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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Gathering, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 141 > Continuing Series > Storm Eyes: Part Twelve

Storm Eyes: Part Twelve

by allhailtheprincess

A flash of white streaked out at the intruder from under the bed, but was too late. The prowler was gone out through the open window into the dark night, taking the still silver form with him.

      Isilme hissed in angry frustration as her mistress dissolved into the blackness outside. She had to do something.

      "Morgan! Wake up! Sssshe hasss been sssstolen." Morgan rolled over sleepily and tried to ignore the annoying hiss in his ear. "Caesssiusss isss gone. You mussst wake up." The words finally penetrated his sleep dimmed mind and he sat up with a jolt.

      "What?!" he exclaimed staring at the pale coil of scales on his pillow. She couldn't be gone. They were supposed to be safe here. Everything was supposed to be going their way.

      "Tell me what happened." Morgan's voice quivered slightly as he said this, but he remained calm.

      "We have to move fassst if we are to catch the assssssailant. I am afraid for her life. Sssshe was very ssstill when I lasssst sssaw her. I will tell you while you prepare to leave." Morgan nodded and got out of his bed quickly. Thoughts of sleep were no longer on his mind.

      "I wasss asssleep under the bed when I heard a noisssse. The wasss a ssstruggle of sssome kind, and I sssmelled a foul evil sssmell. I heard Caesssiusss gasssp and cry out. Then there wasss sssilence. I tried to attack the intruder, but he wasss too fassst. Caesssiusss wasss not moving asss her attacker carried her away."

      Morgan felt cold with dread. Cassie had been taken away, most likely by Pravus or one of his minions, and Isilme was unsure whether she was alive or not.

      "Isilme, come with me. We need to get going. You can help me find her."

      Before leaving, Morgan went to talk to the war leaders. Fortunately, the scarred Lupe who had sworn allegiance to Cassie was still up. Morgan told him what had happened. The Lupe was shocked by the news.

      "I will wake the troops. We will follow and kill who ever has stolen her!" he cried angrily.

      "No, you mustn't," replied Morgan. "That is what Pravus want us to do. We have to hold to the plan. I will find Cassie myself. It will be faster that way, without an entire army. Besides, Cassie wouldn't have wanted the army to be diverted just because of her."

      "You are right," the Lupe agreed after a brief pause, "I will lead the army to the north. We will meet Pravus there as planned."

      Morgan left the settlement with a feeling of dread seeping deep into his bones. Why had this happened? What had gone wrong? How had she been taken from her room, and out of the city with out one of the city guards noticing and raising the alarm? Morgan was beginning to suspect an inside job. There were too many coincidences and anomalies for it to have been.

      He followed Isilme through the undergrowth with a tormented mind. They had to find her. She would be alright.

      The scarred Lupe watched the spotted Zafara fade into the darkness of the night. He had to rouse his troops and get a move on. They would have to beat Pravus to the plains so they could plot out the land and get the best possible advantage. Without Cassie, they would need it.

      He told his second in command to prepare the troops for a hard march, and then went to see the mayor. He needed to explain what had happened and request the promised troops.

      When his knock went unanswered, the Lupe took the liberty of entering the mayor's room unbidden. He stepped through the door way and closed the door behind him.

      He was in a large open room. To the left of him, a crack of light shone underneath the door. Maybe the mayor was still awake. The Lupe stepped forwards and knocked on the door.

      There was a scuffling noise from inside and a sharp high voice called, "Who is there? What are you doing here at this time of night? Have you no respect for a creature's privacy?" Though the voice sounded annoyed, the Lupe detected an undertone of panic. Something was wrong.

      "Sir, my name is Dewrder. I am one of Caesius's captains. This is an emergency. I need to talk to you." The Lupe listened to an odd scraping noise, and then squinted as he was led into the brightly lit room.

      "What is your emergency? Are the sleeping arrangements unsatisfactory?" Despite the sarcasm, Dewrder noticed the Aisha's eyes dart anxiously towards the large closet then down to the floor. He was not acting like a normal person who had just been interrupted in the middle of the night.

      "Caesius has been taken. We need the troops now so we can leave as soon as possible," Dewrder said eying the white Aisha suspiciously. The small mayor looked up, but it wasn't a look of surprise.

      Now he knew something was wrong. No innocent creature could be disturbed late at night and hear news like this with out having some kind of surprised reaction. Dewrder felt he had to be on his guard around this Aisha.

      "I'm sure that you are overreacting. Besides, I don't think you really need my troops. They are needed here more than they are needed with you. I'm sure you understand." Dewrder couldn't believe his ears. This sniveling whelp had just withdrawn his offer of help.

      "What are you playing at?" the Lupe snarled. This was no time for politeness. He lunged at the Aisha, knocked him down, and threw open the closet door. Cold eyes stared at him from an elaborate mirror.

