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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Short Stories > The Hunt for the Red Gelert: Transcribed

The Hunt for the Red Gelert: Transcribed

by mhbsw

Pakka was not only a forgotten faerie, but also a bounty hunter. What do I mean by forgotten? Well, as it turns out, there weren't just the elements of air, water, fire, darkness, light, and earth, but also of electricity. Pakka was the only living electric faerie alive in Neopia and lived in the dark forests no one dared to venture. Because if she was found out, someone might put her in a bottle and sell her for cold hard Neopoints!

As a bounty hunter, however, she hunted for pesky, suspicious, or criminal NeoPets. She gathered gossip from her own pet, (which she blessed with electric powers) Sonia the Fire Kyrii (though you may think they don't exist, Pakka had magically crafted one for her pet), which scouts the chat rooms.

Pakka had red hair, slightly paled skin, and lime colored wings. Her eyes were crystal blue and she was as tall as a human.

One day while Pakka rested her achy back against an old, knotted tree in the middle of the day (though it was always dark there, with terrible storms raging at all hours), Sonia came running through the brambles at full tilt.

"Ureee RAHHH!" she squealed.

"Hush, hush. Calm down and speak clearly," Pakka said, placing her hands on the frightened Kyrii.

"Red Gelert...Master criminal. Stolen...Neggs, Pant Brushes...Faeries..." she panted.

Pakka nodded with understanding and pet her Kyrii. "Where?" she asked.

"Ice Caves. From the..." Sonia had to force the word from her throat, "The Snowager."

"A pet stole from the Snowager? How?" she asked, now getting freaked out.

"Zap zap. Buzzing, flash, zap," Sonia said. "I saw. I wanted a Negg, I went to visit, I saw part of it. Zapped me really hard."

"Electricity? That's impossible, I'm the only faerie of my kind, and I've only blessed you!"

"I know. I don't understand either. He zaps big and bad."

Sonia hung her head in shame. "It's all right. We'll go after him. We'll return those stolen items and perhaps get a reward," Pakka said, hugging her Kyrii as the winds picked up. It started to rain.

The next day, Pakka carefully tucked her wings in her dress to make sure everyone thought she was a human. She had to leave her pet behind, unfortunately. She bid her farewells, and left for northwest bound.

This was on ordinary Red Gelert though. Pakka had been after the mysterious specter for four days, and was just beginning to tail him...

She crawled through a blizzard up an icy hill and stared over the edge.

On top of another hill, about 6 yards away, stood a proud Red Gelert. It was strange, however. Its eyes were glowing a lime green, and it was unaffected by the snow. Or just unaware.

"Now's my chance..." Pakka muttered. She hefted herself up to stand, and raised her hands. Lightning sparks and jolts of electricity flowed from her body, zapping the snowflakes. She then aimed them at the Gelert. A second before impact, it jumped with incredible speed upwards and dodged the bolt. Then, to Pakka's surprise, threw a lightning bolt back! Pakka moved aside somewhat swiftly and the jolt crackled harmlessly in the air.

"Who are you?" the Gelert spoke in a raspy voice.

"I'm Pakka, the Electricity Faerie, and also a bounty hunter. I've come to take you in and return what you stole! Surrender yourself, or I'll have no choice but to result to violence!" She called back.

"Ha ha ha. You're not the ONLY electric faerie, of course. How else would I be granted such powers?" It returned with a sharp-toothed grin. She gasped, then said

"Do you have an owner?"

"Yes." It hissed.

"Then whom?" Pakka was frustrated, but not angry. She always tried talking first and fighting later.


"Frank who?"

"Frank Sloth."

Pakka was taken back. She gasped, her mouth remained open. Then a surge of wind came and knocked her onto her bum. She looked over. The Red Gelert was gone. "Frank Sloth is back. This is terrible news indeed! Now that the Grundos and Sakhmetians are free and VirtuPets gone...Oh no!" She said to herself. She stood up, but more winds came. No matter how hard she tried, the winds would keep her seated. She heard a familiar laugh.

