clothes and jewelry. You have what every single girl dreams of!" Jodie stared into Myora's bleary eyes.

     "You have a family that loves you and well, I think that you should reconsider being a normal person," Jodie finished and looked at the ground.

     Myora stared at Jodie. She's really trying to help me, she realized. "How about you come home with me and have a nice, hot cup of Borovan?" she said with a grin.


The End

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