      "Lintereg, has everything gone as planned? Is the Storm on her way?" Dewrder held back a gasp of shock and horror at seeing the black Uni. Pravus couldn't see him, this was obvious as he thought he was talking to Lintereg, but the surprise of seeing Pravus in the mayor's closet was horrible.

      "Yes my lord," came the weak reply from somewhere behind Dewrder.

      "Good. I will have more instructions for you later." Then the image was gone, leaving the reflection of a stunned Lupe.

      Recovering himself, Dewrder turned to Lintereg and growled. The weak-minded mayor had a lot to answer for. He advanced; teeth bared, hackles raised.

      The cowering Aisha gave a small gasp of fright and looked imploringly at the imposing Lupe. "Spare me! Spare me! You can have all my troops! They do not know Pravus. They will follow you! Please don't hurt me!"

      Dewrder spat at the pitiful white shape cringing in a huddled heap on the floor. "I will take the troops now. Before I do, I will lock you in here and," Dewrder looked towards the closet, "I will destroy that mirror. Your days of betrayal are over."

      Morgan was beginning to panic. He had been following Isilme for over two hours, and he had seen no sign of Cassie, or her abductor. Isilme was still moving quickly through the grass intent on their scent, but Morgan feared he would never find her. Without her, the troops would be disheartened, the captains would have no leader, and they would have no way of beating Pravus. They needed Cassie.

      Aside from those things, he needed her. He could not bear to think of what would happen if he were never to see her again or, worse yet, if he were to find her dead and lifeless.

      The thought of those bright vibrant eyes unseeing and cold was too much to think about. She had to be alright. They had to find her and bring her back safely. There would be no other option.

      "The ssscent isss getting ssstronger," Isilme hissed softly. "If we move fassster, we will catch them soon." This news both heartened Morgan, and made him afraid of what he would find.

      They traveled on in this way for two more hours. Isilme hissed instructions and comments, and Morgan followed close behind. Soon there efforts paid of. Isilme told him that they were only about ten or so minuets behind. They would catch him.

      Morgan began to be cautious. The last thing he needed was to let their quarry know they were coming. That would endanger all of them, and possibly ruin any chance they had of saving Cassie. They would have to be careful.

      "Wait here. We are almost upon him." The statement made its way to Morgan's ears from the undergrowth near his ankles. He did not want to wait, but he didn't want to jeopardize Cassie's safety either.

      Isilme sensed that here command was being followed, so she slid through the grass following the foul smell that lingered there. She slithered into a small clearing and hissed softly when she saw the massive WereLupe snoring softly on the ground.

      She hurried back to Morgan and related the news. "I have found the assssailant, but I sssaw no sssign of Caesssiusss."

      Morgan didn't want to hear this. "Are you sure that this is the one who took her? Are you sure you haven't mistaken his smell? Maybe the one we want is farther on."

      Isilme focused her green eyes on Morgan in what he took to be the serpentine equivalent of a disdainful glance.

      "Of courssse I'm sssure. There isss no other sssscent like that foul odor that I have been tracking all night."

      "Lets go look again just to make sure you didn't miss her," Morgan said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. If Cassie wasn't with her abductor that would mean that… he didn't want to think about it.

      Isilme lead the way into the clearing. It was as she had said. A lone WereLupe was sleeping soundly on the ground. There was no sign of a silver Zafara anywhere. Morgan's heart sank. She was gone.

      Anger suddenly burned within his chest, and a dull throbbing made his head ache. He would get revenge on the one who had taken Cassie from them. Nothing could keep him from it.

      He started forward, but was unable to go far because Isilme had wound herself around his legs. "Do not be rasssh. Asssk questionsss firssst. Besssidess, if you attack him now, he will probably kill you if you don't kill him right away. When you are done asssking him about Caesssiusss, I will bite him, then he will not harm either one of usss in a battle." Morgan could not argue with the snake's logic. He consented to waking the monster and trying to find out as much as he could about what had happened to Cassie before letting Isilme bite the Lupe.

      The WereLupe awoke with a dagger at his throat, and a Magtile on his chest. Unwilling to provoke the poisonous reptile, the WereLupe merely growled at the spotted Zafara holding the dagger to his throat.

      Morgan was to angry to be pleased that everything was going smoothly, and he let that anger show in his voice as he spoke, "Where is she? What have you done with her?"

      The WereLupe looked slightly confused, but covered it with a dark chuckle. "You must be after the little silver package I took form Fancirith. It was to be a gift from the esteemed mayor to Lord Pravus. I am afraid the delivery must have failed." The WereLupe was enjoying tormenting this Zafara, but his enjoyment ended as two sharp fangs found there way into his neck.

      The Lupe let out a howl of agony, and began to thrash about on the ground. Soon his movements were reduced to slight twitching. Then he was still.