"So, Pakka, did you come for your sister or for the mutt?"


"Well, duh Pakka, that's very obvious." A black robed figure stepped near her. "I'll repeat the question: Do you want the Gelert or the faerie?" he asked, leaning over.

She shivered and held her arms. "I don't have any relatives, nor do I need Faeries. I have my own strength. I came for the Gelert," she said, but she didn't look up. She knew who was there.

"Ahhh, how naive. You don't even know that your own sister is alive. You just sit there, in that gloomy graveyard, until you can go capture some bad NeoPet." He mocked her.

"I have no family," she stated.

He laughed. "Pakka, meet your sister--Chaisa," he said, gesturing beside them.

She looked up, and saw a faerie-much like herself-standing there. Blonde hair, green eyes, lime wings. Her sister. "Chaisa! Why are you in league with him? He's evil!" Pakka exclaimed, and made a move towards her. Sloth back handed her and knocked her down.

"I'm not evil!" he yelled. "She agreed to my terms--she blesses every Pet and is very loyal, in exchange for her life and the promise of meeting her sister. I saved her, now she owes me," Pakka cried.

"You probably made her sick with an evil virus. You're a monster, using pets to do your dirty work."

"No, no. Balthazar captured her in a metal trap. But she turned to run, and the cage door slammed on her back. I found her and rescued her. Now she is my 'employee'," Frank said, and laughed.

Suddenly, Pakka grabbed his collar and shocked him with all he might. But underneath the robes he had a rubber undershirt and was totally protected. The energy was drained from Pakka. She fainted, and her life was now in the hands of Sloth.

Pakka woke up in the rottenest of places and wished she had died. Sloth's lab. Her energy was still drained and could barely move. Sloth, the Gelert, and Chaisa walked up.

"Hmm, what a co-inky-dink? You nearly die, I save you, and you must work for me forever. Nice touch," Sloth said.

"I'd rather live in Maraquan Whirlpool," she said in a firm tone.

"And abandon your poor pet? How sad, knowing that this is one mission you won't return from. Tsk tsk, and a faerie at that!" he said.

"Why steal?" she asked, not looking at him. She stared at her shoes. "Because I want to prove my power. Instead of stupid little fights like before, I'm going to steal everything they own, so all owners will have to pay and work for me to get their stuff! And then I'd steal it all over again. I'd have all of Neopia, shining my shoes!" He laughed.

She noticed a hoard of Neggs, Plushies, and Staffs piled high in the dark corner across the room.

"I'll let you lay here and sulk. Bye now," he said and left.

"Sulk. Ha! He thinks I regret hating him, but he's wrong. Once my life comes back, I'll grab a staff. I'll destroy him, or turn him over. Turn him into a lowly bug and make him a little PetPet," she said.

After an hour, the evil trio returned. Chaisa held a pallet of food from Grundo's Cafe. But Pakka was not to be found. Then, she burst out of the pile, holding a staff that had a yellow sphere and was in the shape of a lighting bolt.

"I decided I needed my own elemental staff! Now to finish you off, like what should have been done in the past!" Pakka yelled, and a huge lightning bolt flashed blindingly from the rod. It struck Sloth, and he slammed to the wall. The Gelert's eyes turned normal. Chaisa gasped, like she had been drowning and just took her first breath of air.

Pakka cautiously approached Sloth. She poked his forehead. He didn't do anything.

"Finally. Doctor Frank Sloth, you've got what you wanted." She then placed a potion to his mouth and revived him. "Now you owe me. You have to work for me, starting by returning all the items you took!" Pakka declared.

He sighed. He grudgingly did as she told, and Neopia was free forever, having Sloth as their worker. Pakka and her sister found some guy Faeries, and now the forgotten Faeries were added to the list and lived happily in Faerieland.

The End

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