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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 17th day of Collecting, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Short Stories > Bring on the Swarm

Bring on the Swarm

by kewlkid1177

The rattle of machine-guns loaded with stun bullets was all around me, sweat poured down my forehead and was soaked up by my enormous amount of fur, my name is Raynor, I'm a Wocky of Neopia. A strong Wocky.

I was just another guard at zone 7b, the night started out completely normal, but then the dreaded siren called out its cry of battle and that's when the bugs appeared. Soldiers poured out of the bunkers ready to fight the onslaught of beetle like aliens, their weapons armed with 200 stun bullets, the bugs could never be destroyed so we did the next best thing to get rid of 'em, which was to tranquilize them and send 'em off to the moon.

Sounds a little crazy I know, but it was the only way. As the guns were propped and the soldiers armed themselves to the teeth, the reinforcement Wocky tanks strolled behind us. That's when the alien bugs started spitting out their explosive bug acid from their eyes, but us soldiers were prepared for that. We covered ourselves with unique armour, armour that wouldn't corrode to acid. We set off our high pitch yell of doom, CHARGE!!!

The Wocky tanks let out a legion of fire bombs from the tubular barrels, that was the only other way to stun the bugs, fire! The soldiers charged after the bugs, but not me--no way, and this is where I left off from, the sweat pouring from my forehead, 100 brave Wockys were risking there lives out there, and I wasn't one of them. Bug acid flew by my head and crashed into the treads of a Wocky tank... that meant we only had two. My radio began to crackle, "We... need more support... on the left... flank!"

I tossed away my fears and headed for the zone, my own gun rattled, nailing about 12 bugs, not bad, but I wasted the other half of ammo missing them. I crashed into the ditch that my fellow soldiers were using for cover--bug acid and stunners flew everywhere, it was a horrid sight to see! Bug juice flung in our direction hitting two soldiers--their armour melted off. As our guns rattled on, my ammo was close to depletion. I spent the last 10 bullets on a single alien bug, I got it in the eye, I smiled, but the smile was tainted by the fact that stunning a creature is just like destroying it, something that nobody wants to have to do. I went for the closest bunker to reload but they were buried in the ground it was to late, the radio crackled once more, We're losing soldiers! MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!

More acid flung in the air and hit another Wocky tank. Great, one left, I thought to myself, as I past the tank's wrecked body I noticed the barrel was still intact, so I removed the poor injured soldier out of the damaged tank. I checked the targeting systems, something I would need due to my obvious lack of aim. I operated the barrel--it still worked! I unleashed a barrage of firebombs! I roasted multiple bugs and they turned upside down, they couldn't move. Bug acid struck the tank once more, it started to fall over, I stuck the gun on auto fire and leaped out before it would explode. A spectacular display of fire danced behind me, a narrow escape. I grabbed my radio, and called in, "WE NEED MORE REINFORCEMENTS!!!!"

Bug acid struck my leg and the radio flew out of my hand! Luckily, the armour took the full force of the bug juice, I was safe. I grabbed a few fireballs from the other messed up tank and headed past the destroyed bunkers and after the bugs. At that exact moment helicopters flew overhead, dropping multiple fire bombs, the last of the bugs were roasted to a crisp.

I dove for a ditch to avoid the flames, and believe it or not, my head smacked into a rock, and pretty hard too that it knocked me unconscious for a while. When I woke up, 18 of the 100 soldiers stood in front of me and said two words... "It's over."

The End

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