      Isilme slid out from behind the lifeless bulk and spat in disdain at it. Morgan looked slightly shocked. A few days ago, he had had a smaller dose of that same venom flowing through his veins.

      When his alarm wore off, it was replaced by a deep despair. She was gone. The WereLupe had said as much. Why hadn't he suspected something when the mayor had consented so easily to sending his troops into war? Why hadn't he kept a closer watch on Cassie? He could have prevented all this, but he hadn't. He hadn't.

      These words rang silently throughout his whole body. He had let her down. He hadn't done all he could to protect her, and now he would never get the chance to fix his mistakes. Never.

      A sharp hiss from Isilme cut through his thoughts. "Ssshe wasss here."

      Morgan spun round to look at Isilme. How could she be alive if her captor had just as well told them that she was dead? The WereLupe had said 'I'm afraid the delivery must have failed.' How much clearer could it be?

      "What do you mean, Isilme?" Morgan asked grasping onto any shred of hope he could find.

      "Ssshe wasss here. What elssse need I sssay." Morgan looked at her, astonishment loosening the knots in his stomach. If she had been here then that meant there was a chance, however small, of her being alive.

      Morgan looked back at Isilme. "Is there a trail leading away from here?" He hardly dared to hope. The answer came like a rush of cold water.


      Morgan dashed after Isilme scarcely breathing. She could be alive. She might have escaped. His heart beat hard in his chest, as if it was a bird fighting to escape. She might be alive.

      He almost stepped on Isilme when she stopped in front of a burnt out oak tree. The snake reared up and swayed as if pulled by a string. She then slithered around to the other side and entered through a gap near the base.

      There was silence for a moment, and then a cry of surprise. To Morgan, it was the most beautiful noise in the world, for he recognized the voice that he thought he would never hear again.

      "Cassie? Is that you?" he asked, though he already knew the answer.

      "Morgan!" came the muffled, yet happy reply.

      Cassie wriggled out of the tree and rushed over to him. Isilme was once again in her usual place around Cassie's neck. Everything was as it should be.

      "How did you find me so fast? I didn't think anyone would notice that I had gone until after daybreak. Oh! The army! Where are they? They haven't come with you I hope, because we…" Morgan quieted her and then told her what had happened.

      "Isilme saw the WereLupe leave through your window. She tried to stop him but was too late. She told me and we followed you here. I told the Army to go on with out us. I knew you wouldn't want the campaign to fail because of something like this. Oh Cassie, we were so very worried about you. I mean, Isilme said you weren't moving when she last saw you, and the WereLupe made it sound like you were…" Morgan couldn't finish. He never wanted to relive that feeling again.

      Cassie filled in the blank for herself. She went over to Morgan and hugged him tightly. "It's okay, Morgan. Thank you for everything. I'm alive and well so you don't have to worry any more."

      They stood there for a while not wanting to break the silence. Morgan finally suggested getting back to the village.

      "You can tell me what happened while we walk."

      "Okay, here goes."

      Cassie's first thought when she had regained consciousness was of how much her head hurt. Her next thought was the realization that her paws were firmly bound, and she was being jostled around while being carried on something's back.

      Still a bit groggy, she had fought to recall the chain of events leading up to this point. She remembered the party and the loyalty of her troops. She remembered going to bed, and then she remembered the assault. She remembered the terror as the air stopped flowing to her lungs. Now she was here, wherever this was, being trounced around on the back of what was probably her assailant.

      Her face was bruised under her fur where the rough paw had pressed into her face. It hurt badly as her face hit the armored shoulder that supported her. She grimaced slightly as her head smacked into the iron plating, and wondered if the bruise would show through her fur.

      Not wanting to alert the kidnapper to the fact that she was awake, Cassie lay still and watched the ground pass below her in the moon light. What was to happen to her now? Was she being taken to Pravus? Considering the circumstances, this was very likely.

      After a while, she became very sore and stiff from her rough ride, and began to wish that she could be set down somewhere solid and firm. A bed of granite would be a welcome relief compared to this.

      Her mind began to wander in a vain attempt to ignore the pain. She would have to get out of this mess on her own. No one would even notice her absence until the morning, and then it would be too late to track her. They might send out the whole army looking for her, but it would do no good. They would never catch her captor.

      Her plans were ruined. If the army didn't meet Pravus in the grasslands as planned, then they would never have another chance before her time ran out. Pravus couldn't possibly know this, but he had effectively destroyed any chance of her saving Agrestis. That is if the army hadn't continued on towards the plains as previously planned.

      Her heart felt heavy as she though about these things and she fervently hoped that despite her disappearance, the army would continue on to the plains.

      She tried not to think about the approaching deadline that had been told to her by the Kau seer in the Palace, so instead she turned her thoughts to that of escape. There would be no escape while they were moving, unless she could free herself with out alerting her captor's attention. She would have to make her move when they stopped, though when this would be, she had no idea.

      Her thoughts whirled around her head as possibilities appeared, and were rejected. She would have to wait until her captor fell asleep because there was no way she would be able to out run him, even if she did manage to free herself from the cords that tightly bound her paws. After escaping, if she could, she would have to find a place to hide. Her aching limbs were too sore to take her far, so she would need a place to rest and evade further capture.

      Trying to find her way back would be another difficulty she would face, assuming that she would free herself and find a suitable place to hide. She was hopelessly lost because she had been unconscious during the beginning of the trip. She had no idea in what direction she was being taken.

      She felt weary, but continued to work out of way to return to her troops and bring Pravus down.

      Cassie was relieved when she felt the speed at which she had been traveling slacken off. Her abductor was getting tired, he would be stopping soon.

      She was right. He stopped and slung her of his back. She hit the ground with a dull thud.

      Cassie quickly closed her eyes so she would seem out cold. She felt a hot foul breath on her face, and opened her eyes slightly so she could see her attacker. He was a massive black WereLupe clad in dark colored armor. His green eyes had a vertical pupil like that of a snake.

      Fortunately he did not catch the slight movement as peered out from under her long lashes. He snorted disdainfully at her supposedly unaware form and curled up on the ground to rest.

      This is my chance, she thought as the WereLupe's snores filled the air. It was unfortunate that he had not built a fire, because that limited her ways of escaping. Using a fire to burn through the ropes had been one of her main ideas. She groped around in front of her for a piece of flint of any sharp rock but found none. Discouraged but not done trying, Cassie examined her bonds. They were made out of a thick twine and tied with very complicated knots.

      She sighed and began working at the knots. Her hands were to numb to be of any use, so she used her teeth to untie the cords that restricted her ankles. His was hard work, and before long, her teeth ached, and her neck throbbed from bending over.

      She let out a sigh of frustration and lay back. She was making no progress. Then she saw it. Protruding out of the Lupe's broad belt was a glint of steel. A knife. It was a knife. Cassie rolled over on to her stomach and began to inch her way towards the Lupe. The blade was keen and would easily cut through her bonds. The only obstacle was the sleeping Lupe.

      She carefully put her paws on the ebony handle and began to gently slide it out of the belt. The Lupe grunted, but did not wake. Inspired by this, Cassie became bolder and pulled it out a little faster. She had the blade out of the belt and in her paws when an especially loud grunt startled her and caused her to drop it. A metallic clang rang through the night as the dagger hit a rock.

      Cassie's heart stopped beating as the echo reverberated in the still night air.

      Cassie stood frozen for a second as the ringing of steel faded from the air. The WereLupe stirred slightly in his sleep but did not wake. Cassie took a few deep steadying breaths, and then began to work on the cords that bound her wrists.

      She freed herself quickly with the help of the dagger, and sighed as the bonds fell away. Now it was time to make her escape.

      She briefly considered slaying the Lupe while he slept, but determined it was too risky. If she managed to wound it, and not kill it, it would be very dangerous, and her chances of escaping would decrease sharply. It was better to get going while the going was good.

      She stretched in a vain attempt to ease some of the stiffness from her limbs, and then set of. Her paws were swollen, and it was very hard to walk on them, but she kept moving, haunted by the fear that her assaulter would wake up and discover her absence. She mustn't stop. Not until she found a good hiding place, anyway.

      A few years back, there had been a storm. A bolt of lightning had shot from the sky and struck a large oak. The oak had been killed, and all that remained was a hollow shell. This was exactly the kind of hideaway that Cassie needed.

      She crawled in through a narrow opening near the base of the tree and prepared to wait out the rest of the night. Here she would rest, and try to find a way home in the morning.

      Feeling the exhaustion of the night's events, she curled in to a little ball and fell instantly asleep.

      They reached the village as Cassie finished her story. Morgan looked slightly ill, but much better than he had earlier.

      When the walked in the gates, the ran into the Lupe, Dewrder. He stopped and stared at Cassie, then smiled hugely.

      "We were all worried for your safety miss. I am very glad to see you have returned." Cassie smiled back and thanked the Lupe.

      "I would love to find out what happened in my absence," she said interrupting Dewrder a he began telling them what had happened, "but I think I am going to fall over right here if I don't get some sleep. I'm sorry, but I'll have to hear it tomorrow."

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

Storm Eyes: Part One

Storm Eyes: Part Two

Storm Eyes: Part Three

Storm Eyes: Part Four

Storm Eyes: Part Five

Storm Eyes: Part Six

Storm Eyes: Part Seven

Storm Eyes: Part Eight

Storm Eyes: Part Nine

Storm Eyes: Part Ten

Storm Eyes: Part Eleven

Storm Eyes: Part Thirteen

Storm Eyes: Part Fourteen

Storm Eyes: Part Fifteen

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